The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 197 Empress Yuncang's Hatred

Chapter 197 Empress Yuncang's Hatred

It's just that he didn't see it, Leng Linyuan only glanced at her and then moved his gaze elsewhere, let alone seeing the disgust in his eyes.

When Qiao Luo looked at him, he had seen too much.This kind of gaze used to be seen no matter where he went.

It's just that he didn't expect that Qiao Luo would push Mu Qianyu to such a situation at a state banquet.

Aren't they good friends?Not best friends?Why is this happening?

Leng Linyuan didn't understand the twists and turns between women, not to mention he had never guessed what a girl was thinking.

"Okay, okay! Everyone, go back and get back to your seats." Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, Mu Yan immediately came out to adjust the situation.

"Everyone has also heard what the little girl said. She doesn't like that no one can force her, and I have no intention of selling my daughter, so don't mention this matter again."

All the people drooped their heads immediately when they heard Mu Yan's words. They came here full of hope just to get Princess Wanling's favor this time.

The result is good now, and they can only return disappointed.Emperor Yuncang looked at Mu Yan with hatred, and then sat back in his seat silently.

How dare Mu Yan make him lose face in front of so many people, he will definitely settle this debt in the future, and will definitely get it back doubled.

Empress Yuncang looked at Emperor Yuncang viciously, her eyes were full of hatred.

He thought that it was time for him to give up on Leng Mingyi, and he thought that even if he took Leng Mingyi back, he would not pay any more attention to him.

As a result, he really gave her such a big surprise today.Today he actually wants to propose marriage to that fool?

Why?Why does that fool have to live in this world and block his way all the time, why?Why doesn't he die?
How could that fool be compared with his Yuan'er?Her Yuan'er is the most capable and most qualified person in Yuncang to sit on the throne.

She will never allow any existence that threatens Leng Linyuan, absolutely!

And Leng Linyuan, whom she had always placed high hopes on, didn't care what he was thinking at all, he just stood up and walked out.


Royal Garden

Mu Qianyu was sitting on the swing, and Leng Mingyi behind her was pushing her. She was swinging on the swing, and she felt much better.

"Xiao Yi, come and sit." Mu Qianyu moved to one side, and then made room on her left side.She reached out and patted the seat beside her, signaling Leng Mingyi to sit down.

Leng Mingyi cracked a big smile at the corner of his mouth, and then ran to sit down in front of the swing.

"The baby is unhappy." Leng Mingyi turned his face to Mu Qianyu's side, looking at Mu Qianyu seriously.

Mu Qianyu was startled when he heard his words, and then chuckled.She reached out and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, then approached Leng Mingyi and asked, "Xiao Yi is very powerful, then guess why I am unhappy?"

Leng Mingyi stretched out his hand and scratched his head, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, he asked with some uncertainty: "Is it because of those bad guys in the hall?"

"Hmm! Really smart!" Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi's handsome face in a daze. After today's state banquet, he wondered how Yun Cang's people would treat Leng Mingyi.

And the biggest possibility is that Yun Cang's people took him back to his place.He was destined not to belong here and was destined not to stay by her side forever.

"Qianqian, Xiaoyi." Just as they were getting along quietly, there was another person in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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