Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 151 The next realm.

Chapter 151 The next realm.

"System, although I feel sorry, but I still want to say, your Tm's home is going to disappear?"

Back in his small room again, Shi Yu started chatting with the system!

"Dog host, what are you talking about? What home is gone? What home do I have!"

It may involve verbal insults, the system responded quickly this time.

"I'm going to break through to the next level. It won't be long before you will be expelled from my body. Doesn't this mean that the home is gone?"

"You don't think I'm in your body, do you?

I'm not afraid to tell you that I'm not in your body, nor in your soul. This seat is bound to you!
Even if your body is wiped out and your soul is worn out, you will still be able to escape because of being bound to this seat!
how about it?Don't you think it's awesome?Is there a feeling of worship? "

Hearing the system's words, Shi Yu thought a lot for a moment, and now he regrets that he didn't make waves when he should, but now he has formed a habit and doesn't want to make waves anymore.

"It's not that I don't know, you are binding me personally, not my soul or body, but...!
I already had a hunch that the next level of me would be a complete transformation, and anyone who was related to me would be freed, even the so-called binding, or the so-called fate, cause and effect, would be of no use! "

"Lying grass, are you bragging? Why don't you say that you broke through Daluo?
Although my memory of Da Luo has been chopped off a lot, I still clearly understand that even Da Luo is not as bragging as you! "

"Hehe, haven't you already guessed it?
Although you have lost Da Luo's memory, your observation and comprehension skills have not decreased much. It has been so long, and you have already discovered it, haven't you? "

"Then what will become of our relationship?"

After a long silence, the system asked this sentence.

Shi Yu answered its question without thinking about it.

"You are my golden finger, how could I abandon you?

Don't worry, we will bind again at that time, won't it be enough? "

"OK then!

Although I don't know how you cultivated, I don't know how you came up with it, I don't even know how to evaluate it!

But I clearly understand that you are very powerful, and I also clearly understand that your cultivation system is very strong, and I even know that you are very powerful yourself!

But the world is always relative, strong also means danger, I don't know what kind of danger you will face!
However, I bless you, bless you to overcome one danger after another, and finally become a real big shot! "

Although Shi Yu wanted to express that he couldn't understand what you were talking about at all, but he is not a straight man of steel, or lacks a clue.

He understood that it is better to listen silently at this time, it is better to be a listener instead of being blind!

It has been said before that ordinary people's cultivation is like a coil of mosquito coils, advancing slowly but firmly, and finally reaching the center, which is the end.

But Shi Yu practiced like a stick of incense, he himself was inserted at the end.

Just like other people practice to improve their consciousness sideways, Shi Yu cultivates his consciousness and passively improves his cultivation.

But if this is the only way, it will not be able to support Shi Yu's ambition at all. His ambition of merging the heavens and worlds to create the only eternal continent cannot be accomplished by strength alone.

Or OK, but not perfect!
But what kind of person is Shi Woo?

He himself is pursuing perfection, otherwise he would not have such great ambitions.

If you can't do it yourself, find a way to make it yourself.

The first realm is to find the truth, which is consciousness.

And at that moment, Shi Yu saw one thing and didn't see one thing.

Based on these two points, Shi Yu used what he saw to connect to the indestructible substance, the original substance and the original substance he set.

Using something he didn't see, Shi Yu collected consciousness. Although it is not very useful now, just by being able to open up a lower realm channel for the consciousness of others, an immortal race can be created.

And other uses, compared with this one, will only be higher or lower, after all, this can only be regarded as an instinct that should have, not even the effect!
And they, in fact, can only be regarded as preliminary applications, and they are all single changes.

In mathematics, it is equivalent to the addition and subtraction of single digits, and the result is not greater than nine, that is, addition and subtraction within 10.

And now, all he has to do is to learn multiplication and division!
In fact, in the heavens and worlds, there is such a strange question, why does going against the sky not end well?
It often appears in novels that the protagonist survived despite defying the sky.

But is that really the case?
The main character survived because there was a bigger sky behind him.

Once you think about it this way, the so-called going against the sky is just a small problem in the system. Of course, it will not cause the entire system to crash because of this small problem!

This is Shi Yu's understanding, so this actually shows one thing from the side, which is irreversible.

Shi Yu is a curious person, so naturally he will not stop. Soon, he got an answer that he thinks is very accurate based on his own situation and guesses.

When you are going against the sky, what you are fighting against is the sentient beings plus you.

In other words, if you want to go against the sky, you have to defeat, you, plus everyone else except you.

This is just against the sky, if you want to defeat the sky, it is basically impossible.

First of all, you need to understand what is the sky?
Everything about you, including body and soul, is actually just a part of the sky, that is to say, to defeat the sky, you can only rely on your will.

And this is not the most desperate, God, do you know how it came about?
Just like the explanation at the beginning, the way of heaven is actually the consciousness of the world.

In other words, no matter how strong your will is, it is actually caused by experience.

Don't say anything, you are born with a strong will, this is impossible.

And all the memories and experiences in the world are the memories and experiences of the Dao of Heaven.

Are you desperate?

Everything about you, except your consciousness, is from heaven.

Go against the sky, just think about it, because your body and soul will not support you.

And Shi Yu's goal this time is to turn other people's bodies into his own and Shi Yu's.

As for what Shi Yu thought, it was actually the reason for the indestructible matter. He didn't notice it at first, but when he was collecting the indestructible matter, he suddenly realized, why couldn't the collection be completed in an instant?
And he also thought of another question, why the indestructible matter split into two parts.

After all, his consciousness is connected with the concept of indestructible matter, and even merged into one.

In other words, it itself is an indestructible substance, so how can there be so-called public ownership and private ownership?

And when he discovered this, he also thought of another thing, the secondary indestructible matter, which cannot strengthen his body, but can only restore it.

At the very beginning, it was said that the reason for creating indestructible matter is to enhance its physical body.

After all, his ghost talent is too irritating, and the only way to bypass his regular reduction is to rely on the direct improvement of indestructible matter.

But later he discovered that he didn't need to improve his body at all, or he didn't have much interest in it.

If it wasn't for the recent inability to bear more indestructible matter, he wouldn't be too lazy to upgrade!
(End of this chapter)

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