The foolish king seduces his wife: the princess wants to hug

Chapter 245 1 Straight One Straight One Up

Chapter 245

"Okay! I didn't say I was going to leave, did I? Xiao Yi, you have to be good, you hug me too tightly, it hurts me."

Hearing Mu Qianyu's cry of pain, Leng Mingyi finally relaxed a little, but a pair of strong arms still tightly wrapped around Mu Qianyu, imprisoning her, preventing her from escaping.

"Xiaoyi, don't leave the baby. If you don't want the baby to leave Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi will be sad. Woooooo... don't leave Xiaoyi, okay? Xiaoyi will listen to the baby in the future! He will definitely listen to the baby! Woooooo... ..."

Hearing Leng Mingyi's cry, Mu Qianyu frowned, her heart hurt like being stabbed by a knife, and she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Anyway, she didn't like this feeling.

"Xiao Yi, tell me, what happened? What did you dream about?"

Mu Qianyu coaxed Leng Mingyi for a long time before coaxing him well, and finally he no longer cried alone, but was still sobbing non-stop.

The look of a pair of blue eyes rippling with water mist will make people feel pity for no reason.

"Hmm...Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi dreamed that the doll was missing, and Xiao Yi couldn't find it after searching for a long time! Xiao Yi searched many places, but he couldn't find the doll! Does the doll not want Xiao Yi anymore?"

"How could it be! Xiaoyi is so good, why doesn't he want Xiaoyi anymore? Xiaoyi, it's just a dream, don't think too much about it! Dreams are usually reversed, so what you dream of is not real of."

Mu Qianyu stroked the top of Leng Mingyi's head pityingly, comforting Leng Mingyi gently.

"Really...Really? Baby is not allowed to lie to Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi will never leave Baby in the future, never ever!" Leng Mingyi hugged Mu Qianyu tightly in his arms next time.

"Forever...?" Mu Qianyu was held in Leng Mingyi's arms in a daze, as if something was gradually splitting deep in her heart.

She whispered softly what Leng Mingyi said just now, forever?She didn't know how long this eternity was, and she didn't dare to promise easily.

yes!Life is full of changes, should she accept Xiao Yi and tell Xiao Yi what she wants?

Xiao Yi is just a child, he doesn't understand these things at all, if one day Xiao Yi becomes better, will they still be like this?

Can't you?At this time, Leng Mingyi may just be dependent on her for no reason, but if he no longer needs her in the future, where should she go?

Leng Mingyi didn't know what Mu Qianyu was thinking, he only knew that he was not that fool now, he should speak out his thoughts at this time, at least to fight for himself the chance to stay by Mu Qianyu's side.

"Yes, yes! Forever! Brother Yu said that forever means being together forever and never being separated. Xiaoyi also wants to be together with Wawa forever and never be separated."

There was a strange light in Leng Mingyi's eyes, and there was a trace of yearning and expectation in them.This look made Mu Qianyu startled.

"Okay, let's go for a walk, shall we? It's sunny outside, and you'll feel better if you take a walk. Let's go!"

When Leng Mingyi heard that Mu Qianyu changed the subject directly, the expression in his eyes, which were so shining just now, instantly darkened.

Doll, are you still unwilling to accept him?Or is it because he is a fool, so he doesn't want to spend his life with a fool?

The more I think about it, the more confused my heart becomes, and even my breathing becomes short of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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