Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 141 3 giants.

Chapter 141 The Big Three.

As for why Xiao Yan received so much attention, Shi Yu said, the protagonist should not be careless, otherwise if you don't pay attention, he will be in your lair, put a big baby, let you play GG happily!

And those women who have a good relationship with him naturally believed in his statement, and several even said, why not kill him directly?
Shi Yu's explanation is also very simple, the main characters can be killed, but they cannot be killed, and if one main character is killed, the other will stand up.

It's better to have someone who you don't even know, than someone who knows the basics.

And those women chosen by Shi Yu are not fools, they naturally understand who is good and who is bad, and they also gave their own ideas.

That is to say before, using civilians to monitor, and for this, Shi Yu can only say that his brain is big enough.

You know, he has completely forgotten that there are civilians.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yan's frequent drilling in deep mountains and old forests, his every move would be under Shi Yu's monitoring.

As for the administrator authority, there is also a chat window, and Yao Ye also told Shi Yu and Xiao Yan's situation.

After hearing about Xiao Yan's situation, Shi Yu looked at the sloppy white-haired old men behind him.

Looking at the few strong men protecting the old man and the chattering girls around him, he smiled unkindly.

If it wasn't for Yaoye's reminder, he would have almost forgotten the climax of this book, the three-year agreement.

Because of my own foolishness, the other protagonist of the three-year contract disappeared directly.

I even skipped this climax directly, and reached another climax in the second half of the book.

Soon, Shi Yu and his party arrived at the place where the Danhui was held.

And seeing such a large group of people, none of the people present were fools, and they gave way every minute. There is an implicit unspoken rule in this world. The stronger the power, the more people it can lead in public.

Don't ask why, this unspoken rule was stipulated by him, the main reason is that after sweeping his consciousness, every time he found a large group of people standing together.

These made him very upset, the influence was not great, but the crowd was as big as the sky. After clearing up a few models, and spreading this information, the world became much quieter in an instant!

And the reason why this world is divided into the strong and the weak is because the strong make the rules and the weak obey the rules.

Although this rule was only valid under his influence, but soon, this unspoken rule spread throughout the Central State.

After all, although they knew it in their hearts, no one was willing to violate the rules of a big power. Even if this big power didn't rule itself, they didn't want to get into trouble because of it.

After looking at it, Shi Yu didn't know what kind of building it was, but it was a building that didn't exist in reality anyway.

The place where the audience sits is a bit similar to the stepped style of the ancient Roman arena, but it is not a circle, but only half of it!
And the referee's seat facing the audience is also this kind of stepped, but it is straight, more like a staircase, or a ladder.

There is also the apex, which is a small square, a small square where people can stand!
Just as Shi Yu was looking at the environment here, a crisp bell chime suddenly resounded in this world!

The sound of the bell chanting mightily spread to the west, and even the loud noise that shook the sky was suppressed by it. When the sound of the bell chanted, the world became much calmer, and countless eyes swished, Stayed on the tower-like stone platform!

Not long after the chime of the bell rang, bursts of breaking wind sounded suddenly, and immediately the space on the stone platform was slightly distorted, and more than a dozen figures slowly emerged...!
Shi Yu's spiritual consciousness covered everything, and he felt it the moment this change appeared!

Looking at the three people in the front, Shi Yu glanced casually, and finally his attention fell on the woman in the cheongsam next to the two men!
You must know that a beautiful woman in a cheongsam is one of the four major pharmacists that Shi Yu ordered!
After all, Shi Yu discovered that there seemed to be no mature women in that group of women, how could this work?
From his observation, there is not much difference between a mature woman and a sister Yu, they are both mature in figure and exquisite in appearance!

Soon, he discovered the strangeness. Although Yujie was mature and her eyes were full of temptation, she lacked a little bit of charm accumulated over time.

It is also the power of these years that can easily distinguish these two extremely similar items. It is not vivid to say this, it is a bit like a duck and a goose!

We can tell the difference between a duck and a goose at a glance, because a duck is smaller than a goose, or a goose is bigger than a duck!
Thinking of these strange things in his heart, Shi Yu didn't listen at all, what are they calling?
After regaining consciousness, the opening ceremony is almost over!

'The champion of this year will not only be able to get the place of candidate for the Danta giant, but also get a volume of ancient soul cultivation methods. In the future, he will step into the eighth-rank or even ninth-rank level, and it is just around the corner! '

Wow!As soon as Xuan Kongzi said those words, there was a shocking uproar in the densely packed crowd!
At this time, Shi Yu was also completely awake, or left from his own brain-filling world, and then began to look at the man in a cheongsam with admiration, who looked plump and was still elegant after years of fading. Don't lose the woman of the year!
Shi Yu's eyes were too hot, and his undisguised possessiveness quickly caught Xuan Yi's attention!

Especially the gaze staring at the towering place made Xuanyi feel as if a pair of big hands were caressing his place.

Following her gaze, Xuanyi looked towards the source of the scorching gaze, she wanted to see who was so rude!

Soon, Shi Yu came into her sight, besides Xuanyi's strength is not weak, there is another main reason!
That's why Shi Yu's place is so eye-catching. Just dozens of people are more than 01:30 points stronger than those who only come out with one or two, two or three.

And when her eyes left Shi Yu and looked at the group of people around him, she shrank her eyes as if she had found something frightening!
Then he murmured, "Tiange...?"

And Xuan Kongzi and the two of them naturally noticed that something was wrong with their companions who had been together for decades.

Following her gaze, they also looked at Shi Yu. The three of them looked at each other, and the tacit understanding reached through years of getting along told them what to do.

Pretending not to know anything, Xuankongzi flicked his sleeve lightly, and an invisible wave spread out, and immediately hit the void, but a long chime of bells erupted.

"The time has come, all contestants above Rank [-], please enter the first level, Soul Illusion!"

Seeing this, Shi Yu turned and said to a dozen or so white-haired old men.

"Okay, you can go up!"

Seeing them walking together, and looking at the others alone, this scene was filled with a strange feeling for some reason.

The subsequent development was also very fast. The thousands of refining medicines were quickly eliminated, and in the end there were only so many that entered the alchemy world.

Unsurprisingly, the old men I sent all passed the test. After all, although Shi Yu had almost forgotten about it, he also knew a certain plot, so he naturally knew about the training!

And after the contestants had completely entered the alchemy world, only one Xuanyi was left behind by the three giants of the alchemy tower, and the remaining two left!
As for what to do, you don't need to think about it. Shi Yu and his party did not hide their identities. What they can do now is to recall the strong men of their own forces!
Other than that, there is no other way!
It's actually very simple to keep one person, monitor, monitor Shi Yu, and other forces that are at odds with Danta, don't mess around with petty tricks.

(End of this chapter)

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