The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 225 Brother Chapter 247 Crazy Woman

Chapter 225 Brother Chapter 247 Crazy Woman

He remembered that he cried very sadly and desperately that day, the only sound of his crying was left in the whole yard.

It was at that moment that a seed of hatred was planted in his heart, and a land was found in his heart, where it grew infinitely.

"Crazy woman, bad woman!" He ran in front of Empress Yuncang, and beat Empress Yuncang's legs frantically with his weak strength.

Because he was very thin at the time, he could only reach Empress Yuncang's legs.

At that time, Empress Yuncang kicked him flying, and he fell down more than ten meters away, and slowly struggled on the ground. ...

Once again he rushed in front of Empress Yuncang, and he glared at Empress Yuncang with his own eyes.

For some reason, there was a hint of fear in her expression. He didn't know why before, but after seeing the portrait of his concubine, he realized that it was not him, but his concubine that Empress Yuncang was afraid of.

It was only later that he found out that his mother and concubine died not because of dystocia when giving birth to him, but because they had been given chronic poison before giving birth.

On the day of delivery, Empress Yuncang poured a large amount of poison on his mother and concubine, and his mother and concubine insisted on giving birth to him before she died.

"Leng Mingyi, what do you want to do? Do you want to hit me or kill me? You are so vicious at such a young age, come here!"

As soon as Empress Yuncang finished speaking, a few nuns behind him ran up, pressed Leng Mingyi's shoulders according to Empress Yuncang's instructions, and pressed his head hard to the ground.

He kept struggling, but later he realized that struggling was useless, so he simply gave up.

"Leng Mingyi, you are really as despicable as that bitch of yours, and just as annoying, making people want to kill you after just a few glances!"

Empress Yuncang knelt down and reached out to pinch his chin.

At this time, Empress Yuncang's face was twisted together, the whole facial features looked very hideous and terrifying, and there was also a gloomy feeling.

The empress Yuncang he had seen before was always smiling dignifiedly.Although he could feel that Empress Yuncang didn't like him, there had never been a time like that time that made him feel scared.

"Are you curious why I treat you like this? Heh! It's not because you blocked my emperor's way! Yuan'er's throne will never be threatened by anyone. And you are a threat."

"It's been a gift to you to keep you alive in this world all these years, but you're still on board Yuan'er? Do you still want him to protect you? It's just impossible!"

Empress Yun Cang loosened the restraint on him and threw his face aside.

A few red marks from fingers had already appeared on that fair and immature face, which formed a sharp contrast with that fair and almost transparent face.

Panting heavily, he looked at the crazy woman on the ground, only to hear her continue: "Leng Mingyi, you don't deserve to stay by Yuan'er's side at all, and his side must be able to challenge his throne. Helpful people, what are you!"

"Don't think that he is treating you well by teaching you a few words. He just wants to let you relax your vigilance, and then lose your trust, and finally get rid of you. I have to say that Leng Linyuan is worthy of my son. The means are really ruthless."

The corners of Empress Yuncang's lips curled into a smug smile, as if she was showing off how smart her child was, and also seemed proud.

"You lie. You are a liar."

(End of this chapter)

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