Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 320 The Reason for Exaggeration

Chapter 320 The Reason for Exaggeration

So, this is why they can't reach it for the time being!
It's not that they don't have that potential. Apart from time, the most important thing is that they didn't expand their horizons!

This is very similar to the siphon in the real world!
Of course, it refers to the appearance similarity, not the inner rationality!

In other words, the balance had been maintained, but under the siphon effect, the water flowed out!

And this is equivalent to a calm state without the siphon effect!
So, without the siphon effect, should the water be kept all the time!
However, I have to say a but here!

"Damn it!"

Seeing the magical changes in the battlefield between the two sides, Shi Yu really didn't want to talk about it!

One word, exaggeration! ! !
The two sides exchanged flashes at the beginning, so we won't talk about it!
After that, they all started the destruction mode!

You hit me a planet, and I hit a marble too!
The kind of marbles that use planets as marbles!

Finally, what made him speechless the most was that after playing the destruction mode, he opened the creation mode again!
You create a universe to seal me, and I'll bomb you with a world!
To be honest, if this fighting special effect is real, at least a big monk can play it!

However, these are just illusions!

Of course, it's not their own illusory!

How can I put it this way, in Shi Yu's eyes, the fight between the two is already very small, and it hardly attracts his attention!
However, that so-called arena, tmd has its own background!

That's right, all the illusions just now are actually his own background!

Of course, not all!
The False God Realm itself is an illusory world!

To put it simply, will, will is still useful in this world!
Although it won't be like other worlds, come directly to love is invincible, love has no limits!

However, it is still possible to randomly increase one's combat power by a few percent!
What makes him truly awesome is his own special effects!
In other words, it is too impetuous!

After all, the perfect world, as a whole, is a big world!

As I said before, there is an insurmountable distance between Da Luo and Da Luo!
To some extent, the world is also life, and human beings are the parasites of the world!
To put it simply, it is that, one person attains the Tao, the chicken and dog in the chicken and dog ascend to heaven!

So, the battle between the two of them, in other worlds, although it won't be as exaggerated as it appears, it's not much worse!
Of course, none of this has much to do with him now!
Today, or since he returned to the perfect world, he already has a goal!
In the original book, after the Battle of Double Ten, there was a false attack on the sky!

Of course, he doesn't care about this thing, even the so-called domain master, he can easily shoot him to death!
Of course, the premise of shooting to death is based on when he ran out to make waves!
The reason is not explained!
Although, one force will reduce ten meetings, but this is not a matter of one level at all!

The False God Realm is neither a pure material world nor a pure energy world!
The combination of the two and the connection with the spirit create its magical function!
So, even if Shi Yu wants to steal, he still needs a little source, the source of the source!
But today, this source will be personally delivered to him!

So, he is here, by the way, take a look, um, solve the previous doubts!

The main reason is that the description of the battle between the two stones is too exaggerated. Even after such a long time, Shi Yu still vaguely remembers the words that appeared in it!
Either create the universe, or destroy the world, seeing it makes people tremble!

So, several years have passed by Bian, whenever he thinks of the key word "Battle of Two Stones", all kinds of previous doubts will directly appear in his mind!

So, if you can, let's see what's going on, isn't this the case!

The battle was really fast, not as long as expected, just like what I said before, after all kinds of confrontations, the two sides opened up!

The difference from the original book is that Shi Yi may have felt the pressure, but Shi Yi really opened up, that is, his double pupils!

To be honest, very dick!
However, what makes people have to complain is that the existence of those eyes is really unreasonable!
The speed limit of the same realm is similar to that of a turtle crawling in his eyes!
Do you know what this concept is!

It can be said that based on this alone, as long as you exercise your body, you will be invincible!

Moreover, this can only be regarded as a passive ability, there are various active skills in it, comprehensive evaluation, linked to B
And in the same way, you can imagine what special effects the Supreme Bone, which can be compared to this awesome or even more awesome, has!
Don't say anything about God's robbery!
If it is just this point, it is impossible to compare them!
The reason is very simple. Although there is no detailed description, anyone who has read it carefully knows that Shi Yi once said that the Supreme Bone he used when he wanted to humiliate did not use its true power of double pupils!
In this sentence, although he can be forcibly explained by the fact that he does not match Supreme Valley very well!
However, this also shows one thing from the side. Among the skills with double pupils, the active skills are actually not much worse than God Jieguang!

Well, here is a choice for you!

Two items, choose 2 from 1!

One is a gemstone with 100 times skill, which is to increase your physical attack by 100 times!
The other one is only 80 times stronger, but it comes with various powerful skills, and it is passive!
For example, see through, see through, see through!
There are also various deceleration skills!
Excuse me, what do you choose!
As long as you are not a fool, you will choose the second one!
After all, although the gap of 20 times is huge, it will be even better when paired with other passive and active skills!

Another point, too extreme!

Moreover, as long as you understand it carefully, you will find a super passive that comes with double pupils!
This passivity, to be honest, is really very important for the weak, that is, under the big Luo!

Your speed, in my eyes, is like a turtle crawling!

Think about this sentence carefully!
Here is one thing explained from the side, seeing other people's speed slowing down, wouldn't it relatively speed up your own speed and thinking speed!

It seems useless, but anyone who is not a fool will understand how useful it is!
Perhaps, it is impossible to improve the strength in the true sense!
But let's put it this way!

Take rock-paper-scissors for example!
Although it is said that speeding up the time of one's conscious thinking will not increase one's body movements!
However, I just need to do the preparations well, and then see clearly what you produce, and finally at that moment, the one that ate you!
Excuse me, will this lose?
Even if you say it, I can do whatever I want!
But you have to understand one thing, people just slow down your action time, and then increase your thinking time accordingly!
Well, don't care what you come up with, just look at what you come up with and change it at the end!

(End of this chapter)

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