Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 179 New Toys

Chapter 179 New Toys

"Is this a different world? It's so real!"

Following the white lights, one after another, people in tattered clothes, like beggars, ran out of the white lights!

They are like dogs having fun, with amazed eyes and boundless vitality, showing the world that they are all their own excitement!
But there is no absolute, there are countless people here, but there is a group of people. At first, they looked at this place with a confused face!

Then, as if thinking of something, the confused face changed instantly, turning into a hideous face, and some even said some people's names through gritted teeth!
Obviously, this was their enemy, and as they got angry, waves of invisible coercion appeared around them!

In an instant, they were as dazzling as cranes standing out from the crowd!
Feeling the inexplicable gazes from around them, this group of people seemed to have thought of something, and then quickly disappeared from the eyes of the crowd with the power beyond the limit of human body!
After the figure left, the crowd was completely blown away!
"Fuck, who is this guy! Looks like a dick!"


"**, just wait for me! If you dare to treat me like that, if you don't kill you, I will follow your surname!"

That group of weird people, after leaving the crowd, found a place where no one was there, and then, like hungry ghosts, uttered the most vicious curses at the people they were talking about!
What they don't know is that Shi Yu sees everything about them!
"With this group of people acting as mad dogs, it should be a mess for a while!
After calm down, it will be time for a separate regime, and it should be impossible to be unified again! "

Shi Yu didn't want this group of players to be united, of course it wasn't because he was afraid of anything, even if they reached the peak and became Da Luo, they still couldn't escape Shi Yu's control!

The reason why Shi Yu didn't want to is because of the players' innovative power, if they were united like an army!
To put it bluntly, Shi Yu said that he can train himself!
Moreover, he can directly go to the clone, not only listen to him, but also directly adjust the combat power to the maximum from the beginning, is this uncomfortable?
The reason why I don't do this is because it's not interesting, everything stays the same, so why play!
In addition to this, there is another biggest reason, the player, but the predecessor of the player family he will create in the future!

If it remains the same and does not change, then no matter how long it takes, Shi Yu will not know what shortcomings they have!
On the contrary, Shi Yu doesn't know what shortcomings will appear in the player family created based on them!

This is not allowed by Shi Yu, so for the sake of the infinite future, is it normal to sacrifice the interests of some powerful people at present, after all, they often do this too!
After observing again and confirming that there are no bugs, Shi Yu also started to deal with the things he has to deal with now!
In fact, it was to deal with Liu Feng. The former Shi Yu had no choice but to shout goodbye to him!

But now, to put it bluntly, let Liu Feng have one hand, Liu Feng can't do anything to him!
After all, his leapfrog ult, the so-called Blade Storm is a purely physical damage skill!
But is physical damage useful to Shi Yu? Maybe there are still a few fatal points in him in the previous realm!

But now he already has the concept of body shape, as long as the concept of body still exists, then his body is complete!

And as long as there is a body, the concept of a body will exist!

That is to say, if you want to destroy it, you must destroy all its matter, or quality, in an instant!

Perhaps an ordinary person has mastered this skill, and there is still the possibility of killing it, but Shi Yu, it is basically impossible to make a "Tao" shot. Of course, what we are talking about here is physical.
First of all, you need to understand what immortality is!
If a person has molecular-level immortality, then Ye Yi can be resurrected on the spot after being chopped into pieces several times, with full blood!

However, if he is beaten to the atomic level, then he can only say goodbye!
In the same way, immortality at the atomic level can only surpass the atom, that is, be smaller than him!

This is immortality, and it can also be said to be alive!
Although Shi Yu does not have this level of activity, but because of the indestructible matter, his immortality is the indestructible matter!
Only by beating him smaller than indestructible matter can he be killed!
But the indestructible matter itself is the smallest, so there is no smaller one!

You see, from a physical point of view, death does not exist to Shi Yu, not even a concept!
To put it bluntly, even if it is the so-called magic eye that blows up to the sky, it can't see Shi Yu's dead line!

Speaking of this, Shi Yu wanted to complain, the so-called concept of killing is really outrageous!

First of all, the concept is infinite, that is to say, if you want to kill the concept, you must fight each other infinitely, that is to say, 1:1 mutual cancellation!

Then we can get a message from here, if you want to kill a concept, you have to use another concept to cancel it!

Because only in this way, the two infinities will be reduced to 1:1 under relative circumstances, and there is a possibility of being eliminated!
That is to say, the Devil Eye can kill the concept theoretically, but in the end, the concept will disappear if the Devil Eye dies!

And to put it another harsh word, this killing, at most, kills the part of this multiverse, and it is impossible to spread to other universes and worlds!
To give a simple example, the user of the Devil's Eye suddenly wants to kill all human beings!
Then with these eyes, he saw the concept of human being itself, and then he killed it!
In the end, there will only be one, that is, the multiverse disappears, and the concept of human beings, that is, there is no human being!
But it doesn't affect people in other multiverses at all, so I come to the conclusion that it's too outrageous!

Thinking about interesting things, time passed quickly, and Shi Yu felt that he had arrived at his destination in an instant, that is, the Western Fantasy world where Liu Feng traveled through!
This time, the coquettish operation he played was the time stretching theory mentioned earlier, that is, stretching time and marking points, and finally relying on overlapping points to directly eliminate a piece of history!
As for why Shi Yu did this, except that there were more treasures in the time period before the protagonist traveled, of course this is nonsense, any cultivation items are invalid for Shi Yu, and if you want to complete this show operation, then this Western Fantasy World must first To be devoured by him, there will be a subsequent arrangement!
In fact, it's just two words, beauty!

There is no so-called divinity in his cultivation, and there is no so-called ruthlessness, it is just a simple mentality of ordinary people!
Xixin, this is inevitable, don't say anything, treat each other like a guest for a lifetime, first of all you have to understand one thing, that is decades, but is it decades!

This is endless time, you can persist for 10 years, [-] years, [-] years, [-] years!Even billions, trillions, who can do it!
Except for those who practice the way of ruthlessness, no one can maintain enthusiasm for such a long time. Shi Yu thinks he can't do it, so there is one love, one loves one, and grabs one. This is his life path!
Secondly, let's say something ugly, as long as you are an individual, you will be full of longing for a beautiful opposite sex!

Shi Yu, an ordinary person, is no exception, but because of this period of time, he has had sex, and by the way, some female friends who have developed similar relationships with him also have sex!
In this way, he has higher requirements for the quality of women, and there are very few things that can meet his standards, only those daughters of luck who have appeared on the stage!
At the same time, he doesn't want these women to have other men in their hearts. Of course, there is not only possessiveness here, but also embarrassment!

After all, people who can make this level of beauties fall in love are usually very powerful and awesome, and this kind of person is exactly the manager he needs. Wouldn't it be embarrassing to meet at that time!

For this, Shi Yu racked his brains and finally came up with a method. I will travel directly to the beginning of you and become your first love. Then it is impossible for you to find another man!

With this thought in mind, Shi Yu thought of a method, and now it's an experiment!
(End of this chapter)

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