Chapter 335
Because you will no longer have so-called good friends, and likewise, you will no longer have so-called enemies!

After all, everyone has been your enemy and your best brother and friend, so what's the point?
Don't say anything, some feelings cannot be changed, as long as the interests are big enough, no matter what the relationship is, it is possible to become an enemy!

Otherwise, the so-called royal family would not be so cruel!
And in the infinite possibilities, maybe because you were just born, your father was in a good mood, and then he went to buy a lottery ticket, and after winning the lottery, he went to buy another 10 lottery tickets!
Then relying on this completely impossible model, he became a wealthy family, or an upstart!
As long as there is possibility, under the infinite base, it will become inevitable!

So, as long as you can imagine, you will experience it in this experience!

And subjective consciousness, from a certain point of view, is your way of action, logical way of thinking!

When everything is equal in your eyes, no matter how much is equal or how little is equal, as long as everything is equal, then you will no longer have core logic!

That is, everything is empty!

That is, the way of transformation in conventional novels!
And wanting to break through this realm, or this step, is actually very simple, but it is also very difficult!

Setting the character, as I said before, those super strong are used to fight against infinite time!
But to some extent, it can also be used as a protection layer for the core logic!

To put it simply, it is to create a set of steel armor and become Iron Man!
And all the damage can be resisted by this armor!

Of course, everything in the world has two sides!

Where there are advantages, there must be disadvantages!
It's the best armor when it takes damage, but it's the hardest ball in the world when it doesn't!
It may not be accurate to say this, but in his current understanding, this is the most typical self-trapping!
Take Fengshen as an example!

In fact, if the world of Conferred Gods really inherits the prehistoric world, then the saints in it must be indispensable to predict the future!

Don't talk about the calamity blocking the deduction, when it comes to yourself, who else can stop it!

As I said before, that level, even the so-called information, has been integrated with him!

That is to say, even if he is reduced to scum, as long as there are still people who can remember him, then he will not die!

There, there is a very very very very big bug!

This is not to say that you can eliminate all traces of his existence!

As I said before, his existence has information left in the original timeline!
That is to say, any creature at that level does not have the concept of death!

So, even if everyone in the heavens and the world forgets him, the person who killed him will remember him, and he can also be resurrected from the memory of the person who killed him!

Don't say anything about cutting off the memory by yourself, Da Luo doesn't have that power!

And with such a bug setting, even in the face of the obstruction of the amount of calamity, as long as he really involves himself, then he can still clearly know the cause and effect!
In many cases, you can change if you don't know the information!

In our understanding, the falling direction of a small stone may deviate by one centimeter, and under the causal relationship of blindness, the butterfly's wings flap everywhere!

Finally, the world is destroyed!
As I said before, this is impossible!
Naturally, don't think that if you just move carefully, a parallel time and space will appear, and you will feel that you are awesome. To be honest, it is not like this!
There is a message hidden in it, but it is not known now!
When the general trend is coming, the power of the individual is small!
This, just like stopping the waves, personally resist that! !

That is real powerlessness!
In other words, it's like reading a novel, seeing those aggrieved plots, that kind of anger, that kind of powerlessness!

That is the power of the general trend of heaven, which makes people feel powerless!
And when it comes back, it is this kind of powerlessness, even the strongest existence of that era-the saint!
It is also powerless!
Therefore, he can only follow the character he set!
However, it may be that the sense of substituting in the end was too strong, and even the belief in eternity had a slight fluctuation!
Then it will be cold all day long!
But if you think about it carefully, if Tongtian's character is not like that, it is not set to be like that!

So in the end, even if he completely substitutes in, he won't say that idiot who breaks a world and rebuilds it!

Although this sentence shows that he has the ability to open up another world, but at that time, he will be the boss, and the sky will still be the boss!

So, people, only after being severely beaten by the society will they understand that it is better to stay at home!
Of course, it’s just nonsense, after all, it’s hard work to survive, but the appearance of hard work is different!

And the last point, don't think that others are happy, in fact, you can be happy too!
It's just that when you are happy, the people around you are suffering!

There are good and bad in the creation of character, but this can only be regarded as a trick, and it is not a complete method!

But in the end, as long as you can break through, no matter if you are tricky or tough, you will get the same rewards!

However, the hidden wounds left by tricks will also be upgraded after the upgrade!

To put it simply, if Da Luo earns as much money as possible!

Normal people, of course, save a fortune!

And the so-called trickery is probably equivalent to buying a lottery ticket!
And it's a must!

From this point of view, there seems to be no side effects of trickery, and as I said before, as long as there is a breakthrough, the rewards are the same!

However, the so-called harvest is the same, referring to the comparison with Da Luo!
Using data as an example, no matter how much it is under Da Luo, there is a specific number!
For example, if your battle power is 1000 million, then no matter what you do, before your strength breaks through, your battle power is only 1000 million!
After the breakthrough, it became 1 million, but it was only 1 million!
As for Da Luo, for those under Da Luo, his data can easily be refreshed to 1 million!
In other words, he can become as much as he wants!

Of course, the world is reasonable, and this change cannot be as drastic as the wish will come true!
To put it simply, there is a minimum base!
And all subsequent changes started from this number!

The reason why it is so fast is because it doubles directly every time. I just want to ask, how many times is your 1 million combat power enough for me to double!
In two or three seconds, it was surpassed!
Therefore, there is a fundamental gap between Da Luo and Da Luo!

However, when your value is really boundless, there is also the possibility of being able to suppress him for a few seconds!
But that time is really very short, short enough to escape just right!
Still the same sentence, two infinite quantities, when they are relative, will become 1:1!

And naturally, when individuals like Da Luo who represent infinity meet in pairs, their so-called unlimited authority will naturally be greatly offset!
After all, if you can double, so can I, no one is afraid of the other!

However, in a realm, there will definitely be strong and weak!
Here, or this value, is their lowest multiple, and it can also be said to be the highest multiple!

(End of this chapter)

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