Chapter 319 Start

To sum up, the protagonist, there is no shortage of your enemies!
After all, it is basically impossible for a person of that kind to keep up with the protagonist!
As for the last, that kind of despair level really appeared, and those opponents of the same period may not even be able to do cannon fodder!
Well, if there were no such useless enemies, the protagonist would wholeheartedly develop a wave in the sect or the academy!
Think about it, after going out, is it strong or weak?
Under normal circumstances, it must be stronger!

Of course, the kind of beating someone to gain experience is not counted!
After all, that kind of thing, just go to the battlefield completely!

Then, you can also imagine that without the provocations of those imbeciles, you will be fighting against people who are stronger than you and not weaker than yourself every day!

Coupled with the current stage, the best auxiliary products!

To be honest, as long as you have enough time, or if you are not in a hurry, then you can develop as much potential as you have!
For example, the current Shi Hao, to put it bluntly, does not need super-standard strength, and in the same realm, Shi Yu can't beat this murderous man!

Moreover, this setting, including the experience of both parties, is the same!
The current him can basically be regarded as half a step beyond the limit of this realm!
It's not that you can't completely detach yourself, the main thing is that after you detach yourself, you will soon face a breakthrough!
At that time, he will be arrayed!

Shi Yi, on the other hand, still belongs to the inscription pattern realm!

This battle may not be fought!
And in order to take revenge in person, Shi Ritian came directly and cut off the opportunity of that breakthrough!
This point is really ruthless and arrogant!

After all, there is such a famous saying that what is wonderful is 99% sweat and 1% talent!
A sentence of poisonous chicken soup will be added later, but this 1% talent is more important than that 99% hard work!

And this so-called talent is a flash of inspiration, or in other words, the source!
Without this thing, I don't know what to do with myself!
It was such a precious thing, Shi Hao directly chopped it off!
To be honest, if I don't believe in his talent, I believe that after he wins this battle, his limit this time may be farther and bigger!

Shi Yu had already slapped this prodigal bastard to death!

Maybe it's because of a different mentality. This time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shi Yi just wanted to say a few sarcastic words to ease the atmosphere!

To his embarrassment, Shi Ritian didn't care about him at all!
For this scene, it is actually quite normal!
As I said just now, the mentality is different!

In the original book, if it is subdivided, Shi Hao's realm can probably be regarded as the late stage, while Shi Yi's is the peak!

Relying on the more proficient double pupil, theoretically speaking, even with the Kunpeng method, Shi Hao still can't beat this person!

Comparing the data, the extreme combat power of the two of them at that time can be regarded as above 5!
Of course, not reaching 6!

However, there should also be a 5.8 and 5.6!

As for why it didn't exceed, besides age, the main reason is the world!
The more powerful the world, the slower his time will go, and the same, how can he say it can be regarded as pressure, or it belongs to gravity, which is more powerful!
As long as you live in that world, for some people living in a world that is weaker than that world, the daily life of people in that world is an exercise that they can't imagine!
Although there is not such a big gap between the lower bound and the upper bound, they are different after all!

Moreover, the difference between the practice world and the normal world is that there is aura in the practice world!

And what distinguishes the strength of the practice world is the average aura value, as well as the highest and lowest values!
And with its different heights, the names given to him are also different!

The ones with low concentration are simpler and more ordinary, while the ones with high concentration are not to mention complicated, but the meaning is very interesting!
In the lower realm and upper realm, you only need to listen to the name, and you need to think about it to know that the people who exist in this place are more powerful!

Immortal Realm, Forbidden Zone, just by hearing the names, you can tell that the inside is very powerful!

Doesn't this also obey the law just now?
But if you think about it carefully, aura should belong to a kind of energy, and it should be evenly dispersed. Why is there such an uneven state?

You know, the world where there is spiritual energy is generally the kind of place with a round sky!
In other words, the flowing atmosphere of the earth, those worlds do not exist!

And naturally, at atmospheric pressure, everything should be in balance!

How could there be such a situation similar to a square board!

the reason is simple!
There is an invisible wall on the edge of these square boards!
And with this kind of wall, these pieces of shapeless land will become barrels of different shapes!

So, let’s talk about the situation of Reiki!


In fact, the answer has been given before, the components of aura must have energy, there must also be matter, and there is even a residue of conscious power!

In an inexplicable ratio, they mixed into the so-called aura!

A high-energy gas that can be superimposed!
In other words, spiritual energy is born anytime and anywhere, and the place where it is born is random!
However, its number is not 1, but extremely many!

Of course, this amount cannot spread to the entire world!
However, it is still possible to flatten the entire world!

That is, let the whole world rain next time!

As for the thickness, it depends on the interval!

Of course, this has to be because you have the power, otherwise, who will beat you!
Then set an assumption!

The aura that is born every day, it does not land, but remains in the sky, and the chamber is emptied every 24 hours!

Theoretically speaking, the descending aura is an average!

Wherever it is, it's all the same thickness!
And the same, so the aura should be all average!
And here comes the role of those barrels!

Because the bucket has edges, this edge can prevent the loss of aura!

In other words, you can keep the aura!

Then, theoretically speaking, as long as the side is high enough, it can infinitely superimpose aura!

Then think about it, those who live in it, or in other words, the aura in this aura is much higher than other ones!

Of course, this statement has loopholes and is incomplete!
For example, this edge is not a simple edge, he is a person who can only enter but not exit!

Of course, when the storage capacity of this aura exceeds the limit of this side, the limit here refers to the height!
Then, the aura will flow down from this height!

That is to say, the height of your side is the amount of your aura storage!
And the aura that flows out will go to fill other unfilled buckets!
It is by relying on this model that the flow of aura is achieved, but the aura is not lost from the whole!
Of course, there is no thickness in aura, so that side is not a simple side!
This side, he has his own name, that is the law!
Each barrel is a small area, and the strength of the law determines the amount of aura!
(End of this chapter)

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