Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 214 Divinity

Chapter 214 Divinity

The other three alien beasts also seemed to have noticed the abnormality here, and then led by the fire bird, they attacked the north like an abyss!


In the limit of darkness, the creatures bred have fully demonstrated their power!

'Sun, black sun! '

The first moment they saw it, this was everyone's subconscious thought, because he was like the sun, emitting light all the time, but the sun emits scorching light, but it is extremely black, and it is not pure black!

Under the illumination of this kind of black light, the heat in the human body will be taken away by it, that is to say, it only needs to be illuminated by it for a circle, and the whole earth will return to its original state!

Shaking his head, pushing away that strange feeling, everyone could see clearly what it was, bastard, bastard entangled with snakes!

Seeing the four of them fighting together, there was an idea in the minds of all the creatures present, except for the real dragon at the beginning, what the hell are the others, why have they never seen any of them!

That is that bird, a bit like the legendary phoenix, and a bit like the Suzaku!

And if you talk about the first two, you still have a little hair, barely know what they are related to, and you have never heard of the remaining two!

A tiger, a tiger with wings, has never heard of it. In their cognition, the most powerful tigers are also the most kings!
But this kind of strength, is this compared to the creature in the vision?That is a creature that can compete with a real dragon, at least one of the legendary ten evils!
As for the last thing, there is nothing unusual about the intersection of turtle and snake.

With their minds completely open, they suddenly realized at this time, what kind of tricks is this person taking a stone and releasing a vision? Why is it different from what he just said?

Thinking of this, they looked at Shi Yu again, with undisguised doubts in their eyes, as if they were asking him, what on earth are you going to do!
Of course, although the above is quite long, the real world is actually only a few seconds. The main reason is that Shi Yu accelerated their thinking and cognition, that is, they increased their thinking time a little!
Of course, he wasn't so awesome yet, the main reason was that the burst of light released just now was actually a net, and when the light shone through, this net also caught them in the net!
It can also be said that putting them into Shi Yu's body will naturally slow down the external time. From another perspective, you only need to speed up his time, and the effect will be the same!

"This is a strange stone I got, and every creature that appears on it is an existence beyond the realm of gods!
Because of the magical power of the strange stone, he recorded this war, and because of this, there is a divinity in this strange stone!
The reason why your sacrifice spirit in Butian Pavilion can't break through the divine realm is because of his previous injuries, which prevented him from condensing the first ray of divinity, and naturally he couldn't ignite the divine fire and become a god! "

It's all said here, and the people present also know Shi Yu's plan.

Since it is impossible to condense the first ray of divinity, then absorb the divinity of others to take the most difficult first step!
"My lord, divinity is the way of others. Is it really okay to integrate other people's things like this?"

The one who spoke was the Pavilion Master of Butian Pavilion, and he was no longer acting. His question was naturally what he was really curious about.

In fact, in this world, the study of cultivation is very deep, otherwise there would be no so-called bone-digging!
After all, if the cultivation is not developed, the moment the knife is cut, it will be directly stabbed to death!

And let's talk about something ugly, many people think that these talents are real, and they are the same as normal bones, or the same as normal eyes!

In fact, this is not the case. It can be seen from the practice system that the initial practice is to improve the body and lay the foundation, and then practice slowly!

This information seems to be nothing on the surface, but it actually hides a message, which can also be said to be a hint, that is, you need to exercise your body before practicing!
It is still a very simple and clear message, but the hidden message in it is that ordinary people cannot directly contact with spiritual energy!
That is to say, normal people cannot directly absorb spiritual energy, they can only use some cultivation treasures indirectly, and they cannot directly absorb spiritual energy until the body has completed its transformation!
This is nothing, but, what kind of geniuses in this world, peerless geniuses, generally have a talent!
For example, Shi Hao's Supreme Bone, he has actually been able to directly contact with spiritual energy from the very beginning!

However, before he practiced, his body could not directly contact with the aura, which gave him a sense of contradiction!

If this still doesn't explain it, then change it to something more obvious. Some villains in the novel often cultivate the so-called immortality. Anyway, it's just one word, you can't kill me!

Regardless of whether my body is beaten to scum or my mother, I can still live anyway.

This is nothing, in this kind of world, there is still the ability to abolish him!

The so-called abolishing him does not mean that those who are stronger than him abolish him, but that he can destroy his own ability source, mana source, inner alchemy, golden alchemy, anyway, this similar thing, let him Become an ordinary person again!

In fact, a message is revealed from this, that is, such things as the source of mana, he does not really exist in your body, but more like a spatial location in your body!

This is actually the change in the number of layers in the two-dimensional space, that is to say, they are the same in the spatial position, but the spatial depth is different!
Just like a wooden stick, inserted straight into the ground, the deepest part of the wooden stick, and the highest point of the wooden stick, on the two-dimensional plane, they are the same position!
Similarly, the source of mana in Xiutu is also similar to the existence mentioned above, the inner alchemy or the divine spring, it is just the place you think it is!

So here comes the problem, this world can replace things that don’t exist in the same space, and you can imagine the research of practice in this world!
And the reason why I say so much is because the theory Shi Yu put forward before has been tested in this world, and this experiment failed!

Of course, these secrets are not accessible to the lower realms, but Butian Pavilion is a special case, it was created by a disciple of the supreme sect in the upper realm.

Naturally, he knew some news that the lower realm should not know, and among them, it happened to be this experiment!

And in the same way, Shi Yu also knew this information. After all, Butian Pavilion had already leaned towards him. Naturally, some of his methods could also be used!

"I know what you're trying to say, but this is different!

The divinity used in that experiment is the divinity of living beings, and naturally has the will of living beings, so of course it cannot be fused!
And the divinity of this stone, although created, is more like the birth of heaven and earth. Naturally, it does not have the will of a living being, so it can perfectly blend with the fusion! "

Shi Yu thought for a while, and immediately changed the setting of divinity in this stone. After all, he is not a god.
It happened that I took it out this time to pretend to be a fool, but I almost pretended to be a fool!

(End of this chapter)

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