Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 135 Cao Ying

Chapter 135 Cao Ying
Zhongzhou Danyu, Shengdan City, looking at the sudden influx of strange people, some people who are resident in Shengdan City sighed.

"Dan will be ahead of schedule this time, and it's the first time that the world has opened up. I don't know why Danta did this?"

"Hehe, you don't even know this?"

As soon as this person finished his sigh, he was beaten back by a young man in his 30s and [-]s.

"you know?"

"Of course I know, it's not Tiange!"

"Tiange? What's the matter with Tiange?"

Hearing the young man's words, the crowd who stopped because of the conversation between the two had question marks on their faces.

Obviously they didn't think about the causal relationship between the two.

And when he saw his answer, it didn't seem to be as amazing as he imagined, but he was looked at inexplicably.

But for this situation, the young man is not only not angry, but rather happy. After all, pretense is one sentence or two sentences, and the gap is still very large.

"I have internal information that Tiange is not weaker than Yu Danta, and they even decided to attack Danta after solving the two cases!
And knowing the seriousness of the matter, it is impossible for Danta to remain indifferent, and holding a Dan meeting in advance is a signal!

Then the young man talked nonsense about some of the news he had received and some of his conjectures.

But even though he was guessing randomly, he was sure of one thing, and Shi Yu was ready to attack Danta.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the time he chose was when Danta was at his strongest!
And this time, Shi Yu is also planning to lead the team himself, of course he won't do it himself, after all, with his current strength, he feels a bit out of place in the battle of the Saints!
Of course, the main reason is that he doesn't have the ability to do one KO fight, he can only consume slowly, which doesn't fit his temperament!

But this is something that will happen later, after Shi Yu came to Danyu, he was temporarily separated from the main force. The first thing he did was to meet his two pre-arranged alchemists!

However, at this time, Shi Yu suddenly remembered something, the period when the demon girl appeared was in the middle and late stages!
At that time, his age was only around 20, and Shi Yu calculated the current time, it was about six or seven years before she appeared on the stage!
To put it another way, the imperial sister and demon girl he is thinking about is just a 13-14-year-old brat!
"Although it's a little smaller, at least it didn't join the Danta core, which should be considered a good thing!"

Shi Yu comforted himself, although he didn't get the full version of the demon girl, but it is quite interesting to cultivate.

Moreover, after a few days of observation, Shi Yu discovered an interesting thing. It may be that the talents of the two in refining medicine are too terrifying, so they have no playmates at all, and the elders care more about talents, so naturally they hope that they will study hard !
But think about it, although the talent is high, it's just the foundation. If you want to become a high-level pharmacist, it's impossible to study hard!
It is also because of this reason that these two little girls are like the old girls who stay in the boudoir but yearn for freedom!

Seeing this, Shi Yu had an evil idea, he wanted to be the first love of these two women, and even called them righteous daughters!
When the time comes, he wants to see whether it is family affection or love that is stronger?

Do it when you think about it. Although Shi Yu has never seen a pig running, he has eaten pork. He has a lot of money, and he is not sure whether it is reasonable experience. With his unimaginable ability this time, Without any help at all, Shi Yu completed all the arrangements by himself!

In fact, the script is very simple. A girl who yearns for freedom definitely needs someone to confide in, but this person should not be too strong, otherwise the girl will not be able to let go of her heart!
But if you want to recognize the righteous girl, you must be strong enough, so strong that the Cao family can't refuse!
Based on the above two points, one was hunted down by the enemy, was seriously injured and was dying, but accidentally fell into the girl's boudoir. The body was seriously injured, and the fighting spirit could not be used. He became a completely ordinary person!
Of course, there are only two or three months before the Danhui, so the script can't be too long, and two people have to be played at the same time, so the character design must be simple, otherwise Shi Yu feels that he can't stand it!

Moreover, these two women will definitely communicate in the future, so it is a bit silly to show that you are not complete and only half from the very beginning!

With the ability of indestructible matter, Shi Yu directly created two sentences of seriously injured and dying flesh based on his memory, and then just threw it there!

"Where is this place?"

Shi Yu controlled his body and asked with a confused face.

"Don't you know? You suddenly appeared in my room and gave me a big jump!
If it weren't for the fact that you were seriously injured, this girl would have thrown you out! "

Turning his head, Shi Yu looked at this young girl who was young but not physically developed at all, making an expression that I was fierce and strong.

"Little girl, did you save me?"

Shi Yu asked knowingly.

"It's also your luck that you met this girl. Otherwise, with your injuries, you wouldn't be able to live for a few days!"

Seeing the little girl finished speaking arrogantly, with an expression of waiting for praise, Shi Yu habitually hit her head with a blow!

Then the atmosphere was awkward for an instant, and Shi Yu also came back to his senses. Seeing the cute expression of the little girl, Shi Yu remembered the little fairy doctor from before, and then obeyed his instinct.

On the other side, feeling Shi Yu's overflowing pampering, the young girl, Cao Ying, blushed a little, and then, like an angry little lion, immediately broke away from Shi Yu's head-touching killing .


Afterwards, it was similar to what Shi Yu set. Although the plan could not keep up with the changes, but with Shi Yu's strength as a guarantee, his plan was completed smoothly!
And in order to speed up the relationship quickly, Shi Yu will drop the accelerator every now and then!

In fact, it's those few things, give her a surprise, or give her a fright!
Just like twisting a wire, fold it up and down repeatedly, and the wire will get hot after a few twists!

But in reality, it is the sprouting of feelings. Of course, doing so may actually make her collapse, but Shi Yu constantly controls the plot with his high-dimensional vision.

Once there is a possibility of collapse, Shi Yu immediately cools down physically!

Being fooled by Shi Yu like this, although Cao Ying will be known as a witch in the future, but now she is just a young girl!

In less than 10 days, Shi Yu became her best friend, and at the same time, under Shi Yu's deliberate guidance, this kind of friend's feelings have begun to change like the green feelings of first love!

And Shi Yu's most scumbag is that for his future bad tastes, although he keeps playing around and letting the girls make up their minds, he just doesn't understand!

Let's not talk about whether there are scumbags in this world, even if there are scumbags, Cao Ying doesn't know!

In this way, Cao Ying, a peerless beauty who will be called a witch in the future, was deceived by Shi Yu, a scumbag who was a scumbag for the first time!
(End of this chapter)

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