Chapter 306
And this so-called intermediate value is to take both sides!

After all, no matter what, it is common sense that the further you go, the harder it is!
And this, too!

It seems easy to double the expansion in the early stage, but it is also very difficult to expand by one meter in the later stage!

But now, just take half of it directly, and give up the difficult ones behind the half!

Although it takes two trips, the amount of work is much less!
And this project is to devour other 'I'!
As I said before, these other existences of me can also be regarded as part of consciousness!

And in the same way, the house where they installed their consciousness can naturally absorb it!
As for you, if you absorb this, don’t you also absorb consciousness at the same time?
In theory, it shouldn't make a difference, right?
But don't forget one thing, fusion cannot be a 100% bonus!
To put it simply, at the same time, the other self can indeed greatly improve the strength, but it is impossible for him. You can increase the strength of the devoured person as much as possible. This is impossible!
In other words, there is a consumption in the middle!
Moreover, this engulfment not only strengthened the width, but also strengthened the thickness, how could the storage capacity not change!

And to devour everything by himself, isn't this Da Luo?
Isn't this exactly the opposite of what I just said?

Finally, let’s take that little tree as an example!
The so-called consciousness is the concept of the existence of that little tree!

What if, one day he surpassed his imagination and achieved a state similar to Shi Yu's!
Then his state is equivalent to the concept of existence of all numbers!

And in the same way, all trees are theoretically under his control, and they are all part of him!

Then in the end, let's unify, the so-called consciousness is born the moment a creature is born!
Even, there is no interval between their existence time!
And in the same way, when the body is born, it can only be attached to the body, but when the soul exists, he has a second choice!

And the final seizure is similar to grafting!
And this is also why, it is very difficult for those who seize the house to become a boss, but it is very easy for those who travel through time!
Traversing is equivalent to going from one planet in the universe to another. In essence, he is still in a universe!

And Duoshe, under normal circumstances, is to travel from this universe to another universe, this is not a good thing!

After all, as I said before, in the later stage of practice, everything must be merged into 1!

Then, one universe merges into one, and part of two universes merges into one!

Whoever is easy is easy!
Moreover, the reason why the traverser was able to rise is that it merged with itself!
Because after merging into one, his essence and even many of his things have been greatly improved!

Including intangible things like luck!

Then you can imagine that among all the people whose maximum value is 1 in theory, suddenly a 1:[-] appears!

What a shock!

It can be said that this is invincible capital!

When I was in the Dou Qi Continent, I saw the so-called high-grade pills that could give birth to consciousness!

Shi Yu made a huge guess, and during this period of time, he completely confirmed this guess!
Theoretically speaking, high-grade pills, artificially refined, can give birth to consciousness, and it can even be said that 99.9% of high-grade pills will give birth to consciousness!
And in the same way, he also confirmed one thing, although it can be manufactured by 100% imitation, but it cannot give birth to this life!

Moreover, he also discovered that if the elixir uses the medicinal materials and spiritual materials that he directly made, even if it is the ninth or even the tenth rank, there will be no chance of birthing consciousness!
As for the reason, he has also guessed, but he can't do it now, so he didn't experiment!

To put it simply, this consciousness is created by Tao!

But now, Shi Yu's territory is a place of no way!
To put it simply, here at Shi Yu, no matter how hard you practice, you cannot clearly perceive the Tao of the outside world!
You can only be honest, kill monsters, earn points, and exchange for strength!

Even those who so-called go out of their own way are still like this, the reason has been explained before!

Even, Shi Yu once guessed that even those who created the Tao will have no inspiration when they come here!
To put it simply, the road will be blocked, and I can't think of where to go to the next realm!
One last thing, the so-called finding one's own way means finding one's own goal. He still needs to climb the stairs honestly!

And the so-called Dao creators not only found their own Dao, but also created a road out of nothing that they could pass through!
This is the difference between the two!

Or you can use a simpler description!

There is such a saying, the more people go, the road will come out!

This sentence is correct, but it is also incorrect!

The person who said this, in his imagination, was walking on grass!

And the so-called Dao creation is walking on the mountain of knives!
You can imagine, a person who, in order to let the younger generation can cross the mountain of swords with peace of mind, regardless of his own harm, keeps stepping a safe path in the mountain of swords!
Use your own arrogance and your own hard bones to blunt this extremely sharp knife!

This is the real creation. Every step you take, you need to endure the torment of mountains of swords and seas of fire!

And this one can be said to be the first person!
And since him, more and more people asked him to do this. Slowly, the mountain of swords became a maze!

This is like the first sapling, the path created by the first man is the trunk of the sapling!
And the path taken by others is the fork of this little sapling!
As more and more people walk out of the road, the decimals are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more forks, densely packed, dazzling!
At this time, it is almost time for the protagonist to appear on the stage!

It can also be said that this road is barely mature!

And at this time, it is very difficult to get to the top!
After all, there is only one trunk, and all his branches are forks!

Only when you walk to the trunk can you fully absorb all the nutrients of this path!

And in the same way, after absorbing so much nutrition, it is not impossible to take another step!

However, the road is not a big tree, you don't know which way to go just by looking at it!

In the world of practice, everything is idealistic, as long as you believe in your heart, you can reach the end!
This is the man who goes out of his own way!
As for the other ordinary guys, they are the ones who have been dazzled and lost their way here!

Of course, this is a common situation, which refers to a change in which the primordials have no ability to go through this path at once, and are helpless!
But the world has no shortage of geniuses!

Some people are very awesome, and they can walk out of such a road with ease!

The awesomeness here refers to really go out of your own way!
The other so-called how to create their own way does not count!

After all, it is too much to rely on that after all!

Even if it is created, it is still disconnected and impure!
(End of this chapter)

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