Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 181 Time Ring

Chapter 181 Time Ring

Just when he was thinking about what changed, Shi Yu suddenly sensed something, and left here directly!
In a large manor on the earth, a swimsuit party is being held here, and when Shi Yu is operating, everyone present is in a daze, and at the same time, a feeling of heart palpitations arises from the heart, as if something is about to happen generally!
But no matter how they perceived and rehearsed, they didn't notice anything abnormal!
And after Shi Yu finished, everyone present continued to drive the party as if nothing happened!

However, I don't know why, their actions are getting slower and slower, but performance artists are average!
Not only that, their speaking voices also began to lengthen slowly, but the strange thing is that there is no slight change in sound quality, it just seems that the time has been lengthened, just like watching a video slowed down twice , the kind of change where it's obvious that nothing has changed!
The changes continued very quickly. In less than a few seconds, everyone's speed had slowed down beyond the sky, beyond the limit of what people could do. Even some strong people found it difficult to do this!
And at this moment, Shi Yu walked out from the space crack!

"I'm stupid, awesome!"

As soon as he appeared on the stage, Shi Yu was taken aback by the situation on the field. After all, although he was strong, he was really stupid. Most of what he knew was based on his ability, and many of them were not. What he has really seen is entirely based on imagination!

Naturally, this is the same situation as performance art, no accident, it shocked him!
After looking at it for a while, Shi Yu soon discovered what the situation was, and he naturally understood what situation they got into!
Their situation, to be honest, is actually a bit like a paradox that Shi Yu saw before!
It seems that in a certain god system, the fastest running god races with a snail, let the snail run 10 meters first, and then he chases after him!
When the god chased 10 meters, the snail advanced another centimeter!

Keep going, God chased this centimeter, and the snail moved forward a little more!
Anyway, in theory, the snail will always be ahead!

In other words, this god will never catch up with the snail!
To be honest, Shi Yu was shocked when he saw this!

The first thought that came to his mind at that time was, is this a fool?How could such a stupid question be asked!
First of all, what is the meaning of the competition, the competition is to stand in the third life to watch, and then give a relative fairness from the third perspective!

And this paradox is just standing at No.1 all the time, this situation will naturally occur, it is like the scolding in the countryside, you are a dead man!
What it means is that you don’t move. Similarly, as long as you are not a dead person or a dead person, then you will definitely move!

The situation encountered by the people present is a bit similar, but there is only one point!

As I said before, when two points on the timeline overlap, in addition to the time limit on the bright side, there will also be a time loop inside the timeline!

The initial time of this circle may be normal, but the later it gets closer to the origin, then the life in this time circle will perceive time more and more slowly!
Even at the moment of reaching the origin, his time perception will completely disappear, almost like a dead person!

And the people present, although they have left the world that Shi Yu messed around with!

But he is a person there after all, so he will naturally be drawn, or connected, influenced by that world!
And at this time, Shi Yu completed it, theoretically, this situation will not happen, they will directly integrate into their original bodies just like the world!

However, Shi Yu's purpose is when they are at their purest, he has a clear feeling that once these people get involved, they may not lose their memories!
After all, they have already transcended that world, or left that world anyway!
Their dependence on the world is not as strong as that of ordinary people!

Although, he may not know this hidden information, but his instinct did it directly!
Throw the group of guys who should have been reborn directly into the ring, and let them stand here forever with peace of mind!
While giving Instinct a 5-star rating, Shi Yu began to look at everyone present!
However, he has already had sex, and during that period of time, he also had some intimate exchanges with some good friends who are well connected. Naturally, he is not as hungry as he was at the beginning, and he wants to reach out when he sees a beautiful woman!

As for what happened!

It's very simple, he suddenly discovered something was wrong!
As I said before, their perception of time is getting slower and slower!
But at this moment, Shi Yu realized that it was not the perception of time, but the flow of time in their bodies, which was getting slower and slower!

To be honest, as long as there are no accidents, this group of people can theoretically live infinitely far away!
To live like this, Shi Yu believes that even in history, Qin Shihuang, who was obsessed with immortality, would give up his dream when he saw this scene!

The next time I looked at them and found that they hadn't changed in any way, Shi Yu also left here!

There are actually two reasons why I came here, besides seeing what they look like now, and by the way, seeing if I can be a tauren!

But looking at it now, the situation is optimistic, but my heart is not happy. After all, a few beautiful women have turned into clay sculptures that deform when squeezed, who will be in a good mood!

If it hadn't been for the established relationship before, Shi Yu might and could only have a shot at it now!

After venting for a while, Shi Yu started to tidy up. He has almost finished the matter of the universe, and it is time to leave now!
After thinking about it for a while, Shi Yu also completely left this universe after the fact that there was nothing and did not expect to exist!
The players haven't grown up yet. In the world that is about to be occupied, there are still some superpowers, which are not useful for the current crowd tactics!

And now, he also wants to go back and have a look first, and arrange the layout in advance by the way, after all, their lineage is the so-called blood of crimes!
(End of this chapter)

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