Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 134 Changes.

Chapter 134 Changes.

Two years, a year and a half to be precise, this period is quite a long time for ordinary people, but it is just a retreat for monks.

But in this short period of more than a year, this prosperous Zhongzhou seems to be surging.

The power that was originally like a pyramid has been hit!
More than a year ago, Shi Yu ordered, led by Huang Quanyu, to play the title of Tiange, accompanied by more than a dozen Douhuang Douzong, plus her super-standard combat power, directly caused a storm in Zhongzhou.

In less than half a year, Sifang Pavilion was completely destroyed by her. Of course, because of Huangquan Pavilion, she actually only destroyed three.

Relying on the dividends of the war, Shi Yu's Tiange has developed astonishingly.

Taking advantage of the trend, Shi Yu began to harvest the pharmacists in Zhongzhou with the slogan of unlimited medicinal materials.

Although many people didn't believe it and thought it was grandstanding, reality is reality and Shi Yu fulfilled his promise.

Because of the role model, it is true that all the pharmacists in the world return to Tiange, and then the chemical reaction is born from it.

Unlimited medicinal materials, a large number of pharmacists, the combination of the two, to put it bluntly, Shi Yu's subordinates can really eat one and throw one away.

Then the signature effect came. Seeing that Shi Yu's subordinates are so rich, so good, and the benefits are so high, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. This is nature.

After that, Tiange began to fight Sangu again. This time, when dealing with Ice River Valley, the core executives of Tiange did not do anything at all. Zhongzhou is still a relatively powerful force, but it was wiped out abruptly.

It was also in the Glacier Valley that Shi Yu got the solution to the Enan poisonous body.

After all, in the original book, the owner of the Glacier Valley turned himself into an Houtian Evil and poisonous body. Do you think he would do this if he had no way to control it?
Of course, Shi Yu also took a look, and found that it was just a temporary solution, not the root cause.

In fact, it is similar to the poison pill method in the original book. After Shi Yu looked at its explanation of the Enandu body, he threw it directly into the warehouse to eat ashes.

As I said before, he has other arrangements for the little doctor, and he is also a goddaughter after all, and he has evil thoughts about her.

With the addition of the two, it is natural to take good care of her!
And Yingu is the same as the first inquiring news, there is a master hidden in it, an old woman who is a peak half saint.

It's just that she was tired of fighting, and under the shock of Huang Quanyu, she took Yingu directly and merged into the Tiange!

And she also became an idle elder of Tiange. Of course, this is a nice way of saying it, but she is actually a guest!
Then there is Fenyan Valley. Although they have hidden a one-star Dou Sheng, even close to two stars, Huang Quanyu's existence is really a bit buggy, and a random avatar is dispatched to hold him back.

In fact, the lower forces in Fenyan Valley are not very strong, similar to those in Ice River Valley, but how to say, they can be regarded as the forces that have been written in detail in the original book, knowing the characters of their speakers.

Shi Yu also showed mercy, he didn't kill them all, he just captured them alive!

Of course, this is actually due to the number of people!
After all, the later the stage and the longer the development time, the more outrageous the expansion of Tiange's power will be.

During the battle with Fenyangu, Dou Zun was no longer the top combat power.

In the Tiange, I can barely get along with an elder, but still the same sentence, because of the unlimited resources and unlimited talents, the Tiange is too rich.

Even the enshrining of the position of elders still made some Dou Zun feel overwhelmed.

It is also because of this that although the status is a little lower, the strength of the fantasy world comes first, and for the sake of higher strength, it is nothing to lose face.

What's more, in Danta and Soul Palace, there are countless people like them, but the offerings those people receive are not even half of what they are now.

Where there is a comparison, there is a difference. In addition, among the forces, the boss on the surface is a super master, and Zhongzhou is the top.

Such a huge ship that can withstand wind and rain, they naturally will not go down ahead of time.

What's more, even if the boat capsizes, with their strength, they are still qualified to go down.

It is precisely with this kind of thinking, this kind of thinking that I will not suffer no matter what, that there are more and more strong people in Tiange.

In Zhongzhou, there has been a saying that there is one palace, one tower and one pavilion.

One can imagine how outrageous the expansion of Tiange is?

It is still the nameless small mountain range, but now it has a tall name, Tianmai. Because of the Tiange Mountain Range, Shi Yu always thought it was weird, so he directly removed the two characters in the middle and took the two characters at the beginning and the end. Character!

Although it was still a bit weird, there was still a bit of arrogance in this monster, which was better than the simple weird one before.

Tianmai, the main hall supervised by Shi Yu, has been renovated over and over again in the past two years.

Shi Yu doesn't know how much the area has expanded, but the length alone has expanded hundreds of times!
If it was still within Shi Yu's understanding and acceptable range before.

Now, it really confirms the saying on the Internet, go to the toilet by bike!

Well, but with their current strength, they arrived directly in a flash.

And in this huge group of buildings, which even surpassed the mountains, the central building, which is high into the clouds, is actually not tens of kilometers away.

Shi Yu looked at the few women below who were discussing whether to renovate and renovate.

He was really speechless, as long as the house is big enough to live in, what is there to do to make it so spectacular?
And because of this group of women, this place can almost be regarded as a restricted area. The group of people under him will never enter the room unless necessary.

Because of this, this place became a place where Shi Yu discussed the development of power with them.

Of course, it is a discussion, and there are only 5 people who can speak. Besides him, only Medusa, Yun Yun, Ya Fei and Lin Yun can speak.

The remaining few have completely become melon-eating people.

Even so, Shi Yu doesn't care, it's a bad habit to say the least.

Moreover, in fact, they are only in their teens. Although the other world is precocious, it is about sex, but what Shi Yu is discussing is power.

"Okay, just be quiet!"

Shi Yu watched for a while, and after confirming that if he didn't speak, they could discuss indefinitely, Shi Yu had no choice but to disturb their interest.

"what happened?"

Looking at the expressions full of doubts, Shi Yu thought for a while.

"How about I take you out to play?"

"Do you have this much time?"

Shi Yu originally thought that cheers would be greeted after he finished his words, but he didn't expect that such a small sentence would choke him.

"Well, let me tell you the truth, the Dan meeting is about to be held, and those guys will be together, so we just shot and took them down in one fell swoop!"

"Isn't it going to take another six years for the Dan meeting to be held?"

It was Yaoyue who said this, and only she, a pharmacist, would pay attention to these things.

If it develops normally, the little fairy doctor should also know, but after the blackening, the little doctor is full of Shi Yu's shadow in his mind, and he naturally doesn't yearn for his previous dream as much as he did at the beginning.

And her current achievement is the first one, which she couldn't even imagine before.

The more I have seen, the previous longings will naturally be let go. After all, if I give an order, even if it is the seventh or even the eighth rank, only the soul will return to the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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