Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 293 The Other Side

Chapter 293 The Other Side

Everything mentioned above is the whole situation of Shi Yu now!
Similarly, the plans and conjectures in it are all in the future. Now, besides dealing with the player's situation, he can basically be an idle fish for a long time!
Originally, according to the normal development and normal plan, he could actually be liberated!
But how can you say that, he is that kind of person, he will be free when he is free, but once he decides to rectify, then he will rectify everything in one go!
This is similar to those card games, there are many characters, each character has its own gems, equipment and so on, it's very confusing!

And once there is time, Shi Yu will start a unified arrangement, that is, combine what should be combined, what should be promoted, what should be lowered, and what should be added should be added!
It is precisely because he likes playing this type of game that he naturally developed this habit. Similarly, he has retained this habit!
Although reality is not a game, but for him, all this is a game now!
Originally in his plan, half of them were local citizens and half were gamers!

One is forcible invasion, and the other is hidden replacement. They each have their own style of play and do not interfere with each other!

But the current situation is that he is too long on one side, and on the other side, he looks naturally smaller!

And this will create a sense of imbalance, Shi Yu naturally needs to come forward to solve it!
But now, after tidying up half of it, the other half naturally needs to be tidied up by the way, otherwise, his obsessive-compulsive disorder will not let him go!
The only thing that comforts him is the way the players handle it. They don't need to be as troublesome as those guys. After all, one is the son of the local power, and the other is the son of the rented godson. As long as you are not a fool, you don't know which side to lean towards!

Moreover, as a time traveler, he still knows the group of time travelers, that is, players, very proud of each other!
However, there is no power at all. To be honest, that kind of existence is completely without experiencing the beatings of society!
For example, in ancient times, pretending to be coercive, not worshiping the emperor, thinking in my heart that I am a new generation in the 21st century, how can I bow to feudalism!
To be honest, Shi Yu agrees and supports this idea!

But, support the kind of people who have the ability to say it and make it happen, not the guys who are just trolls!
Talking too much is full of tears, and apart from these, some still make people feel more headaches!

So, Shi Yu's way of dealing with them will not be so holy!

However, it is not the Holy Mother, but because of the situation, there are only so many solutions!
But now there are only two things he can do, the first is to open up more worlds, only in this way, their development will be faster!

And the second one is even simpler, recruiting newcomers!

In the past, he always felt that there were a lot of more than 20 billion people in that world. Now it seems that this is not enough to kill with one finger!
Moreover, considering that the gap between the two parties is too great, Shi Yu has also decided, and there is still selling, selling experience!

In fact, the points he set in the past have no meaning now!

In the beginning, his purpose was to tempt with points, use them to kill lives, and then gain permission to enter their consciousness space, or ability!

However, this time the war made him understand a lot, and at the same time, it also made him a fool!
In the past, a world seemed very big to him. Even though he had seen the lower bound of the perfect world, he still felt that a world was quite big!

But after this snake swallowing incident, he understood one thing, mosquito meat really doesn't feel like it!
Then, even the world looks down on him, so naturally he doesn't care as much about the so-called point limit as before!
In the past, in order to control the growth rate of the players, Shi Yu gave very few points, and the combat power span of each realm is extremely strong, in order to be able to become a strong player who can be seen in a realm.

Then, the points spent by a game player in this realm are probably more than three times the points spent to upgrade to this level!
It is also for various reasons that the current strongest players are probably around Dou Zun!

I have to mention here, as I said before, the part where the time changes drastically does not include the part of the player!
In other words, from the opening of Wanjie to the present, the growth of players has actually been less than 10 years!
This speed, if placed in other games, is unimaginably slow!
However, if it is placed in the practice system, this speed is ridiculously fast!

Here is another little knowledge, the powerful world and the weak world, they may have the same realm, that is, their combat power is similar, but the difficulty for them to improve a step in this realm is beyond imagination!
To use a simpler analogy, in a weaker world, from the very beginning of Qi training, to the last human immortal, each of their realms has at least 9 small realms!

However, in a stronger world, most of their realms should be three small realms!

It seems that those with more realms must be more powerful. In fact, if they really compete on the same stage, it is very likely that those with less realms will win, not those with more realms!
The reason is simple, the more small realms, the more detailed it is, the more powerful it is, after all, the more clearly it is explained!

In fact, this is actually a setting of the lower limit of talent, the so-called detailed or not, it doesn't matter!

To give a simple example, to break through a big realm, you need to jump over 100 hurdles. Those with strong talents are all stuck, maybe 99 jumps in one jump, while those with weak talents can only jump one by one!
And in the same way, the realm of the world is actually the average value here!
If the talent is good, 100 difficulties, people will pass in two steps!
Those with poor talent may have to jump dozens of steps!

And besides this, there is another reason!
As I mentioned before, the stronger the world, the slower time goes!

However, according to the theory mentioned at that time, in fact, the more powerful the world, the more stable the space is!
And in the same way, the space is stable, and the pretty clown can't jump up naturally!

In layman's terms, the destructive power of the realm has become significantly smaller!
The smaller ones are the great demon gods who will destroy the world, but in those powerful worlds, they are just weak chickens that can't even beat the soldiers!
And this, this is also an obvious criterion for realm division!
After all, if a weak world messes around like that, not to mention how many times the difficulty of breaking through will be increased. The most important point is, how many times the combat power must be doubled to break through a small realm is reasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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