Chapter 336
Still use 500 million as the standard data!
The money for buying lottery tickets by tricks is 10 yuan, and the honest and honest people are 500 million!
In terms of gains, they are the same, but at this time, it is not their own gains, but their sacrifices, and theoretical gains!

In other words, under normal circumstances, if they pay the same value, they will get the same reward!

It's like going to buy sugar, they will definitely be able to buy almost the same!

However, what if the harvest is your own!
That is, do not make deals with others!
The only difference between breaking through Daluo and other realms is the breakthrough of self!

Others, to put it bluntly, are the restrictions imposed on you by the world!
And only Da Luo is his own limit to himself!
As for breakthroughs, we all know one thing, the more you accumulate in this realm, the more you will definitely gain!
However, why do the so-called second generation of Xiu exist, they can easily reach a higher level relying on the resources of their ancestors!
Because, in essence, a breakthrough is a transaction, and under normal circumstances, it is a transaction with the world!
So, this is a case where you only care about the outcome!
But as I said before, Da Luo is a self-breakthrough, that is, a self-transaction!

So, it is tricky in nature, can you fool yourself?

So, let’s take the example just now!

A breakthrough under normal circumstances, that is, an honest and complete breakthrough, the minimum multiple is 500 million!
And a trick, it may be 10!

You can imagine the difference between the two!

Of course, this is an extreme situation, that is, no one is a fool, as long as they can reach the level that is about to break through, it can basically be said that they are already the pinnacle of the cultivation world!
And this kind of person, will there be those who are completely tricky?

Therefore, those who can reach the third step, under normal circumstances, will only start to take tricks when they reach their limit!
And in the same way, although Da Luo and Da Luo are in the same realm and level, the difference in combat power is very large!
After all, from Da Luo's point of view, everything below Da Luo can be regarded as the same level, and this level has the same meaning as Da Luo's level!
So, can the realm of Qi training and the realm of immortality be calculated together?

The gap is so big, but there is no obvious level distinction, so it gives people the illusion that they are in the same realm!

Da Luo is not a state, but a level!

And in the same way, as I said before, there is another problem with making a breakthrough!
That is, as I said just now, the basis for a perfect breakthrough is ten, and in fact, this is not accurate!

For a complete breakthrough, his base should be 1, while for a complete trick, it should be 1/50!
And Da Luo's so-called change is to change the numerator and denominator at the same time!
On a single point, for a person with a combat power of 100, Da Luo only needs to change his combat power to 100/100 if he wants to completely attack him!
Then the above numerator can be directly offset with the opponent's 100!

In other words, it can use the numerator to directly cut your numerator, and it is the kind of object that does not involve the denominator!

After all, under normal circumstances, if you become 100%, others can change too!
But in the confrontation with Da Luo, your denominator cannot move!
It's such a bug!

And that tricky one needs to become 100/1!
Although it can still be done easily, as I said before, this kind of change will take time!
Perhaps, the number is small, nothing, but once the number exceeds a few hundred digits!
At that time, even if it doubles directly, it will waste a lot of time!

And during this time, you will face the end of being hammered!

On the contrary, more time is wasted by trickery!
After all, he has to double himself several times before he can reach the same size as the normal one!

And the improvement of Da Luo's combat power, in essence, is to increase the doubling speed!

For example, it is normal to double once, that is, multiply by 2!

As for Niu B, it may be 5 or 6 times!
You know, in the case of infinite doubling, the superposition of this number is unimaginable!
Of course, this refers to the characters under the big Luo. After all, if both are wireless, it will become relatively limited!
Naturally, this so-called doubling is meaningless!
However, this doubling can actually be explained from another aspect, that is, the molecule becomes larger!

For example, under normal circumstances they are one, then when they become two, the doubling speed at that time is doubled!

And under relative balance, a number 2 must be bigger than a number!

Of course, all of these are just corners and corners. Although there is an impact, it is not an absolute impact. If it is purely from this point, or if there is a huge gap here, there will be a direct judgment of strength!

And naturally, when two people add 1, one directly becomes 2, and the other becomes 1.00 or so. The difference, doesn't it come out instantly!

Moreover, this is permanent, and theoretically speaking, it is absolutely irreparable!

This is very scary, and even being counterattacked is not impossible!
And this is the biggest punishment for cheating!
Then you can imagine, based on these three points, how fierce a person who completely breaks through is!
First of all, you have to find the first hint of inspiration out of nothing, and you have to eliminate the endless others, defeat a few people who are always equal to your own strength, and finally maintain yourself under the infinite relative balance!

This may also be the reason, whether it is a legend or a rumor in the history of the world or the myriad worlds, there has basically never been a Xiantian Daluo!
Still the same sentence, the big Luo of Honghuang can't be regarded as a big Luo!
There is no radiating myriad worlds, are you ashamed to call it infinite happiness?
The way of the law of the demon god, although bragging, what a law of the great way!
But in fact, it's not like that, he hasn't gone out of his own way!
This, to some extent, is similar to the saints in the prehistoric world!
Although it will be soaring with its position, personality, and combat power, and even half a step beyond the current world, but relatively, it has left a handle, a loophole, and a shortcoming for itself!
You have to understand one thing, even if you fail to break through Da Luo, or if you say something else is successful!
That is the kind, losing self, without subjective consciousness!
This kind of big Luo will turn into a world, that is, like Pan Gu, it will become a world!
And this kind of world, in essence, is not weaker than the previous prehistoric, or the prehistoric at that time!
Honghuang and the heavens and myriad worlds are not in the same era. Their relationship is the past, the past at the root, that is, under the power of the original timeline, they have become replacements!
To put it simply, all the worlds are regarded as one person. During the prehistoric period, this is the baby period of this person, or fertilized egg!
As for the Ten Thousand Realms Period, that can be regarded as a birth!

The relationship between the two is so intimate and complicated!

Therefore, in the current world, it is normal for a world comparable to the prehistoric world to appear!
(End of this chapter)

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