Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 180 Operation

Chapter 180 Operation
As before, in less than a second, the indestructible matter spreads across the entire world, but considering that once it is completely covered, all people who have established contact with them will disappear, so Shi Yu maintained it to about 99%!

And the next step is the most important!

Shi Yu may be able to use tricks to travel through time and space, but there is really no way to travel through time!

But nothing is absolute, there are some things in the world that cannot be controlled by time, such as space, or cause and effect, and Shi Yu's favorite concept to play with now!

As for fate, it has too much connection with time, so it doesn't make sense to use it!
Among them, space is inviolable and incorruptible, everything I have can only be above space, even time is no exception!

So space didn't play a big role this time, and Shi Yu didn't know how to play with space, so naturally he didn't think about it!

Then only cause and effect and concepts are left, and aside from the concepts that he has already played with, cause and effect, this field that he has never touched, today, can only catch ducks and put it on the shelves!

Of course, although it seems difficult, it is really not difficult. Karma is actually a kind of connection, and Shi Yu can directly see this connection. In this way, although he has never been in contact with Karma, he has actually started!
After all, to put it bluntly, the initial connection between him and various things is actually the cause and effect of him and various things!

And the connection between him and the indestructible matter is completely dependent on the effect and cause. Of course, although the connection is very large, there is still a certain gap in it, but overall, there are still some parts that can be used in common!
And the operation of dying this time is actually very simple in simple terms!
We regard time as a tunnel. An unopened tunnel can also be said to be a mountain. If we want to reverse time, we have to pass through or turn over this mountain.

And what Shi Yu has to do this time is to directly establish a connection with the satellite in the sky, and then rely on the power of the satellite to directly transmit a part of him, and finally one body and two points!
And in this way, relying on the connection or super-strong connection, of course it can also be said to be cause and effect, Shi Yu has the power to reverse time!

This is equivalent to climbing a mountain, a smooth vertical corner, who can climb it, but what if this vertical corner has a rope!

The meaning of this is different. A person who is awesome can climb up by relying on this rope!

This is also the same, Shi Yu can completely rely on this cause and effect to walk against time!
Of course, as the source of the rope, the quality must be too large, or the volume must be too large!

Otherwise, it is equivalent to that the rope is not connected properly. What if the rope breaks halfway through the climb, what should I do if I fall down?

And this is even more so in the long river of time and space. Once you fall, you may sink, and when the time comes, all living beings will be in various states, and you will not even be able to get up!
And all the above requirements are a joke to Shi Yu!

After all, with his ability, he could cover the entire world in an instant. If it wasn't for those who hadn't had direct contact with him and would have died in this instant, he wanted to unify the world, that's two words, simple!
However, he felt that this restriction was actually quite good, at least it would not be so boring. After all, after driving Invincible for a long time, he would forget that he was actually a dog!

Flying to the city, he grabbed someone casually, just now it was just a theory, now he is going to practice it!

The mountain represents reverse time, and the satellite is a concept, because the concept actually has no time, or time cannot be controlled!
The only thing that can limit the concept is the original concept of his concept, which is the real object in the real world!
This is equivalent to flying a kite, the concept is the kite flying in the sky, and the one who pulls the rope is the concept itself!

Once the main body is gone, that is, the thread is broken, no matter how high you fly, you will eventually fall!
However, the relationship between concepts is actually more complicated than this. In the words of Western metaphysics, concepts are inherently sacred. Compared with concepts themselves, they are nobles who do not know how many times nobler, so this nobleman can use a certain amount of power for his commoner brother. that power!

Concepts, generally speaking, are these two types, and they also have a situation, that is, slaves of slaves, it depends on who is in charge of the situation, slaves who are not that kind of slaves, I do not belong to me!
In other words, that is, the subsidiary concept of the subsidiary concept may not belong to me, and there may even be a love triangle in it, that is, A belongs to B, B belongs to C, and C belongs to A. Anyway, the relationship here is very complicated!

But this time, Shi Yu doesn't need to sort out these relationships. He has only one purpose, which is to use the power of concepts to reach the birthplace of this concept!
In other words, this concept is actually his transfer station, so it can rely on this transfer connection to transfer his substance, or existence, to the original time!

Then, relying on the cause and effect of the two, Shi Yu can completely establish a direct connection, that is, a tunnel!

But Shi Yu is not pure, only he wants to go there, so a passage may allow him to enter, but it cannot let all his things enter. Naturally, only by directly bulldozing the mountain can he meet the requirements. His request!

Relying on that person, Shi Yu's consciousness went directly to the place where it was born. Consciousness belongs to a concept. Even if Tiandao saw it, he could only pretend that he didn't see it!
And then there's no more, the moment it gives up, it's not it anymore!

After all, as I said before, Tiandao is just a bigger person, the matter is his body, and the energy is his soul!
And being eroded by all the indestructible substances is like cancer, the setting is even more serious!

You can imagine what it would look like if someone’s body appeared in this situation in reality, the cancer cells have super-evolved!

Without material as the foundation, the way of heaven will collapse in an instant, but since it is not 100%, it is only a deep sleep at most!

But when to wake up, it depends on what Shi Yu wants, if he wants to play, even in the infinitely distant future, it is impossible to wake up!
After the anchor was completely established, Shi Yu transferred most of the indestructible matter on his current side to the other side, and then he started to move forward!

Of course, in his feeling, it may not be that he is moving, but that the time is approaching. When the feeling is almost the same, Shi Yu took a step forward as instinctively!
One step to the sky, one step to the end of the world, at this moment, Shi Yu was in a daze, and then he felt that the world seemed to have changed!

But when he looked closely, there was no change at all. He was the one who didn't give up, and used the indestructible substance to calculate accurately step by step. Finally, he found that there was really no change!
But he looked at the world again, and he had a clear feeling that the world must have changed!

Of course, the change here does not mean traveling through time, but the temperament of the world itself has changed, which is equivalent to ordinary people and professional elites!
Maybe you can’t see it bit by bit, but after a long time, and then compare the two, the gap is as big as the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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