Chapter 215
"Ah, is that so?"

The owner of Butian Pavilion seemed a little confused about Shi Yu's explanation. Recently, he really doesn't understand much!
In the past, he always thought that he was a learned person, but he didn't know until today that he was really ignorant!
At this moment, he has only one thought, after finishing today's matter, he will drill into the scripture library when he goes back. If he doesn't read all the books, notes, and records inside, he won't come out!

On the other side, Shi Yu breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the thoughts of the master of Butian Pavilion.

Similarly, he has no intention of pretending to be coercive for the time being. Today's pretense, in addition to being okay in his opinion at the beginning, is not very good in the future, especially just now, it almost failed!

Now, he feels that he should go out to see and see the wider world, so as to prevent another loophole from pretending to be aggressive next time!
With an idea in mind, Shi Yu stopped dawdling, and pretended to crush the stone in his hand. Of course, special effects are indispensable. In the eyes of outsiders, it was a golden flame suddenly appearing, and then the strange stone slowly swayed in the flame. melt!

In the end, it turned into a strange point. It was really strange. Everyone present couldn't understand what it was!
And in the same way, seeing the thoughts of Butian Pavilion and his group, Shi Yu stole a moment in his heart, as before, this thing, this strange thing, he actually didn't know what it was, he didn't name it, even the concept None exist!
As I said before, he was curious and collected a ray of divinity, but you can't see the divinity at all!
Because from the physical level, you can't get it at all, and even the immortal matter has not captured the divinity!
However, when one thing falls one thing, and when he found that the indestructible matter was useless, Shi Yu thought he was going to pass by, but he didn't expect that the energy that he couldn't use before could be used to capture this!

That is, that energy in consciousness, that infinite energy, but after that, it is useless!
As if it could only have an effect on divinity!
However, Shi Yu is quite happy about this, at least he knows its usefulness, it is not a useless thing, and the effect of the bag on the divinity is really strong, it is completely like a father beating his son, one thing lowers one thing !
But at the same time, he also discovered that divinity cannot be realized in the real world, because there is no material participation in his composition, and naturally, he cannot observe it on the real level!
So, in order to let everyone know that there is real divinity in his stone, he created a fake divinity to tell them that this divinity is real!

To be honest, if he wasn't the maker of the plan, he himself might be stunned!
And with that mysterious object, it entered the body of the gourd vine!

In an instant, the light was shining brightly, and visions appeared wildly. Anyway, all kinds of special effects are directly filled, it has everything you can imagine, and it also has things you haven't imagined!

Or the phantom of the Immortal Palace, or the rising moon, or the great sun, anyway, whatever Shi Yu can imagine, he has arranged it for him!
Of course, real materials are also indispensable, after all, he is not those black-hearted businessmen who do a good job on the surface but have no actual effect!

As a player who plays the Myriad Realms, what he pursues is perfection, even if he speaks big words, he must do it even on his knees!

But as a careful person, Shi Yu is still very cautious, and will not boast of being awesome beyond his own ability!
The reason why he dared to let gourd vine live a second life was because he already understood how to live a second life!
In fact, there is a saying in Zhetian, that is, at the beginning of cultivation, the method of eternal life has been revealed!
The growth rings of a tree, the life wheel of a person, when the life wheel can't bear it, is the time when a person completely returns to heaven!
Then here comes the method, as long as your body is strong enough that time cannot be corroded, then you will live forever?

Of course, this method is too hard, similar to going against the sky, the success rate is almost 0!

And people are fickle, since I can't come directly, then I will come indirectly!

And this indirect method is to become a fairy in the world of mortals, who will eventually become a fairy after the ninth life!
The body reaches the limit, then the whole body is compressed once, the body reaches the limit again, and then compressed again, a total of 9 compressions, which is actually similar to the fission reaction!
The fission reaction is 1 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 8, and this is, the peak is ten, compressed into one, and when one becomes ten, it is compressed again!
After 9 times, you can imagine how many times he is at the beginning!
Of course, this kind of statement is a bit exaggerated. After all, there is compression, which will definitely consume, or waste a large part, and the quality you re-cultivated will not be as fine as the one you compressed. There is no reason for the force to collapse.

However, after 9 reverse activations, the improvement in combat power is still very large!
But in the same way, the later the stage, the more difficult it is to live the next life. After all, the resources needed grow exponentially!

However, all of the above, after meeting Shi Yu, his difficulties are no longer established!

For example, the so-called resources, Shi Yu can directly mobilize the energy of the world, and then compress the energy that is more powerful and easy to absorb, and solve the short board of cultivation resources from the root!

And the second difficulty of inverting, that is, the overall compression, this can also help!
After all, he can directly set a unit 1, and then list the data of the entire body completely. As long as he is not a fool and knows addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, he can do this step and let the body transform!
And the last point, that is, the change of the soul, is really simple. According to Shi Yu's current observation, the soul is theoretically immortal!
Not for some reason, its existence has a time limit, but even so, it can still live for a long time!

In other words, if you want to complete the reverse work, the soul is convenient, and you basically don't need to do anything. On the contrary, after success, the benefits will be indispensable to you!
To put it in a more popular way, go to the theater to get the benefits, and when you get what you don't want to take, you will be close to success, which is the transformation of your soul!
So, as long as he is not a fool, under the guidance of Shi Yu, he can complete the first step, the first step of reversing the ninth world, and even in his deduction, he can get to the third step!
As for the future, you can't do it like this, you really have to rely on yourself!
Because at that time, the proportions in many places were no longer pure proportions!
For example, if you focus on using your hands and feet, then when compressing, you should also calculate this point. Whoever remembers this, even if you can remember it, you need to calculate the effective and ineffective, as well as the effective percentage and ineffective percentage. Comprehensive calculation, anyway, you can't figure it out!

At this time, it is the time when the feeling shows great power, and only by relying on the feeling can we come out!
This is more idealistic here, of course you can also do nothing and be a training machine, so let alone step 3, even step 9, Shi Yu can do it well!
But whether it works or not depends on fate!

(End of this chapter)

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