Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 175 True and False

Chapter 175 True and False
It may be this kind of imperfection that makes the so-called ten evils. After all, as I said before, the realm of the fairy king is actually equivalent to the golden fairy, but you only need to think about it to understand the gap between them!

In this state, there is still a body and a soul!

However, there are still merits in the wrong path of Perfect World, such as the last few real giants, the kind who cut the fairy king like vegetables!
Their strength is not weaker than the peak golden immortals. As for the golden immortals, there seems to be no such characters. The main reason is that the combat power of the immortal king is 10~50, and today it is generally 20~ 50, maybe even 30~50!

Once the data is listed, the situation is clear at a glance. Of course, this can actually explain one thing from the side. Although the road of Perfect World is a bit off, the talented people in it are still very good!

It can also be said that they should have discovered something wrong with their own cultivation system. After all, it has been many, many years, and none of them has broken through to the next level. As long as they are not fools, they all know that something is wrong!

As for why this kind of thing didn't happen, the biggest possibility is that they don't know what's wrong with them!
This is not a so-called problem-solving, so I directly calculate it step by step. This is a road that no one has gone before. That is to say, there is no real standard, so naturally I don’t know where I went astray!

Just like that sentence, the authorities are obsessed, and the bystanders are clear. In this case, it does not exist, because it is all about idealism. Who the hell knows what you are thinking, or in other words, I know what you think, it is really what you want of it!
It's this kind of question that lingers around your head, and there has never been a standard answer!
But all of the above is a series of speculations made by Shi Yu based on the situation shown in the original book. As for whether it is accurate, he has to wait for him to go back and look with his super eyes to get what he wants to know. Answer!

But regardless of whether it is correct or not, or whether it is useful or not, Tuoshe's current special state will definitely be useful to him in the future!

Although his current attention is all on the experiment, but at his level, or the level of his cultivation method, it is still possible to create a few tool personalities!

Tell all your ideas, or copy them to a few tool people created by yourself, let them do it by themselves, and do it by themselves!

Although he likes designing, he doesn't like building, after all, it's so boring, it doesn't make any sense at all!
After leaving Shi Yu's place, several tool personalities have no body, they are more like cold machines created by Shi Yu. After communicating for a moment, they each started to check the mainland!

After all, if you want to transform, you must at least know what is being transformed and how many raw materials are there, otherwise, isn't it just a joke!
With the exploration of the tool man, the whole picture of the whole continent also appeared in Shi Yu's mind!
And after seeing this strange object that appeared in his mind, Shi Yu's attention was instantly diverted!
Why do you say that this object is strange? If it wasn't in Shi Yu's mind, this object could not be drawn in reality, and it can't even be described!

With the memory of his previous life, Shi Yu has been unable to figure out one thing, that is, the sky is round and the earth is round, what is this spatial structure like!

And now he knows that the so-called Tianyuan place is not the real Tianyuan place, it is still round, but he has to raise his sight infinitely upwards to see it, other than that, there is no other way!

So since it is round, why can't we observe it? This involves layers!

It is equivalent to a two-dimensional plane, there is a thickness, can you observe this thickness, this is impossible!
However, this is not absolute, what we cannot observe, then we can imagine it!

Because of this, Shi Yu understood a terrifying thing, perhaps the world is an existence of infinite matryoshka, that is, an endless cycle that can be born infinitely and never ends!
And there is no essential difference between the so-called high-level world and the low-level world, just like the so-called big circle in the concept out of a small circle, in fact they are the same size!
Shi Yu can't be blamed for falling into this kind of negative thinking. From his perspective of normal people, this figure is very strange, very weird!

But after he used his real sight, that is, the high-dimensional perspective, he discovered a sad thing, this strange shape, under his sight, was actually spherical!
And the infinite sea surrounding Dou Qi Continent is equivalent to the sea above Blue Star. The only difference between the two is that the continent is unified and a whole!
After seeing this scene, Shi Yu even questioned whether his previous conjecture was correct!
But soon, he understood the real difference between the two!

If we say that when looking at the universe and the continent, we both raise our sights infinitely high, then, perhaps at an infinite distance, both of them will form a spherical shape!
But if you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that there is a clear difference between them, one is life, living on his surface, and the other is inside!
If life exists in this level of universe or continent, then the life that lives on them can regard them as parasites of parasites!

In this way, the situation becomes clearer. The parasites live in the body and cause great harm. Some live on the epidermis, or even just on the surface of the skin, without even breaking the skin!

Although this statement is more repulsive, it means this. Theoretically speaking, human beings do not live on planets, but in three-dimensional space. It’s just that our feet are on planets!

In other words, people and the planet are at the same level!
And the reason why people living on the mainland see the world as a round sky is because people are lower than the world!
To put it another way, people in the continent-shaped world really live on one plane, let me give you an example!
Downgrade the person of the earth to one level, and then we draw a line for each arc of the earth, that is, the degree that is not a straight line!

And at this time, the people who have been downgraded by one level have become two-dimensional paper people, so they can only live on this line, maybe they can see the scene below this line!

That is to say, at a right angle, a person can use his sight to see the situation below this line, but he will never reach it!
And this is a two-dimensional living body living in a three-dimensional space, and the round sky actually means the same thing, but it is a four-dimensional, or high-dimensional, three-dimensional living body!

Although there are certain differences in the way of expression between the two, for example, the latter is more advanced and harder to find, but the essence is actually similar!
Moreover, in the circle of this high-dimensional world, the radians in it, the radians of each grid, are just this kind of upper and lower surfaces!
It's a bit similar to the space of the 18 floors of hell mentioned earlier!
And if you think about it this way, the 36 heavens in the prehistoric world are 36 from above, Yuanli, and the 18th floor is 18 below!
And the most important thing, and the Great Desolate Continent that has played the most, is the middle of this circle. If compared with the earth, it is equivalent to the equator!

And when thinking of this, Shi Yu's previous guess seems to have found a side proof from here!

(End of this chapter)

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