Chapter 244 Xiao Yi Cried
Qiao Luo looked at Mu Qianyu in disbelief, she couldn't believe it!Now that you know, shouldn't you be angry with her?Shouldn't you break up with her?
"Silly girl! You think too much! This matter is not a big deal, is it? For me, the most important thing is always family and friends!"

Mu Qianyu helplessly reached out and rubbed the top of Qiao Luo's head.

"Luoluo, you have to know that in this world, no matter what happens, it will not affect our relationship, because we are friends, best friends."

Qiao Luo looked at the firmness in Mu Qianyu's eyes, and a sense of shame suddenly rose in his heart.

yes!They are friends, best friends!

"Qianqian, thank you! Thank you for being willing to forgive me and accept me as a friend."

The two looked at each other and smiled. In the years to come, today's conversation has been buried deep in their hearts, and it is their tacit secret.

In the days that followed, nothing could tear their relationship apart or drive it apart.


When Mu Qianyu came to Leng Mingyi's room, he found that it was quiet and scary.

She frowned, then opened the door and walked in.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, are you there?"

But the only response to her was silence.

An ominous premonition rose in her heart for no reason, but she didn't stop her footsteps and continued walking inside.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, wake up!"

When she walked to the bed, she realized that Leng Mingyi was sleeping, but he didn't seem to be sleeping peacefully, his eyebrows were tightly wrinkled all the time, forming a small gully.

Mu Qianyu sat on the edge of the bed and called Leng Mingyi's name, trying to wake him up, but it didn't seem to work.

Leng Mingyi continued to fall asleep, not waking up from the dream.

"Xiao Yi, wake up! Wake up! Why don't you go to sleep? The dreams are all fake, wake up!"

Mu Qianyu called Leng Mingyi's name over and over again, trying to wake him up.

Leng Mingyi who was in his sleep suddenly opened his eyes, his pair of blue eyes were frighteningly empty at that moment, like a lifeless person, full of dead silence.

The focus of his eyes gradually converged, and finally fell on Mu Qianyu's face.

When Mu Qianyu was staring at Leng Mingyi in a daze, Leng Mingyi directly stretched out his hands to hold Mu Qianyu in his arms, his hands gradually tightened, because he hadn't completely come out of the dream, he kept panting.

"What... what's the matter? Are you having nightmares again? Be good! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! I'm here, I'm here."

Leng Mingyi didn't speak, but shed tears silently where Mu Qianyu didn't see it.

Two lines of tears ran across Leng Mingyi's face until they fell onto Mu Qianyu's clothes and melted into the clothes, leaving only a small water stain and finally blended into the clothes.

"Xiao Yi, be good! Don't be's just a dream, it's all fake! You have to trust me! I won't leave, let go first, okay?"

Mu Qianyu struggled gently, and Leng Mingyi hugged her so tightly that her waist felt a little painful now.

"No! No! Xiao Yi can't let go, the doll will disappear and can't be found again! Don't!"

That's not a dream, it's a real thing that happened, not a dream!

If it is really possible, he would rather it be a dream, because only dreams are false, Leng Mingyi thought secretly in his heart.

 Woohoo, my heart hurts!There is a reason why we Xiaoyi are like this!It's just that Ah Fei hasn't written anything about the past life!

  Ah Fei will write as soon as possible!
  Let me cry for a while first!woo woo woo...

(End of this chapter)

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