Chapter 217 Xiao Yi is stimulated
I know you have always wanted to grow up, so learning to accept and face these difficulties is something that must be experienced.

I don't want to force you to tell what happened in the past, and I don't want you to do it. I just hope that you can come out soon. "

Leng Mingyi looked at Mu Qianyu in some confusion, a hint of panic and fear flashed in his eyes.

face?those memories?

He didn't want to, he would be afraid, he didn't dare to think about everything about Yuncang.

Because there, except for the dead nanny, no one is willing to treat him kindly, and even bully the nanny.

How did he get here in those years?He seems to have forgotten it!

It seems that it has been a long time, it has been a long time!
Leng Mingyi's thoughts were drawn back to the very distant past, the memory that he has been subconsciously hiding in the deepest part of his heart all these years, that distant place - Yun Cang.

In that place, the people closest to him should have wanted to put him to death, the people he trusted the most cheated her time and time again, and everyone who loved him the most was killed by those so-called relatives, right in front of him What is it like?
Pain, the pain in my heart is like being lingering, the pain is so suffocating, the pain is so painful that I forget who I am and where I am.The pain felt like the world in front of my eyes was covered in blood.

red!Bright red blood!

It continued to flow on the ground, and a pool of blood gradually appeared on the ground.

Leng Mingyi's breathing gradually became heavier and heavier, and he stretched out his right hand to attach to his heart.

"Xiao Yi, what's the matter with you?" Mu Qianyu sensed the change in Leng Mingyi's breath, and reacted instantly.

She reached out and hugged Leng Mingyi in her arms, wrapped her hands tightly around Leng Mingyi's waist, and patted his back lightly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Be good, I'm here. Xiaoyi, you have to learn to face it, you have to learn to be brave, be brave, so that the enemy won't see you clearly and look down on you."

Leng Mingyi didn't speak, but Mu Qianyu could feel his body trembling.

"Hey, don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Xiaoyi, I'm always here, I'm here, and I will protect you. So don't be afraid, okay? Be good!"

"Xiao Yi, you have to understand a truth: it is impossible for a person to live with pain for a lifetime, that would be too tiring. I know you have suffered a lot in the past, but we should look forward, shouldn't we?"

"Baby, will you stay with Xiaoyi all the time?" Leng Mingyi's mood gradually improved, and gradually calmed down.

It's just that Mu Qianyu didn't see that the face that was resting on Mu Qianyu's shoulder at this time was no longer full of fear and fear.

Especially those eyes, without the ignorant and confused look before.

Yes, this Leng Mingyi is the Leng Mingyi who has been imprisoned in Leng Mingyi's body, and is the soul of Leng Mingyi's previous life.

Since Leng Mingyi's memory in Yuncang was picked up again, Leng Mingyi was greatly stimulated.

And the fluctuation of Leng Mingyi's mood is the best time for him to see the light of day again.

Mu Qianyu was stunned for a while when he heard the question he asked, and then put away the complicated look in his eyes.

"Xiao Yi, you have to remember that as long as you don't want to do something, no one can force you to do it. As long as you want to stay in Wanling, the door of Wanling will always be open for you."

Mu Qianyu didn't answer his question, but changed the subject.

Because of the question Leng Mingyi asked, she didn't know how to answer it.

(End of this chapter)

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