Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 138 Premeditated

Chapter 138 Premeditated
The development of Shi Yu's Tiange is actually more like that of a multinational company. They have a main body and some clones.

And Shi Yu's current power is naturally not from one region to another, but from one world.

In other words, the core management is equivalent to the real manager of Shi Yu, a cross-border force, and the others are at most domineering in this world.

Although the real development model of Tiange has not been revealed yet, how to say, it has been in this world for a year or two.

Although other people didn't figure it out, they basically understood that the core management and external forces are real, one heaven and one earth. This point, these masters who are proficient in calculations and have deep influence in the city, can still figure it out. of.

This is why Shi Yu threw out joining the core management as his trump card.

Although the alchemy family has an unpredictable relationship with the Pill Tower, the Pill Pagoda was also the center of the holy place for alchemists in the past.

But please note that the previous two words, in the eyes of the pharmacist, the other people who ask them to practice medicine are real mothers and mothers, but they are never such people.

There is no limit to the supply of medicinal materials, which can no longer be described as luxury.

And after two years of development, Tiange is rich, and it has become a thing recognized by everyone.

After talking so much, Shi Yu just wanted to express one thing that he hadn't thought of.

After he revealed the final conditions, the two unscrupulous patriarchs directly stated that my daughter is yours.

Of course that's not what it said, but that's what it means.

With the help of these old bastards, the two little girls who were not yet fully mature were very innocent, and they even counted the money for them when they sold them.

And Shi Yu also satisfactorily blocked the last doubts of the two girls with the set of rhetoric he had thought up.

The explanation is also very simple. Shi Yu said that his cultivation method is special, there is no small realm, only a big realm, but every time he breaks through, the next realm will be even more difficult!

And now he has reached the 8th floor, which is the peak of Dou Zun, and he is seeking to break through to the next level, so that he can reach the right place in one step, and completely become the strongest in this world!
As for why the breakthrough failed and the body split into two halves, the reason is also very simple, Dou Sheng is the real pinnacle of the physical body, so the next stage involves the physical body.

Anyway, it was just a lot of unintelligible words that coaxed the two little girls into a daze.

After solving this matter, Shi Yu was going to leave first, get rid of Danta first, and then come back to take them away.

But those two families who had already decided to get close to Shi Yu said that they also had a little strength and could help out, and asked Shi Yu to take their daughter out to see the world by the way.

Shi Yu thought for a while, although he led the team this time, Huang Quanyu was still the one who shot, and with his strength, even if the Patriarch Danta came out, it was still useless.

Shi Yu didn't need to take action, otherwise there would be no accidents, and he had already brought a few oil bottles, so naturally these two were not bad.

Holding the idea that driving a sheep is also driving, and driving a group of sheep is also driving, Shi Yu agreed to their request.

If he also marked their mission, it would be very simple, just pack up and take away the other families in the chaos.

Again, Shi Yu has no shortage of resources, only a pharmacist!
Among the five major families, Cao Dan's two are the strongest, even if they deal with the remaining three families, they won't need much strength.

After making an agreement, when Shi Yu made a move, they would fish in troubled waters.

After finishing all this, Shi Yu took his two daughters and went to meet up with the Tiange troops this time!


Following Shi Yu, the two daughters of Cao Dan saw the background of the real top power in this continent!
In their family, although it is common, Dou Zun is still a high-ranking and powerful person. Here, he has really become a servant-like existence.

Although they are known as elders, the two women are not fools, and they can naturally feel how rampant the elders are here.

Even because of this, the slightly respectful elder was played as a normal name!
Following Shi Yu, they also understood, what kind of power does the owner of the Tiange Pavilion have in Tiange?
It was as strong as Dou Zun, and he didn't dare to look directly at the majesty. Even the legendary semi-saint strong who didn't exist in their family didn't dare to be rude!
Finally, I came to the deepest place, an open place, and looked around, all kinds of women with different characteristics, either playing or chatting, in short, there was no seriousness that came along the way, which gave them a special feeling. a feeling of.

After a brief introduction to each other, Shi Yu introduced the two girls to Yaoyue. After all, they are both alchemists, so they must have common topics, and the most important thing is that they are about the same age!
They are all only about 14 years old, and they belong to the half-children. People of this age have the best relationship with friends.

Maybe just as Shi Yu thought, the three girls chatted together very quickly, or in other words, the two girls let go of a little restraint and a little entanglement in their hearts!
Seeing them blend in, Shi Yu also began to think about countermeasures with a few smart women on his side!

After all, this surprise attack must be fast and precise, and Danta cannot be slowed down, let alone Soul Hall react.

There is also the original book as a reference, Shi Yu's understanding of Danta is beyond imagination, although I don't know how many fighting saints there are!

But he knew the two strongest ones, one was six-star, the other was two-star, and the others were not one-star. Shi Yu didn't know, but it didn't matter.

With these points of information for reference, the final discussion result is also very simple!
Huang Quanyu withdrew all her strength and attacked with the power of the Seven Star Dou Sheng. If the strength of the ancestor of Danta fell back, she had to abandon Danta immediately and deal with the ancestor of Danta with all her strength.

Anyway, in a word, the Danta can be immortal, but the ancestor of the Danta must die. As for why, think about how the infinite medicinal materials come from?What is Patriarch Danta?
As for whether it will have the disgusting feeling of cannibalism, the first thing to eat is a replica, which has the same appearance.

As for whether there will be inflation, after all, there are nine grades of profound pills, who cares about the point that the pharmacist practiced, Shi Yu never thought about it!
Let’s not talk about this elixir, it’s just that the world is awesome, and it’s useless to reach a high level!

Let me tell you here, although Tiange did not come out in full force, it also used more than half of its strength.

Naturally, it won't be like Xiao Yan did at the beginning, flying in front by himself, followed by a group of subordinates.

Let's not talk about how big the goal is, if you just lose face, that method will not become popular. After all, the bigger and stronger the power, the more you value face.

Although Shi Yu doesn't care about it, there is still the first shortcoming. The goal is too big. Can you imagine the concept of 1+ people flying in the sky?
That was the real darkness, and Shi Yu was completely surprised.

After all, reality is not a game. You are only allowed to beat others, and others cannot beat you. Once other forces not weaker than you know that you are attacking others, that is the period when your hometown will be demolished.

Therefore, in order to hide the large army, Shi Yu began to urge the construction of this space secret treasure when he discovered that there was no weapon of war in this world a year ago.

Of course, the use of indestructible matter is also involved here, so I don't know!

All in all, Shi Yu's large army relied on this space secret treasure to hide in the space for a surprise attack, which can be called a blitzkrieg!
(End of this chapter)

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