Chapter 189 Li Qingfeng's Doubts
Leng Mingyi opened his mouth obediently, squinted his eyes slightly, and ate the pastries fed by Mu Qianyu with a face of enjoyment, and finally nodded with a satisfied face, and then continued to eat the pastries on the table.

Everyone in the hall was shocked when they saw the interaction between the two. They had never seen a woman with such a side.Especially that super fierce woman just now.

This is exactly two people, right?This is changing too fast, right?

People like Mu Yan and Mu Qiancheng are relatively calm, because they have seen such scenes from time to time since Leng Mingyi lived in the palace, and they have long been familiar with them.

Except for the jealousy that was silently hidden in my heart, everything else was fine.

Mu Yan and Mu Qiancheng said: It's full of bitter tears!Who can imagine the heartache of a daughter controlling a younger sister?

No!No one understands them!Only they themselves know the feeling of wanting to kill someone but dare not!
Are they easy for them?not easy!
Royal Garden

Mu Qianyu stood in the pavilion by the lake and stared at the lake where her body was buried in her previous life in a daze.

When Li Qingfeng walked over, he saw Mu Qianyu, who was still active in the hall just now, seemed to be a different person, with a sad aura exuding from her body.

Those thin shoulders seemed to be carrying an unimaginable weight.He couldn't help wondering if the girl who was both strong and not gentle just now was the same person as the girl in front of him now.

"Are you here? Sit down!" Mu Qianyu immediately put away his emotions after hearing the footsteps, and smiled again on his face.

Then he sat on the stone bench next to him, leisurely got a cup of tea and handed it to Li Qingfeng.

"Thank you, I don't know why the girl came to me?" Li Qingfeng still had a foolish look, seeing the depravity of the former general in the eyes of many people, but none of them really understood why.

Mu Qianyu knew that her superficial appearance was just to cover up her truest side.

"Guess?" Mu Qianyu raised the tea cup in his hand to his mouth, then raised his eyebrows.

"Girl, this general has a feeling that you seem to know a lot about this general, including the purpose of this general's coming to Wanling."

Li Qingfeng turned the empty cup on the table, as if asking casually, or probing.

Mu Qianyu understood what he meant, but instead of responding directly to him, she changed the subject.

"I don't know if General Li knows there is a word called moths to the flame?"

"Oh? Is that so? This general seems to only know that there is a word called human effort." Li Qingfeng's pair of peach blossom eyes flashed a complicated gleam, which disappeared in a flash.

"The general also knows a word that people of the Ming Dynasty don't speak in secret. The princess should also know that the next martial artist is just a rough man. I really can't play with you people who are twisting around. Why don't the princess speak directly?"

Li Qingfeng moved his body closer to Mu Qianyu, especially his face was very close.If it was an ordinary girl, she would have been frightened by his actions and would have retreated, or she would have looked shy and wanted to refuse.

But the one sitting in front of him was Mu Qianyu. The most important thing was that Mu Qianyu really didn't have the same shy feeling towards men.

Her face was plain and her almond eyes were still calm, as if nothing could disturb the waves in her heart.

Mu Qianyu looked at Li Qingfeng with eyes like looking at a fool, which made Li Qingfeng startled, and then retreated his body silently.

(End of this chapter)

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