Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 292 Entropy

Chapter 292 Entropy

This statement is still not clear, what Shi Yu can think of, or the closest description, should be like this!
In the beginning, it was consciousness or concept, at this time, it is a point!

When he has a physical body, this point is drawn into a line, and similarly, the world is drawn into a plane, that is, a plane!
And on this plane, there is a line. This line represents the physical cultivation realm of this person. The longer the line, the more material storage it has!
Please note that it is pure material storage, not that the physical body becomes stronger but the storage!
In a simpler way, this line represents just a simple data, the longer the line, the bigger the number, the bigger the number, the more quality!
And when there is a soul, this line will stretch upwards, in other words, he becomes a three-dimensional life!
And this height is the strength of cultivation, it can also be said to be a realm, of course, it is still the same as the previous one, it is still a pure realm!
According to this statement, in theory, ordinary people have no soul!

Although this may seem untrue, it is actually true, and the reason has been said before!

Living on the indestructible matter, or the living body on that plane, it has a height of existence, but this height is lower than an indestructible matter!

But according to the previous statement and the setting of indestructible matter, only one conclusion can be drawn in the end, no!

Without contact practice, then you have no soul!

Of course, this theory is not the current Shi Yu, what needs to be considered, the most important thing is the setting of entropy!
In fact, the statement just now has been clearly expressed, the body actually represents matter, and the soul represents only energy!

If the two are separated, they can only be regarded as planar, that is, two-dimensional or low-dimensional!

But the combination of the two can become three-dimensional, or high-dimensional!
The two settings seem to have no connection at all, but the answer has actually been given!

The so-called entropy is the product of the combination of these two forces!
Because after the fusion of the two, they are no longer the separate things that existed before!
Of course, Shi Yu disagrees with this kind of statement, a more accurate description should be like this!

Every substance has its own attributes, which are inherent and cannot be changed!

And the moment the natural attributes of the two come into contact, their attributes will completely disappear, become blank, and return to the original!

To put it more simply, we regard the whole world as a living body, the so-called entropy, they will return outside the world!
In the previous description, with a body, the points will be drawn into a line, but a line is theoretically infinite, but in reality there is an upper limit!

Then, the point that this line must pass through is the storage place of this substance!

To put it simply, using natural numbers as an example, when the line is 8 meters long, then the blank property, the substance that exists in it is about 10 meters!
When you reach 10 meters, it becomes 12 meters!
This seems very impossible, but theoretically speaking, it can exist where it exists!
But now, the only difference is that the line has become a plane!

It is also for this reason that the so-called entropy and the so-called irreversibility are a thing of the past!

However, as mentioned before, because of Shi Yu's own consciousness, the indestructible matter that belongs to him alone has become a semi-ultra-dimensional existence!

Under normal circumstances, even this so-called semi-ultra-dimensional, there is actually no way, after all, its location is beyond your limit!
However, as mentioned before, Shi Yu's consciousness is higher than the layer where indestructible matter exists!
You know, this is also a kind of conceptual highness, and naturally you can also see the conceptual distance, or in other words, the two concepts will cancel each other out!

Without that restraint, as long as Shi Yu's eyes are not blind, he can naturally see an indestructible material storage place that is growing all the time!
Finally, I have to say that the so-called blank attribute can actually be regarded as a kind of indestructible matter. After all, indestructible matter is the limit of matter. No matter who it is, it cannot deny this reality!
And the so-called non-attribute means that it can become any attribute!

As for a substance that can be transformed into any attribute, then its basic unit of existence must be the smallest!

After all, becoming anything in the first place is 100% perfect becoming exactly like it!

Why do you say this, give an example!
A stone that can be turned into anything, one meter in size, but now what he wants to turn into is an ant that is only one centimeter in size!

How the hell can this work!

Matter is composed of layers. Of course, this is not absolute, but even so, you cannot reverse growth!

This is not magic, it is as much as it is, and it cannot be changed!

Then in the end, the person that can be transformed is exactly the same, even the nature is the same, but the volume is definitely different!
And this will naturally contradict the previous setting!
As I said before, if it exists, it must be reasonable. In other words, the contradiction does not exist!

And if the contradiction does not exist and meets his requirements, the answer will be written on your face!
Of course, saying this just means that Shi Yu can see the entropy, but he can't use it!
Although the reason has not been mentioned, it should be able to be seen from the settings!

Entropy belongs to the past, and those who can reverse entropy now do not exist yet!

After all, the world is not those inexplicable novels, and I dare not write like that if I only talk about novels!
What do you mean, Shi Yu can use it if he can see it!

Naturally it is impossible!

This is equivalent to seeing the sun, can you control it?
Definitely not!
However, if a life on a two-dimensional plane observes the sun one day, what will happen!

How it will develop, Shi Yu can't give an accurate answer!

However, based on this, it can come up with a three-dimensional world based on its own imagination!

After all, everything is difficult at the beginning, because it must find the only order from disorder!
Of course, this can only be regarded as an example, and there is still a little difference in nature. After all, as I said before, entropy is the past!
However, the past is divided into time periods, but the existence of Shang has held back all the time periods!
This is equivalent to directly pulling all the same items on a timeline together!
In other words, compress the timeline from a line to a point, and then re-stretch it into a line!

However, the first line is a vertical line, and the newly drawn line is a horizontal line!
This is a more profound time state than the vertical section, and even, this can be regarded as a little shadow of breaking through to a higher level!

Past equals present equals future!

(End of this chapter)

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