Chapter 224

Empress Yuncang's words completely stunned the nanny.His son, she didn't seem to have seen him in these years, so she didn't know if he was living well!

Have you ever gotten married, started a business, or lived a hard life?Do you miss her?

"How about it? You should think about what I told you, which one do you want to keep. Or die together?"

Empress Yuncang stood up and put her head in front of grandma, and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

The nanny was startled, she raised her head and met those murderous eyes.

At that time, when he saw the nanny fell to the ground, he couldn't hold back and rushed out.

Perhaps because of his appearance, for some unknown reason, Empress Yuncang's complexion became very bad, so gloomy that it was outrageous.

"Leng Mingyi? Very good, you came just in time. Your nanny is sick, help her to rest in the house." Queen Yuncang quickly put on a trademark smile.

He was young and ignorant at the time, so he went straight to Empress Yuncang's house to ask her why she bullied the nanny.

The nanny is one of the most important people in his life. In those years, he never saw his mother. It was the nanny who took good care of him and protected him.

So in his heart, the nanny was never a dispensable servant, she was his family, just like his own mother.

So he couldn't see anyone bullying the nanny, let alone being bullied by the woman he disliked the most.

"Oh! Brat, which eye of yours saw me bullying your nanny? Did you see me move a finger of her?"

"You, you kicked the nanny! That's bullying!" At that time, he questioned Empress Yuncang ignorantly, completely ignoring those so-called rules.

Later, I don't know which words I said angered Empress Yuncang, and Empress Yuncang suddenly became angry. With a wave of her arm, she swept all the teacups on the stone table to the ground.

At that time, he was just a child and didn't understand anything, so when he heard the sound of the teacup shattering, his face turned pale with fright.

The nanny held him in her arms and protected him tightly. She begged Empress Yuncang to forgive her behavior, but Empress Yuncang simply ignored her.

She directly called the nurses standing beside her, and pulled the nurse aside, while he was dragged aside by the maid.

They are struggling, but those people are so numerous that they don't have the slightest capital to fight them.

He could only watch helplessly as the nanny was slapped by those nuns.

After about a stick of incense, those people were still slapping their ears again and again.

The nanny's face was already swollen, and at first she still struggled and cried out for injustice, but later, she no longer had the strength to cry out.

Because people are knives and I am fish.No one will come to rescue them, they are just abandoned people, abandoned by the entire palace, abandoned by the entire Yuncang.

He struggled subconsciously, wanting to run to the opposite side to get rid of those bad guys and nanny, and wanted to save the nanny, but he was too young to break free from the confinement of those people.

He was crying and yelling, trying to show his helplessness and despair, but no one would pay attention to him.

It wasn't until the nurse couldn't bear it and fainted that Empress Yuncang stopped the nurses.

The maids here also let go, without the confinement and obstruction of those maids, he rushed straight to the nanny.

(End of this chapter)

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