Chapter 280 She Said She Missed Me
Mu Qianyu felt a little soft when she saw Leng Mingyi like this, but she had to leave, otherwise her little Yi would be hungry.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed the top of Leng Mingyi's head, coaxing softly.

"Xiao Yi, I'm not leaving. I'm just preparing food for you. Are you hungry after sleeping for so long?"

Leng Mingyi blinked his eyes twice, then looked down at his stomach, and soon there was a gurgling sound from his stomach.

Leng Mingyi's face had an extra layer of pink, and his hands gradually loosened Mu Qianyu's sleeves.

"The doll has to come back quickly, don't make my aunt wait too long! Xiaoyi doesn't want to be alone anymore, Xiaoyi is afraid!"

Leng Mingyi's words made Mu Qianyu feel a little pain in his heart.

Although she didn't know what happened to Leng Mingyi while she was asleep, she could guess that it must be something bad.

"it is good."

Mu Qianyu knew that he had just woken up and was already insecure, so he agreed immediately.

Until Mu Qianyu's figure disappeared into the room, Leng Mingyi's ice blue eyes gradually faded away from confusion, ignorance, and clarity.Instead, there is a trace of clarity, as well as doubts and confusion.

He remembered thinking he was dead from the moment he passed out.

It's just that I didn't expect him to come back alive. Could it be that he came?
But doesn't he never go down the mountain?Since his rebirth, he had sworn that he would never come out of the mountain again. Could it be because of him this time?
"Xiao Yi, you're awake!"

Jun Jingyu, who had just stepped into the door with one foot, originally wanted to take a look, but when he saw the figure sitting on the bed in a daze, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he rushed to the window in a hurry.

"Well, is the crazy old man here?"

" you Yi?" A pair of dark eyes were full of disbelief.

"Otherwise, do you think it's that fool?" Leng Mingyi squinted at Jun Jingyu, as if looking at a fool, and then turned his head away.

"..." Jun Jingyu's mouth twitched.Didn't he react for a while?

"Tell me quickly, what happened! Do you know that your body suddenly became extremely cold, did you hurt your heart?"

Leng Mingyi nodded slightly, looking at Shang Jun Jingyu's eyes full of anger, feeling a little guilty.

When he sacrificed his heart back then, the crazy old man had clearly told him that his heart must not be hurt in the slightest.

Because no one knows what the consequences of that are.

"Are you crazy! You don't want to die! Are you sick? Why are you humiliating yourself again and again for that woman!"

Although Jun Jingyu already had the answer in his heart, but when Leng Mingyi said it himself, the anger in his heart was even more difficult to restrain.

"You have never loved someone, so you have no right to say that!" Leng Mingyi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and he silently lowered his head.

"You know what? At first I was conscious when I was in a coma, and I heard her talking to me every day by my bedside.

She told me that he missed me, he wanted to see me again, to see my eyes, to see me smile.

He said he likes me when I smile and I look good when I smile! "The acquaintance Leng Mingyi raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth as he recalled.

Jun Jingyu shook his head secretly.

Crazy, just crazy!
"What does it matter if you hurt yourself! Even so, you can hurt yourself! Do you know how much we paid to save your life!"

If Jun Jingyu hadn't seen that Leng Mingyi was still weak, he would have gone up and punched him a few times.

"She cried for me, she said she wanted to be with me forever, she said she wanted to travel with me a little bit, take me to eat delicious food all over the world, she also said that she wanted me to marry her..."

"You know? How shocked I was when I heard those words. All this school year's hard work paid off, didn't it? I love her, and I want to see her, even if it costs me my life!"

"You..." Jun Jingyu felt as if he had punched cotton, and there was nowhere to vent his anger.

"Just do it, sooner or later you will kill yourself!"

"I'm sorry to make you worry, this time I admit that I was too willful.

But I don't regret it, I'm a man, I won't watch my beloved woman cry without being indifferent, when you have someone you love, you will understand! "Leng Mingyi still had the image of Mu Qianyu crying in front of her window flashing in his mind.

Although he could only hear the voice and feel her head resting on his chest, he could feel her injury and her pain.

"Okay, I can't say enough about you, let me tell you about your current situation!" Jun Jingyu understood Leng Mingyi's temperament, so he could only give in.

"The crazy old man said that you may always fall asleep first, and you will have very little time to wake up every day. In the days to come, you may not be able to do without someone to take care of you."


Leng Mingyi was silent, he knew what this meant.

"What are you going to do next? Leave or stay?" Jun Jingyu looked at the unconcealed loss and helplessness on Leng Mingyi's face, and felt a little pain in his heart.

"I have no idea……"

Leng Mingyi kept his head down and didn't raise it.He didn't know how to choose.

The purpose of his rebirth was to save her and make her fall in love with him.

Now he feels that he is about to achieve it, but he has become her burden in this life.

If he sleeps most of the day, it means that people around him have to take care of him all the time.

How could he bear to suffer such pain...

She is a princess, spoiled and spoiled since childhood.

She has never taken care of anyone, even sometimes it is difficult for that silly girl to take care of herself, how can she take care of him?

Besides, no one would agree, the Emperor Wanling, Prince Wanling, courtiers of Wanling, even the people of Wanling, maybe even the baby himself would be shaken.

But if there is no her in his life, then what's the point of his rebirth?

"Xiao Yi, come and eat!" Mu Qianyu walked in with a tray.

It was the porridge she made by herself. He knew that Leng Mingyi had just woken up, so it was not suitable for eating too greasy food.

"Baby, are finally back! Xiaoyi misses you so much!" The moment Mu Qianyu entered the room, Leng Mingyi instantly changed back to that stupid look.

When he saw Mu Qianyu come back, a big smile appeared on his face.

Mu Qianyu walked to the bedside with the porridge in his bowl.

"Xiao Yi is hungry, eat quickly!"

"Feed, feed! Feed the baby!" Leng Mingyi looked excitedly at the porridge in Mu Qianyu's hand.

He has basically not eaten for so many days in a coma, of course he is already unbearably hungry.

"Okay! Hey! Open your mouth!"

"..." The corners of Jun Jingyu's mouth and eyes twitched at the same time.

Why does he feel so redundant?

Ok!He's always been that extra.

(End of this chapter)

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