Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 152 is spectacular.

Chapter 152 is spectacular.

If it is one point, it is still a coincidence, but there are two, as long as you are not a fool, you will understand that something is wrong.

And Shi Yu firmly believes in one thing, if it is not zero, it is infinite!

After understanding, Shi Yu remembered the joke at the beginning, using public equipment for private use.

And now that I think about it, isn't that the case?
The only difference is that a thing that thinks it is one's own is not one's own.

But this is not important, since it is not your own, then make it your own.

Self-boasting made Shi Yu feel that no matter what he could do, he could do it.

But the reality is true, as soon as Shi Yu shouted his slogan, he fell into embarrassment.

Although I already understand the principle and know what I should do, but everything is difficult at the beginning, this is the truth!

The confusion at this moment reminded Shi Yu that at the moment of creating the method, the confusion of having no head at all and not knowing where to get power is very annoying.

But after one experience, Shi Yu.The initial solution was quickly found from this confusion.

That is, talk to yourself!

You must know that it was using this skill at that time that he successfully cleared the first head, and it will be the same now.

First of all, this time, the essence of this realm is to be able to fully grasp the indestructible matter, or the body.

The limitation is that the epidermis of the body is not its own, which is equivalent to a limitation.

This is equivalent to, you have a total of 1 yuan, but you can only use one yuan per day.

The goal now is to lift this restriction.

The requirement is that this restriction cannot be deleted.

After all, this result has been stated at the very beginning, once this is done, Shi Yu's achievement will change from infinite power to infinite minus 1.

Maybe in the eyes of many people, is this fucking infinite?
But this is reality, not theory.

It's like negative numbers exist in theory, but they don't exist in reality, or they are directly denied.

Moreover, there is a huge disadvantage in this method, that is, after Shi Yu abandoned this body, who is his consciousness?

You said he was Shi Yu, so who was the original owner of the body?
And according to the relationship between indestructible matter and consciousness, there is a great possibility that consciousness will directly merge into indestructible matter and completely lose itself.

It is the path of transformation that is often mentioned in novels!
Knowing the danger involved, Shi Yu naturally wouldn't take this path, which is already rubbish and full of danger.

Then the problem comes back again, how to solve this limitation?
And there is actually a hidden nature here, which is this nature, which cannot be circumvented, and must be swallowed forcefully.

If you want to open it, you will fall into another embarrassment.

That's an infinite loop of 1 and 0.9, 9!
1 represents Shi Yu, and the infinite loop of 0.9 and 9 represents everything Shi Yu except the limit.

After listing all the relationships that could be imagined, Shi Yu began to... think!
After a while, Shi Yu suddenly remembered something. In reality, many things that seem to belong to you actually belong to heaven!

So is it the same at the conceptual level?

Although I said before that concepts and Dao are at the same level, they are only at the same level.

It is equivalent to the gap between a two-dimensional paper man and a three-dimensional man.

After all, there is a saying that is good, the gap between people is sometimes bigger than that between people and dogs.

After thinking about this truth, Shi Yu saw another scene on the real level.

As mentioned at the beginning, his real space is inhabited by other consciousnesses, but he actually can't see any connection between them.

Because in his line of sight, his consciousness is not connected with anything else except for the picture of infinity.

But it was actually mentioned at the very beginning that concepts are actually related.

There are original concepts, derived concepts, and so on.

Just like the first example.I ate a bowl of rice today.A bowl of dry rice.

If placed on the conceptual level, the first sentence is the original concept, and the latter sentence is the derived concept.

If Shi Yu saw these two concepts at the beginning, they would only be two paintings representing infinity, and he couldn't see them at all.

But now, he knows how to look at these concepts!
Every concept is a circle!

As his thoughts changed, Shi Yu's line of sight also changed. His line of sight changed from a scattered state to a 360-degree view with no dead ends!

To put it simply, the way the sun radiates light from the three-dimensional space becomes a two-dimensional plane, 360 degrees starting from the origin!
But soon, he realized that he was wrong. This is not a two-dimensional 360-degree line of sight, because he discovered that his line of sight has thickness!
This may not be clear, in other words, he saw the high!
The reason is also very simple, now in his line of sight, there are circles after circles, but this is not simple, but a circle!

It can't even be called a circle, because it is too complicated, just like the circle he noticed before, there are no fewer than hundreds of circles in contact with it.

And the moment he saw it, he knew what it was?

After he cast his gaze, there was another inexplicable change. The picture is not that simple, a circle within a circle!
Looking at it from the outside, a large circle, and a small circle, create a ring!
To put it simply, it is the overlap of the area of ​​the large circle and the area of ​​the small circle.

However, what is shown in the picture is that there are countless 'roots' spreading in the big circle, that is, the connection he understands, which is connected with the countless pictures in the small circle.

At the same time, he also noticed another situation, a big circle completely engulfed the small circle.

Combining the two situations and comparing them with some of his own ideas, Shi Yu, as the founder of the concept theory, quickly understood, what is the situation?
To put it simply, it is a derivative concept.

It's like, I said something, and what a great day.

This is actually an original concept and a derived concept.

And I said a word, the infinite possibilities here include the possibility that today is so good.

This is the big ring with the small ring.

Based on this theory, the big circle swallowed the small circle, and he also understood what was going on.

That is the connection between the two concepts, and the active side is the big one, while the passive side is the small one.

After understanding the situation, Shi Yu looked at the scene again, his eyes full of shock.Of course there are no eyes here!
Just like that sentence, the ignorant is innocent, or in other words, the ignorant is fearless.

At first, Shi Yu just thought it looked good. After all, he was used to a picture, and when he saw a new wallpaper again, his heart jumped for joy.

But now that I understand it, one word, counsel.

Because this place is so spectacular, and Shi Yu can be sure that he is definitely the first person to see all this, and will even be the only one.

Because, he almost understood why he was able to see all this?
(End of this chapter)

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