Chapter 176

Although relying on brain supplementation, I have recognized the changes in the world, but this is only a rough idea, similar to the information I know from the Internet, this kind of incomplete, very one-sided, and cannot be clearly understood!
But even so, the harvest this time is still beyond Shi Yu's imagination!

In the beginning, he didn't really care about this. In his opinion, after the world was swallowed, he just got a more important body!
But the result is far beyond his imagination. This information can become the head of his future realm, so that there will be no embarrassing situation in the beginning where he didn't even know how to start playing!

With interest comes, Shi Yu also has the motivation to transform the world!

Moreover, he also thought of a funny thing, this world behaves in the same way as Da Luo's world, but this world is definitely not a Da Luo world!

Then, from this point, we can get a message that the subsidiary world of Da Luo World is the same as it, not that kind of cosmic world!

And the fun thing Shi Yu thought of was to turn the Dou Qi Continent into a cosmic world!

This seems to be nothing, but there is actually a super big bug hidden in it!

And when it comes to this bug, it is necessary to talk about a paradox that Shi Yu saw before, that is, after one night, the entire universe has expanded by 10 times, can you find this change!

The answer is no, because all of them are in the same proportion, enlarged by 10 times!
Even the fission of so-called nuclear weapons will not change anything, after all, it is the same proportion!

And based on this, Shi Yu has a real coquettish operation, that is, the universe shrinks in proportion every moment!

Of course, the reduction here refers to the scale in the space, just like a half-meter ball in a one-meter space!
In this way, the ball appears very large in this space, so we reduce the scale of this space by 10 times!
In the end, the ball was only 5 centimeters left, and the space was expanded by countless times!
And this is only reducing the size of the space, it can only increase the size of the space, and it can't be regarded as a real coquettish operation!

If this shrinkage is everything shrinks, it will be fun!

At that time, everything in this world will slowly become his. This is equivalent to the dilution of shares after financing. If you keep up with different proportions, it will eventually become mine!
Of course, Shi Yu's world will invade other worlds. If Shi Yu does this, theoretically, if they meet people from other worlds, they may be instantly killed!
After all, although it seems that nothing has changed in this world, it just looks like that!
This is equivalent to two rivers with different speeds, no matter how big the gap is between them, the moment they meet, they will be unified!

However, in order for this to happen, another necessity is needed, that is, in this world, only Shi Yu's universe is doing this, while other worlds or the heavens and myriad worlds do not!
But the result was frightening. When he thought of playing like this, he suddenly remembered some situations that often appeared in reading novels before, that is, the 'Tao' is becoming infinitely stronger!

Perhaps this is not clear, so use the situation in the wild as an example!
Many people say that in the prehistoric world, the more you play, the weaker you become, and the more you play, the more rubbish you become. At the very beginning, there was a great man like Pan Gu, who swept away the invincible opponents of Chaos!

And the invincible after that was Hongjun, a conspirator with a natural appearance. When the two of them met, Pangu would definitely be even more powerful!
The same is true for the subsequent development. Compared with Hongjun, the gap between Liusheng and Hongjun is not so big!

So looking at it this way, Honghuang is completely developing in reverse, that is, the more he plays, the weaker he becomes!
But in reality, in the first war, chaos opened the heavens, and in many novels it was written that Pangu was opening the sky, what the hell!

Pangu practiced the Dao of Power, so what did he create the Great Desolation, and he said something ugly, even if the Chaos became the Great Desolation, it is actually nothing to the Chaos Demon God!
The reason why Chaos is considered to be more advanced than Honghuang is because Honghuang is not complete. It can be said that the proportion of Honghuang in Chaos is only about 1‰, or even less. This is still quality. If it is size, then this The ratio should be reduced by at least 1 times!
It is also because of this that the so-called prehistoric is more rubbish than chaos, but it has been realized that they are just two states of the world!
Even according to Shi Yu's knowledge, the prehistoric or the complete prehistoric, the perfect prehistoric is more advanced than the chaos. Chaos is like a universe, and the prehistoric is the original prototype of a continental world!
As I said before, the continent is a little more advanced than the universe, so in the same way, the complete prehistoric is more advanced than chaos!
Based on this, the so-called Chaos Demon God despises the prehistoric, this is bullshit!
The biggest possibility is that sentence said by the Chaos Demon God, "Opening the sky and catastrophe", many authors have written such a sentence, Pangu wants to break the chaos!

In fact, it is very likely that this sentence is the truth!
Chaos is like a chicken, which means that Chaos is an egg, and Pan Gu is the most powerful life in it, so powerful that the egg can no longer bear his state!

So he should hatch into a chick, but this is not acceptable for other demon gods, or parasites, so the catastrophe is here!
I also said so much and described so much, just to tell you that this catastrophe is actually a chaos-level disaster. If it is placed now, it will be a disaster of the level of destroying the heavens and worlds!
And the second major disaster, the fierce beast, to describe it simply, it is to break the prehistoric world!

Such a comparison, the gap between the two is as big as the sky. Naturally, it is common sense that the combat power of the combatants is very different!

It is equivalent to a war between two countries, and a war between two villages, it should be regarded as two counties!

Are they of the same size? They are not of the same level at all!
And it was the same after that, after the destruction of the prehistoric, it was a war within the prehistoric, and finally it became a war of the human race!
Although that time, Honghuang was shattered, but it actually proved one thing from the side, Tongtian was messing around, it could only be regarded as a trivial matter, the battle between several forces, in the end, he abruptly destroyed Honghuang , This is something that the fierce beasts did not do, but he did it!

Although I think it's funny, but when I think about it, it's really such a small thing, it's just that Tongtian Taishanggang is online!

After all, to put it really harshly, don't at least be a war between two major races, but Fengshen, this is a fucking change of dynasty, and it ended up breaking the prehistoric world abruptly. If you are the boss of the prehistoric, Are you fucking angry!
And to list all of them, this is the reason why Hong Huang gave people more and more garbage. In the end, it was all the brats who were fighting. How could there be so-called saints flying all over the sky, big Luo and other awesome events!
(End of this chapter)

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