Chapter 218 Counting Fingers
Leng Mingyi was stunned by Mu Qianyu's words, a faint light flashed in his blue eyes, and then disappeared in a flash.

Then he returned to his usual stupid look, and asked Mu Qianyu in the most immature tone: "Baby, is what you said true? Didn't you lie to Xiaoyi?"

"Of course, you can stay here as long as you want." No one can take you away from here.

"Little fool, what are you thinking? Hurry up and pack up and eat!" Seeing that Leng Mingyi had been in a daze, Mu Qianyu reached out and rubbed the top of his head. Ming Yi's freshly combed hair is messed up.

"Okay, okay! Eat! Eat!" As soon as Leng Mingyi heard that he was going to start eating again, all the worries in his heart disappeared, and only the word "eat" remained in his mind.

Mu Qianyu shook his head helplessly, this guy is indeed a foodie, as long as he mentions food, he can forget everything.

"Baby, Xiaoyi wants to eat braised pork, chicken drumsticks, fish, um... seems to want sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Leng Mingyi counted what he wanted to eat one by one with his fingers food.

The way he earnestly snapped his fingers made people laugh.

Simply too cute!

"Okay! I'll eat it all! I'll eat it all!"

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the shadows of the two walking together hand in hand stretched very long.


At night, a slight cold wind blows, exuding a bone-piercing chill.

Jun Jingyu's room
"Apart from going to play these days, you have been staying in Wanling?" A rough and powerful voice sounded in the empty room, giving people an invisible pressure.

The man sitting on the chair and drinking tea leisurely glanced at the man standing in front of him from his corner of the eye.

The man was about 40 years old, the hair on his head was already a little gray, and the traces of time could be seen on his face.

"Returning to my father, my son didn't intend to stay here, but just traveled here by chance."

Jun Jingyu clasped his fists and saluted the man sitting on the chair in defense.

"No? But why do I think there is?" The man's eyes were slightly narrowed, and a chill burst out.

Jun Jingyu stood straight on the spot without speaking, only to hear the Beiyue emperor say again: "You have been playing outside these few years, but you haven't found anything interesting? Come, tell your father."

Jun Jingyu raised his head and looked at the North Vietnamese emperor.

He knew that it was the emperor of North Vietnam who was testing him. He had seen this kind of method a lot these years, and he had long since become numb.

Facing his biological father's repeated questioning, he could only express his suffering and hide all his emotions in his heart.

"Back to Emperor Father, I have been going to some rural places these days, it is really not worth mentioning. I am afraid that my story will spoil Emperor Father's ears, so I will not tell it?"

"Hahaha! It's okay! Just talk! Zhongzhen has been in the palace all these years, and I don't know what it's like to be in the countryside."

The North Vietnamese emperor put the teacup in his hand on the table and laughed loudly.

"Father, there is really no fun and interesting place in the countryside. There is no way for the villagers to live together. They gather to chat when the farming is slack, and meet to work in their own fields when the farming is busy.

There are also some trivial things, in short, life is very comfortable. "

The Beiyue emperor looked up at Jun Jingyu, and saw the longing and anticipation in those eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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