Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 305 Not So Difficult

Chapter 305 Not So Difficult
As I said before, it is very difficult to put the bottom first!

It is beyond imagination for a weak person to be friends with a strong person!

It is still the previous theory, take a ladle of water from the sea, take the river water, fill the lake with water, and finally, take the lake water and pour it into the river!

There is a huge gap in the difficulty of each of them, the last one is the most difficult, the reason has been mentioned before!

And this theory is also in line here!

Although the road occupies a very important role in Shi Yu's heart, if he really feeds on tigers, he will be like that!
Shi Yu can directly use one move to destroy the boat, and directly eliminate him from the source!
Of course, if you do this, there will be a big loss!
However, it is also possible to use one with a lower loss. This is completely within his idea, it just depends on the situation!

And in the same way, this can also be regarded as another way of saying that his character is constant!

Readjust everything and pull it back to the beginning, although it is not good to continue lying in order to complete the lie, according to the normal moral view!
But in fact, this is Shi Yu's inner thoughts, and similarly, his way does not conflict with this!

The reason why I say those is just to explain!
And telling the second lie is easier!

As I said before, after Shi Yu studied consciousness, he discovered that the so-called human beings, or this kind of individual life that gave birth to self-awareness, should be called divine intelligence!

And now, what Shi Yu has to do is to usurp the authority of God!
It's a bit of a second grade here, but that's what it means!
Theoretically speaking, any item can give birth to wisdom!

Well, we first need to understand one thing, according to the previous theory, the initial consciousness is parasitic on the real thing!
And secondly, it is the so-called soul!

There is a sequence!

And in the same way, combine today or the so-called possibility that all objects have birth consciousness!
In fact, it is not difficult to find that the soul, in essence, is indeed stronger than the pure body!
But the soul is actually derived from the body!
Of course, this is just the conclusion Shi Yu has come to now!
But in the same way, this statement is a bit contrary to public understanding!

In the eyes of everyone, and even the real peak powerhouses of the Ten Thousand Realms, it should be the soul first, and then the body!

The reason for this situation is that if the soul is immortal, it will not die!
At the same time, under the premise that the soul is immortal, the body can be replaced continuously!

It cannot be seen from this that their argument is still tenable!
However, no matter how extravagant this statement is, there is one thing that must be said!

Regardless of the so-called rebirth by refining the body, or seizing the body, in essence, the body he obtained is incomplete!
There will be conflicts between his soul and body, and he will not be able to exert 100% of his power!
Either the soul is too much, or the body is too strong, it is difficult to achieve true 100% anyway!

100% here is a very conceptual thing!
Anyway, as far as one consciousness is concerned, they definitely cannot match 100%!

And as I said before, the later the stage, the more unified and integrated it must be!

So how can two two that cannot match 100% be 100% integrated! !

You know, that's kind of conceptual!

To put it simply, what you are short of may be 1%, so no matter how much your future total amount is, you will still be short of that 1%!

Or, after the fusion of the two, 1% are incompatible!

Looks like nothing is it!

But compared with people of the same realm, you must have 1% more combat power than others, to make up for that 1% mismatch!
And this, in fact, is nothing!
After all, those who can reach that level really don't care about this!

The real problem is a small point, that is, your overall defense power has been reduced by 1%!

But the real point is that you have 1% of your power and cannot control it!
You can imagine that you made a perfect snowman, and finally added an antenna to him like a snake!

The nature changed in an instant!
The battle between the two, with such a little more uncontrollable force, is the same!

It's not that it's really uncontrollable, but your control is not uniform!

Maybe you are amazing, and you can easily do two things at once, but who at that level is not one at all!
And in the same way, the further you go to the back, the harder it is to split the attention!

And because of this, you need to waste a little more energy than others forever!

As you can imagine, what a disadvantage this is!

So, the so-called seizing the house and the like looks awesome, but in fact it is like that!

As long as you keep getting stronger, he will eventually pay the price for it!

Last but not least, save your life, do whatever you want!
After the above statement, it is actually not difficult to see!

The so-called soul and body, in a more obvious way, we can imagine it as a forked tree!

It's the kind that made slingshots when I was a child!
Of course, if it really existed, it would definitely not look like that!

It is more like a main vein, and a branch that is bigger than the main vein!

The main vein refers to the body, and the branch refers to the soul!

Observe it!
Is the junction point between the vertical fork and the trunk higher than the junction point between the resin and the ground?

This refers to their innate heels!

And after just looking at it, we can't tell!
The so-called soul and thick body grow in parallel at the end!
And this refers to the two of them, two systems, two systems that do not interfere with each other!
And thinking from the heart, we can actually come to such a conclusion!
In the beginning, there was only a body, no soul!
Then, if we add consciousness into it, what does consciousness correspond to? ? ?

In fact, this question is very simple, and the answer has been given before. Shi Yu has mentioned more than once that his real space is infinitely close to the concept!

In the same way, he also said that he once detached Shi Yu's concept itself!

And with this, he achieved Gao Wei!
Of course, there are more than one benefits!
That operation also made him the master of the human race, the master of the human race, and the emperor of the human race!
And if you take a closer look, it’s actually not hard to see!
Consciousness is a concept!
Of course, referring to full consciousness!

In a more popular way of speaking, because of the superposition of countless it, it gave birth to consciousness!
And, he returned the consciousness to them again!
And this is the reason for the so-called parallelism!

Otherwise, why the energy and even many things are different, why can it be said that they are the same individual!

That's why!

In the same way, Shi Yu also put forward another theory before, that is, the theory of building a house!

There is an upper limit to the consciousness contained in the human brain, either to increase the strength of the house, or to increase the space of the room!

These two kinds, developed to the limit, can completely fuse the consciousness!

Of course, both of these are too extreme, and the probability of success is too low, so the best way is to take the middle value!
(End of this chapter)

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