Chapter 263 The Return
"Senior, what the hell is this? Why didn't I feel the power of it?"

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this guy with a face full of thirst for knowledge, Shi Yu smiled unkindly, but he didn't delay, showing the effect of this thing.

"The gap between you and Chu Yunfei is too great, and it's impossible for me to summon a strong man to follow you at any time!

And even if I have this ability, I won't do it, you should know the reason! "

Speaking of this, Shi Yu looked at the main character, and after he nodded to show that he understood, Shi Yu began to speak later!
"So I thought about it, combined with some things I got before, and created this thing!
To be honest, this thing is really powerful, if it is not for my level, it is useless, I will not take it out! "

When it comes to this, Shi Yu is very cooperative and gave the protagonist a look, you earned it!
"Senior, I beg you, please stop fishing!"

The protagonist at the moment really feels like crying. The seniors in the past were very quick at doing things, and they didn't care about anything!
Why is this so long-winded today!

In the end, he couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to know how to use this artifact, and he didn't want to listen to people talking anymore!

"Young man now, really can't do it, he doesn't even have any patience!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Shi Yu uttered this sentence in his previous life, which made him want to hit someone after hearing it.

Then, it's normal, he got that kind of look, the kind of look that wants to hit someone!

But Shi Yu just glanced at him, and the eyes disappeared completely!
At this moment, he has to sigh, he has the ability to really do whatever he wants!

"Look at your urgency, the function of this array is very simple, it can forcibly suppress people who are 4 levels higher than you to the same level as your current level, and fight a battle that no one can stop!
The winner will eat everything, while the loser will disappear completely, even the soul will be swallowed by this array! "

After finishing speaking, Shi Yu looked at the protagonist who was in a state of shock. He really wanted to slap him, but after thinking about it for a while, he raised his hand and put it down again. After several times in a row, the protagonist became sober up!
And the hand that had been raised, the slap that was about to be slapped, was forcibly turned by Shi Yu, and made a sharp turn, that is, he slapped his hair!
"Senior, although this thing is powerful, it doesn't seem to be as powerful as you said.

Although those people are suppressed, their own strength is much higher than mine. Even in the same realm, their combat power exceeds this realm by how much. How can I win the fight! "

"Heh, do you think this loophole has not been patched by the old man? The problems you are worried about will not happen!"

"why is that?"

It's not putting on airs, the protagonist is really curious, is there anything special about it!
"This thing can not only suppress other people's strength, but also improve your own strength. As for how to improve it, it's also very simple. Everything the other party has will be copied and given to you!
How about it, you got all the power of others, plus your own power, although there are some frictions and conflicts, you should be able to deal with his original owner, right? "

"Really, that's great! Tell me, senior, how to use this artifact!"

After listening to Shi Yu's explanation, the protagonist was really shocked. With this thing, no matter who he meets, at least he won't lose, plus those two artifacts...

"Senior, I suddenly thought of a question, will this duplication even copy me!"

After thinking about his two artifacts, the class protagonist became a little worried. If the duplication is double-sided, it would be bad for him!
"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of idiot who sets a lot of restrictions on myself. That thing will only copy other people's, and won't care about yourself!"

"Haha, doesn't that mean that I don't need to worry about those guys anymore!"

After confirming the situation, the protagonist just wanted to express his situation, but when he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that the old man who gave him the artifact had completely walked away!
For some reason, he felt a sense of loss in his heart, but also, he breathed a sigh of relief, this old man is too mysterious!

After all, the equipment he took out at random is not inferior to his teacher's core collection!
However, people are fickle. Within a few seconds, those emotions that hurt spring, sorrow, and melancholy have disappeared completely. What is left is after confirming that the effect of the artifact is real, haha Just a big laughing fool!

As for the above, Shi Yu can see clearly, but he is not in the mood to see it!
As I said before, there was a problem on the battlefield of the two worlds, but just now, this problem has completely changed!
The changes are so great that even Shi Yu, the founder, did not expect to be able to play like this!
On the battlefield, Shi Yu has made certain restrictions. If the two strong players do not end at the same level, the other side will not be able to end!

In short, if two people want to fight on the battlefield, they must make an appointment in advance, and only after the battlefield system confirms the establishment can they enter the venue for fierce battles!
And this restriction only started from the 4th realm, and the current situation is a bit embarrassing because Shi Yu's side did not have the birth of the 4th realm!

It can even be said that, even in the second realm, they are the most powerful people in Tiange except for the administrators!
And because of special reasons, none of the administrators ended up!
As for the reason, the opponent is too strong, and it is useless for them to end up. Although they are not afraid of death, Shi Yu is not willing to do such a thing if he is sent to death for no reason!
It was also after considering these situations that Shi Yu told them not to run around, otherwise, since they were suppressed one by one, they would have started killing them a long time ago!

Of course, they may also be massacred!
And these, although not very much related to the problem, are still somewhat related!

Because there is no manager, this kind of core management comes on stage, so the dominance of Shi Yu's senior generals has dropped by an unknown amount!

On the other hand, it's the group of ordinary people, because they don't die, so they are very badass!
As for the people on the other side, they themselves have a lot of people, plus the general fighters are all from one force and one force!
This created a situation where one party not only had a large number of people, but was also very obedient!

On the other side, not only are there fewer people, but they also hate each other!

This kind of war is a real meat grinder. Of course, one is meat and the other is a machine!

If it's just these things, it's nothing. After all, it can be resurrected. No matter how powerful the machine is, it will be blown up one day!
And for this period of time, Shi Yu can afford to wait!
(End of this chapter)

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