The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 190 The confrontation between Mu Yu and Li Qingfeng

Chapter 190 The confrontation between Mu Qianyu and Li Qingfeng
"Hey girl, what do you want? Could it be that this general offended you before? Now you are coming to seek revenge from this general?"

He just couldn't figure it out, why did this girl want to fight with him and still take care of his business.

"Li Qingfeng, no matter what you do, my princess, please remember one thing. What you are stepping on is not the land of your Yunli Kingdom, but my Wanling."

Mu Qianyu reached out and put the teacup in his hand on the table, making a "bang" sound.It is extraordinarily crisp and loud in a quiet environment.

She put her head next to Li Qingfeng's ear and continued, "You can kill whoever you want when you come out of Wanling. This princess will not control you, and I have no right to control you. But in the Palace of Wanling, you have to go through it first." This is the level of the princess."

Li Qingfeng was shocked by her words. He stared at the girl in front of him with wide eyes, looking at her in disbelief.

"You, do you really know? Why? Or do you mean that Wan Ling has already reached out to Yun Li?" He stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Qianyu's arm and asked.

"What do you think? Do you think that a small Yunli Kingdom is worth our troubles? Heh!" Mu Qianyu mocked the man in front of him.

"I'm afraid you don't think too much. Brother, wake up, the princess has already said what should be said, as for how to do it, it's all up to you. After all, the assassination in the Palace of All Souls is the most stupid way."

Seeing Li Qingfeng's thoughtful look, Mu Qianyu knew that he had listened to what he said, so he pursed his lips secretly satisfied.

"Why, why do you know these things? Why? I don't understand. Tell me, girl, who are you and why do you know everything about me?"

Li Qingfeng swallowed subconsciously, only he knew how fast his heart was beating.

Not because of nervousness, but because of fear, an inexplicable fear of the unknown.

"You don't need to know this, you just need to remember that I have stepped up my guard for this state banquet, so those people you arranged can't make any waves at all."

"Li Qingfeng, you are very smart and know how to use this state banquet to place all the blame on Wan Ling, but as you said yourself, you are simply a reckless man. Do you think Wan Ling is stupid?"

Mu Qianyu clasped his arms around his chest, tilted his head and looked at Li Qingfeng, his eyes were still full of teasing.

In fact, if it wasn't for being reborn once, she wouldn't even know what would happen in the future.

"Why help me? Don't tell me you've taken a fancy to this general! This general won't believe it!" Li Qingfeng didn't look directly at Mu Qianyu, but turned his face to the other side.

Only he himself knows how embarrassing he is now.He has lived for 20 years, and today he was educated by a little girl who is seven or eight years younger than him.

It's just too embarrassing to say it.

Mu Qianyu chuckled, knowing that he had temporarily given up on his plan.

"I thought you were someone this princess admired. This princess has heard about you a long time ago, and you have contributed to Yun Li's achievements today. So this princess does not want a hero to perish." Mu Qianyu said seriously talking.

Li Qingfeng gave him two supercilious looks for his serious look.

"Tch, what you said is so high-sounding, why don't you say that it is because you don't want your Wan Ling to be framed and lead to deterioration of relations with neighboring countries?"

(End of this chapter)

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