Chapter 279 How Long Can He Live?
When Mu Qianyu heard this, she took a few steps back. Fortunately, Yuzhu Yulan behind her supported her in time to prevent her from falling to the ground.




"It's okay, old mister, just tell me he's okay?" Mu Qianyu's face was so pale that it was frightening, as if he was about to faint in the next second, and it made people feel distressed just looking at it.

"I have given him medicine and he will wake up soon, but he won't be awake for too long every day."

"And he needs to recuperate, he needs to maintain a good mood, and he must never leave people's care."

The old man Xuankong sighed slightly, and looked at Mu Qianyu with some pity.

He witnessed the two of them go from knowing each other to getting along with each other.The final separation, and then the rebirth.

Although in this life he never saw the two of them get along and love each other.

But he knew that it was really difficult for the two of them, and he couldn't understand why God would break up a pair of lovers like this.

"Crazy old man, has Xiao Yi really been like this all his life? Is there any other way or medicine?"

Jun Jingyu also rushed forward, holding on to the sleeve of the old man Xuankong.

The old man Xuankong shook his head lightly, indicating no.

It's not that he doesn't want to save him, it's just that he has no way to save the fool right now.

"Then you can tell me, how long can he live?" Mu Qianyu pushed away, and Yuzhu Yulan who supported her walked forward.

Mu Qianyu's words were astonishing, and her words shocked everyone present.

They all knew how much Mu Qianyu cared about Leng Mingyi, so they didn't believe that such words came from the mouth of a little girl like him.

"You don't need to look at me like that, I just want to know how long I can stay with him!" Mu Qianyu showed a weak smile.

No matter how long it is, she will be with him.

"..." The old man Xuankong was silent for a while.

"I don't know. It depends on his usual state. He hasn't woken up yet!"

"Okay, you all go out, I want to stay quietly with him for a while!"

Mu Qianyu slowly walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, gently stroking his sleeping face with his own hands.

I don't know if it was because of the effect of the medicine, his body has gradually returned to temperature.

Mu Qianyu could feel that his body was no longer so cold, although it was still very cold.

Mu Yan and Mu Qiancheng looked at each other, and finally they walked out one after another.

"Fool, do you know how happy I am when I know you can wake up? Finally... the feeling of holding you is no longer cold! It's like hugging a dead person, and my heart hurts."

I will always be with you in the future, no matter how long our journey is, I will always be by your side, never leave, this is my promise to you and to myself.

Mu Qianyu gently ran her fingers over Leng Mingyi's face, and she used her fingers to gently describe Leng Mingyi's delicate and beautiful face.

Last night she had that dream again, she dreamed of that back, that familiar but unfamiliar back.

In fact, she already had an answer in her heart to tell herself that the back view was his.

It's just that she didn't know why she dreamed of such a scene. It was a place she had never been to, but it was very familiar.

She wondered if she lost her memory, or forgot something?

She hoped so, because it was a beautiful place and she liked it very much.

If that place is real, she wants to go there with him, just the two of them.

There is a sea of ​​flowers, an old tree, and a thatched cottage.

There is also a plum grove.

She had never noticed it when she was dreaming before, but yesterday she saw it.

She saw snowflakes flying all over the sky in winter, and a few red plum blossoms blooming their lives in the snow, so beautiful and so bright red.

If there is such a place in this world, she really wants to go and see it, to experience the life there, the atmosphere there, and the back view.

It's very strange and subtle, when he first dreamed of that figure from behind, he had never seen Leng Mingyi.

Could this be the fate in the legend?


"Cough cough cough cough cough!" The next morning, the drowsy Leng Mingyi gradually opened his eyes.

"Water...water..." Leng Mingyi didn't know where he was, his eyes were blurred, and his mouth was dry.

"Hmm..." Xu Shi heard Leng Mingyi's voice, and Mu Qianyu also opened his eyes.

"Little Yi, are you awake?" Mu Qianyu looked at Leng Mingyi who had opened his eyes in surprise, a slight curve appeared on the corner of his lips, and a layer of mist gradually appeared in his eyes.

She immediately ran to the table, picked up the teacup and poured water, and helped Leng Mingyi up.

Leng Mingyi eagerly drank the water handed to his mouth.

"Slow down! No rush, no rush..." Mu Qianyu smiled, and gently stroked Leng Mingyi's back with his hands.

"Baby, Xiao Yi misses you so much!" Leng Mingyi stared at Mu Qianyu's pale cheeks, a flash of distress flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared.

"Good! Me too! As long as you're fine!" Mu Qianyu threw herself into Leng Mingyi's arms, unable to hold back the tears in her eyes anymore.

Finally, all the things I did were exchanged for a glimmer of hope.

very nice……

Xiaoyi went to a very dark place before, Xiaoyi couldn't find the doll, Xiaoyi couldn't see anything, woo woo woo..."

"Don't cry, don't cry..." Mu Qianyu patted Leng Mingyi's back distressedly, and comforted him softly.

"Our little Yi is the most obedient, bravest and strongest! So don't cry, auntie!" Mu Qianyu silently thanked God in her heart, thanking her little Yi for coming back.

"Well... Xiaoyi won't cry, don't cry! Xiaoyi is so good!" Leng Mingyi broke away from Mu Qianyu's arms, rubbing his eyes and wiping away his tears with his hands.

There was more joy in his heart than sorrow. In the enchantment, when he made up his mind to hurt his heart, he had already planned to fail.

He thought he would never see her again in his life, but he didn't expect to see her again.

"Is Xiaoyi hungry? I'll ask someone to prepare something to eat!"

Mu Qianyu stretched out his hand and pulled Leng Mingyi's hand that was rubbing his eyes vigorously, and scolded: "Xiao Yi, don't rub your eyes with your hands!"

"Yeah, don't rub, don't rub!" Leng Mingyi saw that Mu Qianyu's face was a little angry, and quickly put his hands behind his back.

Mu Qianyu was amused by her childish action.

"Wait, I'll get you something to eat!" Mu Qianyu smiled, stood up and walked out.It's just that she just took half a step when she felt her sleeves tighten.

"Don't leave, don't let the baby leave!" Leng Mingyi's eyes were gradually covered with mist, and he looked at Mu Qianyu pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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