Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 264 Status Quo

Chapter 264 Status Quo
The real reason for him to come back was a loophole that he hadn't thought of before, but now it was exploited!

Because the world is real, although in many places, he approaches them to online games, but there are some that are impossible to do in the real world!

And among them, there is such a loophole!
The natural disaster of the undead, this thing that exists in the general western fantasy world, the natural disaster that exists in all of them, is now spreading in his two battlefields!

The emergence of this problem is because he didn't notice it, so he won't say anything, but he will take action to eradicate this kind of bug!
After returning, Shi Yu started to take action, setting up the automatic clearing function for the two battlefields!
In the past, he only cared about the collection of consciousness, and he didn't care much about the others. After all, after they were resurrected, they were condensed from the indestructible matter directly extracted by Shi Yu!
There is a hidden point here. The indestructible substance used for Shi Yu's resurrection is public, but after being used by him, it will become his exclusive. This is a real fake public benefit!
So, Shi Yu didn't care at all, where did their former bodies go, after all, they were all prostitutes anyway, so you can fool around there!
Then an embarrassing thing happened, how many people died on the battlefields of the two worlds, if you count seriously, none of them.

However, to say how many corpses there are here, it can probably cover 1/10000 of the entire battlefield!
You know, this is the area, not the length, so you can imagine how many people died here!
An area close to one trillion square kilometers, even the smallest value, has 1000 trillion people!
And with so many skeletons, how terrifying the natural disaster of the undead will be, not to mention too much, even in the face of the siege of the gods, at least it can be a flower!
It sounds funny to say it, but is it actually that simple?

Being able to risk a flower in a cosmic level force is equivalent to you personally having the power to move the entire world. It may be rare, but at least this fluctuation can occur!

It's not that when a stone sinks in a lake, there will be no movement!

And this kind of power is the most overpowering Tiange's current situation!

After all, under the siege of this group of undead skeletons, they really can't get out!

Then there is a vicious circle, if you can't kill them, you have to kill them hard, and after they die, the undead can pull out a new batch of fighters, and by the way, they can take those skeletons that have been completely broken up to repair the injured body!

This is the real battle to support war!
However, he violated Shi Yu's love thoughts, so he had to disappear!
Moreover, he also made up his mind that he had to give them another hook, otherwise, the situation after that would still be similar!
Although it won't be as extreme as facing the undead, it still can't change the fate of being slaughtered!
In this way, their immortality will be greatly wasted, and they will even easily cause permanent and irreversible inner damage!

Of course, this so-called permanence cannot be eliminated, it existed before words appeared?

Now as long as he wants to make up for these things, he can do whatever he wants!

However, every supplement will consume his mind, maybe it is very small, but if the number is large, it can still tire him out!
Therefore, he will not do such thankless and useless things!

So for this, solve it from the root cause!

Why players can stand up again and again in the game, besides not dying, the most important point is sex!

So, it's time for him to start a small business!
Of course, because of the previous agreement, even if it was with the future subordinates, Shi Yu didn't want to break his promise openly!

Although he thought about it, remembered those secret realms, and remembered the equipment he made for the protagonist, he finally understood what he should do!

Classification, yes, classification!

Before, that is, before being besieged by the undead, the Tiange side was often slaughtered. The reason is also very simple. Their top combat power is really much higher than here, and there is no possibility of fighting at all. It can't be broken, even if it can be broken, it can't hit that blow at all!
If this is not the case, how could such a situation occur? After all, the current basic fighters on the Tiange side also have about ten trillion people!
Even if it's a pig, it's impossible to kill it in half a day. The reason why these things happen is because those guys are getting more and more fierce in the later stage!

In the early stage, a few people will be killed with one slap, and in the later stage, it will be impossible to slap billions of people without one!
And people of this level are everywhere on the other side, ten trillion people, that is, 1 people of this level, when you slap!
Of course, these are theories, and it is impossible for such a situation to occur in reality. To be able to slap such a solid slap, after a war, it can be said to be lucky once or twice!
However, the strong can't compare, and the number of weak can't be compared here!

To put it bluntly, the number of people on the side of the gods in the two battlefields is at least this number.

This is still because of the natural disaster of the undead, so most of them have already gone back!

To put it simply, this so-called danger of annihilation is too fake in their eyes, so they have no interest and want to go back!

But this is scary enough, 26 digits, you can easily die by the number of people, then there are only 17 digits of the Tiange Death Squad!
For these two reasons, Tiangefang basically maintains a regiment wipeout every half a day!
Of course, the reality is not the game data. This situation seems a bit wrong, but there is evidence and it is reasonable!

As I said before, this gate is row by row, that is to say, it is row by row, and the next row will be released only when it occupies the entire length of the battlefield!
What is the situation? To put it simply, the reason why normal wars are time-consuming is because the queue is quite long. If you want to kill people, you must kill them layer by layer from the outside!

But this kind of battle, the Tiange side actually only has one floor, that is to say, after the first person kills the enemy, the other enemies are also hacked to death by the teammates!

Although, this setting made Tiange a party, many people scolded the street, but they also acted as the king of mouth, after cursing, when it was time to die, they ran faster than anyone else!

After all, as long as you go to the battlefield, you will have points, and you can buy good things and upgrade with points!
After all, everything in that world can be regarded as his, so there is no point for fighting monsters in this world!
And after Tiange completely became his war machine, many things in Shi Yu became bright!
Of course, Shi Yu didn't open the points mall and the like!
It's not that I'm reluctant, the main reason is that I don't want him to flood!
He has even made up his mind to take back the player's point mall when the time is right!

(End of this chapter)

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