Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 139 Changes.

Chapter 139 Changes.

The closer you are to the Pill Club, the more lively the city will be. There was an agreement before that Shi Yu would naturally not stay in the space, and just stay there foolishly.

As I said at the beginning, except for strength, Shi Yu's meaning is similar to that of a bumpkin. Looking at the bustling Shengdan City, he naturally became interested in it.

Although some of the cities he commands are not weaker than Shengdan City, but who cares!

If it wasn't for the special circumstances this time, he might never have looked at these cities in his entire life.

Unlike the protagonist in the novel, he likes to travel inexplicably, and often goes on adventures alone, and the forces under him are basically useless.

Although he is low-key, he does not reject the brilliance. If it were not for special circumstances, he would not be alone.

Just when Shi Yu took a large group of women with him to admire the prosperous Shengdan City, it was tens of millions of miles away.

The former site of the Jiama Empire, now the capital of the Shenwu Empire, came a man in a black robe.

"Nalan Yanran, the shame of three years is now!"

A cold word came from the mouth of the black robe, and he raised his head to reveal a handsome face full of vicissitudes under the black robe!

And what attracted the attention was that although the young man's eyes were calm, the calmness concealed the turbulent waves.

"Little Yanzi, even if I saw your progress for my teacher, I'm still very surprised!"

Hearing the old voice that suddenly appeared in his ears, there was no fluctuation in the eyes of the people on the street. Obviously, he was already very familiar with the owner of the voice.

"Teacher, tell me about my current strength. If Nalan Yanran knows about it, will she be in despair?"

Although it was like a question, it was more like a soliloquy.

The left-handed man in black clenched his fists, feeling the majestic fighting spirit in his body, as if he had infinite power.

"Never despair. I don't know as a teacher, but how strong can a person cultivated by a force that doesn't even fight!"

Although the master's words were not his favorite, they also affirmed his efforts from the side.

In this way, the black runner gave birth to an aura that pushed the heavens across the sky and dominated the world.

Then with this domineering aura, the black-robed man was dumbfounded in less than 20 seconds.

"Old man, what are you talking about? This is not the Jia Ma Empire, so what is this place?"

"This is the Shenwu Empire, the Jia Ma Empire, founded by the Empress Shenwu. That was a long time ago!"

As he spoke, the old man fell into memories.

"Suddenly on that day, the Jia Ma royal family announced that the eldest princess Yaoye would inherit the throne. Perhaps with the help of gods, the former royal families who were not weak but also disobedient to the power of the royal family all worshiped under the empress!

In this way, without any hindrance, all forces in the Jia Ma Empire followed Her Lady Queen.

The first order issued by Her Lady Empress is that the Jia Ma Empire is officially renamed the Shenwu Empire!


After feeling that the useful information was almost exhausted, the man in black also stopped the old man's remaining words, which were all flattering words.

"What about the Misty Cloud Sect, did the Misty Cloud Sect also join the royal family?"

After being woken up from his own world, the old man gave the man in black an uncomfortable look.

"The Misty Cloud Sect naturally surrendered to the queen, and even their old suzerain, who had been in seclusion for a long time, joined the empire and became a general who is fighting outside!"

Hearing this, the black-robed man was completely stunned, but soon he suddenly realized that he wanted to grab the last straw and asked.

"Where is Nalan Yanran, where is Nalan Yanran?"

"How do I know this old man?"

Looking at this lunatic-like person, the old man was frightened and fell to the ground, and said with a look of fear.

At this time, the man in black also reacted, and didn't care about the old man on the ground, and directly used all his strength to rush away like Emperor Shenwu.

Now he only has one thought, and that is to ask Nalan Yanran where did she go, like that empress of martial arts?
"Little Yanzi, don't be impulsive, that Empress Shenwu should not be easy, if you go blindly now, it's easy to make a big mistake!"

Yaochen rose from Weimo, so he is naturally not a fool, he will not be betrayed by his close relatives, and he will gain wisdom from suffering. Although he looks down on the strong in this place, he does not think for sure that strong will not be born here.

And from the old man's description, he knew that the rise of Empress Shenwu was not easy, either there was something important behind it and you supported her, or she was a strong person herself.

And no matter which point, it is not something that the current f Xiao Yan can provoke, and Xiao Yan is his true disciple, his true apprentice.

Naturally, he would not let Xiao Yan get hurt easily, and this kind of avoidable conflict should naturally be avoided.

"Master, yes, but I am not reconciled!"

The three-year contract and the shame of retiring the engagement are the motivation for his practice!
But now he knows that his motivation has disappeared. No one can understand this kind of loss and aggrieved.

If you really can't imagine it, you can think about it, your king kneeling 10 times in a row, the kind of tyranny in your heart, the kind of nowhere to vent, if you increase it several times, it's almost the same.

Although Shi Yu changed many, many plots, but for some reason, Hai Bodong and Xiao Yan still got together.

The reason why he came to the imperial capital alone was because he went to the limit to exercise again in the last period of time.

Hai Bodong, who had a close relationship with him, returned to the imperial capital ahead of time. To put it simply, he asked for news for him, and by the way, regained his previous power so that it could be used by Xiao Yan.

With Xiao Yan's current strength, he didn't take too long to travel. After arriving in the imperial capital, after several inquiries, he found a good friend, Hai Bodong.

However, both of them were not in a good mood, and now Xiao Yan had calmed down the fluctuations in his heart. When he saw Hai Bodong with a sad face, he asked curiously.

"Old Hai, what's going on with you? Didn't you mean to subdue the former forces?


Having said that, he didn't continue talking, but turned his head and looked around, his meaning was self-evident.

Why live in such a 'shabby'?
Of course, dilapidation is relative, and this place is many times more prosperous than the most prosperous Xiao family he has ever seen.

But the Xiao family is just a power at the level of a great fighter, while Hai Bodong is a fighter emperor, the difference between the two is like Tianyuan.

Maybe it was to see an old friend, Hai Bodong also expressed his grievance.

"Sigh, I didn't expect that the power I created casually in the past has grown to be so powerful now, and my ancestor, few people recognize it!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yan glanced at it strangely, as if thinking of something, and then asked strangely.

"You can't be the one who was hanged up by Mittel's auction house to beat you!"

After inquiring for news these days, he naturally heard this interesting story.

It is said that there was a fighting emperor who ran to Mittel's auction house and shouted that he was their boss.

Then he was directly hanged up by Mittel's Douhuang and beat him up. If it wasn't for the end, when the elder of the Mittel family came and saw that the Douhuang who was hanged was really their patron saint, he would still Stop this misunderstanding.

Although the Mittel family wanted to hide this matter, although Dou Huang is no longer a top combat power, he is still a high-level combat power.

And the fighting between Emperor Dou was not so easy to hide, and soon, this matter was completely revealed to the world.

It made the Demeter family popular and made headlines once.

(End of this chapter)

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