Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 334 1 vs 3 Forever

Chapter 334 1 vs 3 Forever
In novels, this kind of plot often appears, that is, the protagonist of the novel falls into a certain illusion, and the enemy in it is himself!
No matter how strong he is now, the strength of that mirror image can keep up with him!
Even, as the so-called, it is improving every second, and it is impossible to break this counter-selling state!
As for how to break through this predicament, other than tricks, the most complete, powerful and simplest method is to hit a blow that exceeds the limit!
Of course, this term is rather vague and unclear!

To put it simply, it is not universal, it depends entirely on chance, and the chance of duplication is too low!

And in the same way, after it is clarified, it will not be possible!
Anyway, to sum it up in one sentence, this is a miracle!
In other words, if you want to break through that illusion from the front, you must perform a miracle!

Otherwise, the only way to get out of that environment is by trickery!

And Da Luo's second step, to some extent, is what it means!
Once, Shi Yu said such a sentence, when memory, cognition, ideas and ideas are all the same, different time periods will split individuals of different time periods!

And this is the parallel self of the timeline!

And this can also be explained by the original timeline!
Memory does not grow while we are the same!

Naturally, the original timeline will not move!
When the memory re-grows, this period of time without growth will be directly expelled, no!
In other words, in our cognition, time passes by second by second, or smaller, anyway, it is coherent!
However, if the time unit is enlarged infinitely, then the so-called continuous time period is actually impossible to connect!

When the unit is placed so large, this time period should be one jump at a time. As for how many intervals there are, it is impossible to calculate!
But every interval like this is a different self in a timeline!
And here, or based on this point, there will not be such a concept. At this moment, your combat power is 100!

But in this period of time before your next moment comes, there will not be several existences with the same combat power as you!

Note that there are several!

And in the same way, even if your combat power skyrockets again in the next moment, reaching 1000!

In the time interval between the two of you, several similar existences with the same combat power as you will be born again!

All the same, no matter the experience or what!
Here, let me tell you, the reason for this situation, which is completely unreasonable, is because you are changing from reasonable to unreasonable!

Therefore, any unreasonable existence will become relatively reasonable at this moment!
So, if you want to break through the second time, that is to completely suppress the timeline and view to your own moment!
This is also a very difficult task!
Of course, when the probability is not 0, no matter how many it is, it will exist, and when there is one, the second one will naturally appear!
So, although this step is difficult, under the infinite base, there will still be fierce people who break through this level!

And the last layer, which seems to be the easiest, is the most difficult!
The first time, to some extent, devoured other memories!
Although they are conceptually the same person as the passers-by, in fact, they are no longer counted!
And the second one, that's completely the timeline. To some extent, they are just too similar, so even if they are swallowed, it won't have much impact!
Because, to some extent, it is your past, present and future, without any change!

There will be no so-called butterfly effect!
It's true, exactly the same!
However, it is considered that no one is exactly the same, so no matter how complete they are, they are two people!
However, they can easily be copied into a person!

Already, to a certain extent, they are equivalent to replicas, or in other words, all of them are replicas, and when they are integrated, they are the only treasures!
And step 3, conceptually the easiest, is the most difficult for individual consciousness!
Because at this step, there is a so-called butterfly effect!

Maybe, that doesn't seem like much, so let's put it this way!
In your original world, based on your original experience!

The first world you merged with was the meaningless change you made when you were young, which led to the appearance of an enemy of life and death in the second world, a very cruel kind!
And unfortunately, this person, in your original experience, is your best brother!

I ask you, how to deal with this situation!

Don't say anything, I firmly believe in myself or something!

You know, all of these can be regarded as complete, that is, to some extent, his experience is your experience!

It is not the way of watching movies to experience memories in the conventional time-travel novels, this is really experiencing normal memories with your body, thoughts and consciousness!
The only difference in this case is that normally your energy is directed by you, but this time, you can only accept it passively!
Perhaps because of this, you can still feel that this memory is not your original memory!
However, with just such a small effect, there is still what should be there!
And there are still two, in countless parallel worlds, your best friend may be the most hated enemy!

It's also possible that your most hated enemy in this world will block a knife and die for you in a certain world!

Or, a wife in this world becomes someone else's wife in another world!

In a word, the possibilities are endless!
And after coming out of infinity, such a situation will appear!
In theory, you can basically see what most people are like!
As I said before, to a certain extent, the so-called cognition is what you see first and add to your own imagination!
And this will lead to a situation, the initial is the first meeting, you will always think that he is good if he leaves a good impression on you, but on the contrary, you will always think that he is not good if you leave a bad impression on you OK!

And after that, all communication starts from this point!
If there is no fundamental change, this innate point of view is very difficult to change!

That is to say, people you think are bad, unless they risk their lives to save you once, otherwise, your bad impression will generally not disappear!

And the same goes for good impressions!
From this point of view, it seems to be a good person to be a clear person!
But in fact, it doesn't make sense!

After going through everything, you, a person, will most likely become an existence similar to the Dao of Heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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