Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 178 Blue Star Changes

Chapter 178 Blue Star Changes
One year, the overwhelming advertisements came to Blue Star again, and because of the closed beta, Shi Yu didn't play anything hidden!
After all, the news has already been announced, so it's meaningless to continue pretending, so this time he's playing Yangmou!
Even if there are only these two points of immortal body and true cultivation, Shi Yu doesn't believe that anyone can resist the temptation!
After all, the group of beta testers is a living advertisement. Although they have two bodies, their cultivation is actually very idealistic!
It can also be said that although the physical body is gone, their realm has not changed. This is a real benefit that belongs exclusively to them!
Moreover, this kind of state is not like that of a reborn person, who still needs to practice again. It is more like an empty bottle without water. You only need to fill it up again, which is equivalent to restoring mana!

Moreover, the Blue Star in this world is not a Dharma-ending era. Let alone the shadow of the Great Desolation, even if it is the remnant of the Great Desolation, there are some strong people. Strictly speaking, Liu Feng is actually a remnant of the Great Desolation, but in this In the world, he has reached the limit of the prehistoric, so it feels like it has nothing to do with the prehistoric!
But in reality, it's not like that!

It is precisely because the concepts of the original transcendents and the group of internal testers who are rapidly improving are almost completely different, so they naturally collide!
After all, the group of extraordinary people raised by Shi Yu are really reckless, but in contrast, the other group is really reckless!

If you say it's not right, it's basically impossible. No matter how stubborn you are, it doesn't matter to me. I just want to beat you to death, or be beaten to death by you. This sentence is the best description!

Of course, the above is purely a joke. The reason for the real confrontation is nothing more than the competition for resources. After all, I am used to super-speed improvement, and who can stand the speed of self-cultivation that is slower than snail crawling, so speed up the practice of cultivation. The source has become a matter of contention!
And the beta testers are mobile advertisements, mobile stars. When they confront the original superhumans and even start a war, all ordinary people on the blue star know that the world is about to change!

Don't ask why, they can know that although the possibility of ordinary people tracking a Transcendent is very low, it can still be done with some high technology!
And as the first batch, the so-called internal testers, as long as they have a little ability, will send people to monitor, and there are so many forces, some of them overturned the table, broke the unspoken rules, and exposed the real information. Isn't it normal!

After all, Shi Yu has already announced the news, those who can rise above the crowd, but no one is a fool, naturally understand the general trend of the future!
And relying on the power of the Internet, a message can spread throughout the world in just a short moment!

And these are actually things before Shi Yu came to Blue Star again, and because of these things, Shi Yu decided to start global shipments after a comprehensive advertisement!
As for why there is still an advertisement, it is actually just to remind them, he believes that although people in this world yearn for power and freedom, but these things are not real, and after experiencing it personally, it is impossible for them to give up what they have in their hands. work, after all, there is a saying that is good, support the family!

And Shi Yu's advertisement is actually to tell them that if you want to play, hurry up and play, the opportunity is first come, first served!

And as long as you are not a fool, you will come!
After most of them are finally captured, Shi Yu can swallow the world directly, and whether you want to come or not, I will all come to work for you!

Of course, the above is pure fantasy, Shi Yu is still selling goods all over the world!

By the way, he also observed the reaction of all the big countries in this world to the advent of the new era!

After all, everyone who has read novels knows that the power of a country, to play one thing, is still very, very scary, and has the foundation of immortality. Shi Yu believes that this group of people may play his game to the sky!

So now observe and see their plans, Shi Yu really think about it, how to fight in the future!

And it was also this observation that allowed Shi Yu to discover a lot of fun, interesting, and some high-level forces, who conducted a series of super cool experiments on internal testers!
Such as electric shock, dissection, slicing, etc., which seem to be cool experiments anyway, making Shi Yu really feel numb!

"Sure enough, people are cruel enough to their own people!"

In the end, Shi Yu could only sigh. After all, there are some, even if Shi Yu sees it now, he has some uncomfortable reactions!
But also like this, Shi Yu thought of an excellent way, so that scattered people and the country cannot cooperate, and they can only guard against each other!
I also said before, although he didn't involve the soul, so the players are not perfect yet!
However, even without a soul, Shi Yu can directly connect with the body he created from his consciousness to achieve the so-called alternative resurrection!

Therefore, even if the local superhumans destroy the souls of the beta testers, Shi Yu can revive them together when they finally come to the game!
At that time, the craziest dog will be born. Shi Yu doesn't believe that some people will be the Holy Mother, even if he is sliced, he still chooses to forgive them!


In the blink of an eye, the day came to the global release, although during this time, after learning that the game was released again, various conspiracy theories and threat theories appeared on the Internet!

But even so, it still can't stop people's pursuit of power!

So the following conspiracy theories are all reverse conspiracy theories, that is, you don’t want us to go in, you want to keep it for yourself, etc. Anyway, they are very interesting, and Shi Yu almost died of laughter!

This time in the game, Shi Yu modified all the things that can be modified and those that need to be modified, and added all the things that can be added in one go!

Similarly, he also classified the forum into a series of classifications, national level, world level, of course there are smaller ones, but there is no need to mention it!

And with the information disclosed by the internal beta players, Shi Yu directly voted in the players this time without any reminders!
They are immortal anyway, if you die a few more times, you will naturally know how to play!

And it's very unkind, Shi Yu adjusted the initial pain level to 100%, after all, he believed too much, how could he grow without experiencing a little pain!
As for the most important thing, the world that the player landed in was also carefully created by Shi Yu, and it was basically projected in the same proportion as the world he originally created!

Its size and diameter are equivalent to the radius of the sun, but even so, this world is still ridiculously big!

Then Shi Yu copied it, and the Warcraft he commanded was released in this world according to a certain proportion!
In fact, it is to set up level zones, as many levels as there are, and in which range to practice leveling, that's what it means!
And because these monsters are copied, they have no IQ, or no consciousness, and Shi Yu can copy them in seconds!
In other words, it is the most game-like world. After all, it has been refreshed, so it is short of exploding equipment!
(End of this chapter)

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