Chapter 196

"Uncle Leng, I'm afraid you don't know. My royal father never forces me to marry, so the man this princess likes is qualified to be my princess' consort. Even if you tell my royal father, what's the matter?" use it?"

Mu Qianyu poured himself a cup of tea again, and drank it slowly.Her eyes fell on Leng Linyuan, and then she raised her eyebrows at him.

Leng Linyuan understood the banter and sarcasm in her eyes, and smiled wryly in his heart.She was afraid that she misunderstood that what his father said today was ordered by him.

Did they get this far after all?

"Then I don't know what impression niece Xian has of us, Ming Yi? I wonder if it has met the standard you like?"

Everyone present were stunned when Emperor Yuncang's words came out.Even the hand of Jun Jingyu, who had been eating and drinking, was frozen in the air when he was holding the chicken leg and putting it into his mouth.

What did he say?What did he just say?

Mu Qianyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and the momentum on his body instantly tilted out.There was a meaningful smile on the corner of her mouth.

it is good!very good!How dare he use Xiao Yi to force her.

"Uncle Leng, I wonder if you are getting old? My daughter is just thirteen this year, so you can't wait to get married, or... do you have any ulterior secrets?"

"Oh, niece Xian, that's not what you said! You and Mingyi are not right and wrong, aren't you? Also, it's not that niece Xian, you are so outstanding, there are so many people staring at you , of course I have to make a reservation in advance!"

Emperor Yuncang's words stood out without any problem and meant something, which made the people sitting below eager to move.

Almost everyone present was here for Mu Qianyu.So how could it be possible to be willing to be taken first by others?So many people also left their seats and came to the stage.

Some people even started to grab positions, fearing that they would lose their chances if they were pushed down by others.

Seeing the chaotic scene under the stage, Mu Yan's face, which hadn't turned around, became even more gloomy.


"Enough! You are endless! Who this princess wants to marry, and who to choose is my own business! It has nothing to do with Wan Ling, and it has nothing to do with other people!
As long as it is the one that the princess likes, even if it is a street beggar, the princess is willing to marry. "

The coldness and sharpness released from Mu Qianyu's narrowed eyes made everyone startled.

Mu Yan and Concubine Yu looked at each other, then chuckled secretly.This is what Mu Qianyu can say.

Even marrying a beggar, even if they really marry an ordinary civilian, they will firmly oppose it, let alone a beggar.

This girl really speaks for herself!
"Father, mother and concubine, the servants are a little tired, so let's go down first. Xiao Yi is gone." Mu Qianyu immediately pulled Leng Mingyi out of the hall after saying that.

This movement is like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any pause at all.

When everyone reacted, Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi had disappeared into the hall.


Leng Linyuan stared in a daze at the direction in which Mu Qianyu and Leng Mingyi disappeared. When he came back to his senses, he turned his head and met Qiao Luo's affectionate eyes.

Seeing him looking towards her, Qiao Luo instantly withdrew her gaze.Her eyes dodged, and a look of embarrassment and shyness appeared on her face.

Her heart beats so fast!It feels like jumping out.She forcibly suppressed the joy in her heart and kept herself as calm as possible.

 Adding an extra chapter today is a temporary decision!

(End of this chapter)

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