Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 153 Found it

Chapter 153 Found it

Once, he had an inexplicable experience. After a period of inexplicable changes that he didn't know about, his consciousness was detached and turned into a so-called human being.

Of course it is only a head, or the past, the past of mankind.

Because reality is not a novel, just like many people must have imagined that the future self, or their descendants, will travel to the present with the help of time and space machines to help the present self.

Let's not talk about how likely this is, even if it is possible, let's throw away the so-called time paradox!
But this situation is still impossible to achieve.

Time is involved here, or timeline.

To use a metaphor, we don't care whether the time is long or curved, going or breaking, we force him to support it, from the moment of the beginning, mark a natural number at a distance!

That is 12345, if your idea is generated at that time of 5.

And at that time of 550, someone will come to fulfill your dream.

Note that the key point is coming, at the time of 550, start crossing, and reach the time of 5.

There will be two possibilities here. The person who opened the time machine forgot, and everything is forgotten. The second possibility is to remember.

Then people can remember it, but you say God can’t remember it.

Well, since the sky is remembered, the period of time from 5 to 550 exists and will not be erased by time.

So here comes the problem, the moment the 5 and 550 complete the overlap, the timeline changes.

Your idea is also successful, but here comes the important point, the time period from 5 to 550 exists and has not been wiped out!

You are still alive in this period of time, and your so-called dream has nothing to do with you at all.

And this is a single timeline. There are countless combinations of this timeline in the long river of time, but the winding is more complicated, and at least it is a starting point.

The reason for this example is that Shi Yu's current situation is very similar to the person who made the wish.

He didn't refresh the timeline at the moment of achievement, he still had to take his time and complete his timeline step by step.

However, Shi Yu is beyond this fact, it is a fact, and it will not change because the timeline has not been refreshed.

And after detached, he naturally has the so-called detached sight, otherwise he is alone.Just one look at the picture that represents infinity and you will turn into an idiot directly.

After all consciousness is made of memory, and you look at the infinite picture, does this give you any why?

No, so your power of consciousness will not increase a little, and in the end it will be like ink diluted by the sea, almost disappearing.

As for the utility of transcending gaze, as I said at the very beginning, it can turn infinity into 1, that is, an infinite picture. In Shi Yu's view, it is just a painting.

And the same is true now, Shi Woo.The reason why he was able to see circles one after another was because his vision was thick.

That is to say, if you look at a two-dimensional plane with a three-dimensional thinking, you can naturally see one circle after another drawn on the two-dimensional plane!
Without this line of sight, even if he came to this place, what he saw would look very strange.

You can imagine a ring and increase its thickness to achieve the effect of blocking the line of sight.

And then you look at this thing, can you imagine what it is?
Moreover, this is not the average size, there are big and small, and there are also big and small possessions, some are small, and there is even only one side left.

And because of the thickness, Shi Yu can see things that people cannot see clearly.

Although the colorful world is charming, Shi Yu also has a will.

After you wrote the principle, Shi Yu started to observe himself. This time he wanted to use the third person to take a look at his own circle. What does it look like?

The colorful world is not only easy to attract the eyes, but also easy to make people confused. Although I haven't said it, as long as you have a brain, you know that the concept is infinite.

Therefore, in Shi Yu's sight, the circle is also infinite, and it is naturally impossible to find the only one from this infinite.

There is also a certain difference between the conceptual world and reality. In reality, as long as your gaze is fixed there, you will see it no matter whether you want to see it or not. However, within the visual field of concepts, you can truly ignore it, and you can even set it according to your own. The established rules change.

This principle, Shi Yu still doesn't understand what's going on, but Shi Yu still likes this kind of effect similar to a search engine.

Thinking in my heart, only those related to me appeared.

However, after this sentence was finished, Shi Yu could see that the circles in his sight had at least been reduced by more than half, but there was no obvious change, it still looked a lot, and Shi Yu didn't find himself.

At this time, he understood that theoretically speaking, there are infinitely many people who have a relationship with him.

Therefore, the first step of screening is basically ineffective.

After understanding, Shi Yu's definition is even harsher this time.

Only those directly connected to him are shown.

You must know that the reason why people have infinite connections is because people, as long as there is a connection, it is equivalent to having a connection with all the connections of this person.

It is equivalent to the more classic sentence, what about my aunt's second uncle.

That's the power of this connection, that anything can become infinite.

And direct contact is relatively rare, after all, this is real, and there will be so-called giving me face, that is, talking and chatting, I'm sorry, but I have to pass by and bump into each other.

Although it still decreased a lot, Shi Yu found that this tm is still infinite.

After all, he has an infinite lifespan. In theory, it is reasonable for him to have direct contact with infinite individuals.

Unexpectedly, Shi Yu said directly that he only showed himself.

Then the situation was really as he imagined, he saw a huge circle.

"How big is this?"

I can't blame Shi Yu for being curious, Boundless can't be described like this, is it big or not?

And this space is very intelligent. When Shi Yu said that he wanted to see the panorama, his line of sight began to rise continuously, or the world was shrinking infinitely.

After one time unit, Shi Yu finally saw his whole picture, a big circle.

Soon, Shi Yu noticed that he was still in a circle.

One is very big, if its size can be described as boundless, then this is the so-called unimaginable.

Although I am a little scared, I don't know what this thing is, it can be so big.

However, Shi Yu discovered the abnormality of his circle.

In my own circle, the most central part actually looks like a mountain range, unexpectedly rising from the ground, becoming the only three-dimensional thing in this two-dimensional plane.

After seeing this, thoughts kept popping up in Shi Yu's mind, he seemed to have found the solution, how should he solve it?

(End of this chapter)

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