Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 140 Xiao Yan 2

Chapter 140 Xiao Yan 2
It may be that Xiao Yan mentioned Hai Bodong's sore feet, and Hai Bodong, who was a little better just now, pulled his face down in an instant!
Although Xiao Yan's IQ was not very high, his EQ was not low, so he naturally understood that he had said something wrong, so he hurriedly made amends.

"Old Hai, I said the wrong thing, I will punish myself with three cups!"

That's right, they are actually drinking and chatting. After all, there is nothing interesting in this world. Apart from drinking, the only thing they can do is practice!
After finishing a few more glasses, Hai Bodong was also taking advantage of the wine to relieve his worries, so naturally he became a little bit drunk, and expressed his real aggrievedness.

"After a few days of injury in the Mittel family, I was a little relieved to see them develop so well, but unexpectedly, the group of guys chatted directly, what should I do for Mittel ? Otherwise, you won’t recognize my identity!”

"Without my previous help, how could the Mittel family have developed?

And as Mittel's former patron saint, now he has become their senior thugs. These guys don't have any respect at all, and they completely treat me as an outsider!
As if I coveted them for something! "

He became more and more angry, and finally, under Hai Bodong's violent roar, most of the things in the house were reduced to ruins.

Xiao Yan didn't stop him either, he could clearly feel how similar the old man in front of him was to himself.

It is an indescribable anger that the dignity is trampled on and the beloved is destroyed at will.

In the end, he calmed down completely, and Xiao Yan didn't continue to comfort him. After all, Xiao Yan had personally experienced that kind of dignity being trampled upon.

If he speaks for the Mittel family now, saying that this is common sense, after all they have developed, you will return, blah blah blah.

It is very likely that the relationship between the two will be completely broken.

After all, this is equivalent to, on the day he was annulled, someone suddenly ran out and told him that Nalan Yanran could not be blamed for this, after all, she was also pursuing freedom.

I'm chasing your mother's ass, why do you pursue freedom and make me angry?

The Holy Mother, who repaid grievances with kindness, died a miserable death in the end, but the ruthless one, who repaid kindness with grievances, lived a happy life.

Maybe it was Xiao Yan's actions that made Hai Bo very comfortable, and he also shared the news he found out during this period of time.

"Although my status has been questioned, no matter what, I am also fighting for the Emperor. Although Mittel has developed, the Douhuang is still the top combat power in Mittel!

They also understood that what they did would definitely annoy me, so they naturally gave me some compensation.

Although I can't leave the family easily, I can easily get the information I want. I haven't forgotten what I promised you! "

"The first few days when I first came to the imperial capital, I was very confused, but soon, I also realized that, after all, how the Mitt family developed, I am also very curious!"

"And this information was not hidden, and soon I knew the reason. All of this is inseparable from the Empress Shenwu!"

"Old Hai, what does this have to do with Empress Shenwu?
And I just want to know where Nalan Yanran is, and I don't want to care about anything else! "

Maybe seeing Hai Bo talking a little far away, he interrupted him embarrassedly with a smile.

"Keep listening, the reason why they have risen so quickly is because joining the family of Shenwu Empire will get the support of pills.

And with the elixir, some old guys have broken through their original realm!

And the reason why Empress Shenwu has so many pills is because there is a strong man behind her, and Nalan Yanran, whom you miss so much, followed that strong man to leave the Jia Ma Empire, heading for the legendary Zhongzhou! "

"What, left?"

Maybe he was already prepared in his heart. Although he received this desperate news, Xiaoyan quickly regained his senses.

"Master, do you know where Zhongzhou is?"

Although the sense of caring in his heart had disappeared a bit, Xiao Yan did not give up, but asked the teacher, wanting to set another goal for himself.

"Zhongzhou is not the current you, you can peep, but as long as you are strong enough, the future you will eventually shine your own light on that bigger stage!
But now, what you should do is to go to Canaan Academy and get the strange fire hidden in Canaan Academy, otherwise, it is impossible for Fenjue who has not advanced once to break through the Douwang! "

"Teacher, but I'm worried, will that strange fire be picked by someone?"

He seemed to recall that he had exhausted all his efforts, and with the determination that he would be benevolent if he failed, he came to the land of different fires, only to find out that there was a fart of different fires!

Maybe it was Xiao Yan's reminder, Yao Chen was also a little embarrassed, after all, he was sure that there was a strange fire there, but he found out that he was late!
"If that strange fire also disappears, how about I give you the cold fire of the bone spirit as a teacher if it's okay!"

After Xiao Yan's master and apprentice made a plan, Xiao Yan also had a relationship with Hai Bo, and then said that he would go to Jia Nan Academy, and after his strength improved, he would go to Zhongzhou to seek revenge from Nalan Yanran!

As for Xiao Yan's departure, Hai Bodong was still a little sad. In the original book, he was the Dou Huang, and his relationship was not that good. In addition, he still had a group of subordinates and a few subordinates whom he liked.

Naturally, Xiao Yan's departure was nothing!
But the situation is different now. He doesn't have a single friend who can make friends with him. Although the old friends in the past have some relationship, but now they have hit Dou Zong one after another, and they have no interest in continuing to have a relationship with him.

And there is no such thing as subordinates, or there are, but they are all spies brought in by others. He is not a fool. He naturally understands that these people are used to monitor him, but he can't help it. He can't win. People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

So after going around like this, Xiao Yan became the only friend he could have a heart-to-heart with, but he shouldn't stop friends from pursuing strength, but people are not machines, and people have feelings.

But why not Xiao Yan?In the family, except for his father, everyone else sees him as unhappy, and he doesn't know many close friends outside. Except for the teacher who never leaves, he has no one else to talk to!

In the case of the same illness, the two became true friends. Although it may not be possible to do both sides now, it is still possible for a friend in the work unit to lose half his life.

Under the heart-to-heart conversation, the two became confidants to each other, and Xiao Yan also made his own request.

He hoped that Hai Bodong would continue to stay in the Miter family, and when he came back from Canaan Academy, he would wipe out this sad place in one fell swoop!

Although the two did not talk about the specific time, they also knew in their hearts that it should not be too long or too late.

And in order to destroy the Mittel family, Hai Bodong is willing to endure it!
After all, there is a very good saying, deep love, deep hatred, a force created by oneself actually betrayed oneself, then his fate is only one word, destroy!

Try your luck, although this world doesn't have one, but there are many temporary ones.

Soon, Xiao Yan left here, the capital of Emperor Shenwu, and Hai Bodong was the same as before, as if nothing had changed.

But what they didn't know was that from the moment Xiao Yan approached the capital of Emperor Shenwu, his every move was monitored.

It doesn't apply to strong people, but ordinary civilians, and Yao Chen naturally doesn't care about this kind of ants who are not even considered cultivators!
(End of this chapter)

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