Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 339 'Home! '

Chapter 339 'Home! '

So, dad will always be dad, and son will always be son!

You pissed him off and they shot you straight into the wall!
This is not a joke, but it is really capable of doing it!

To be honest, even Shi Yu himself doesn't know if he can resist this reversal of power!

Although it is said that pure matter will not be affected by time!
That is, what should be mine will always be mine!
However, it is his consciousness that establishes a connection with matter!
Naturally, when consciousness dissipates, or disappears!
This so-called binding can no longer be tied!
This is the equivalent of rope and planks!

Simply wrap the rope around the stick and tie it.

After that, trying to get rid of it, basically, is very hard!
And this is very difficult, and it is still based on the situation of having hands!
If there is no hand, it is even more impossible!

But what if the stick just disappeared!
When the time comes, won't he take it off by himself!

And Shi Yu's binding, or control, is similar to this situation!
The only difference, maybe deeper!
For example, smelt both hands into water, that is, disassemble them into the smallest substances, and then reassemble them!
Let two things completely become one!
If it is not the record of the original timeline, even the concept will be completely merged into 1!

But even if there are records, conceptually, they are connected together!
However, that kind of direct disappearance will also make this item broken!
You can imagine that half of the matter in an item suddenly disappears!
It is simply disappearing without any reason, reason, action and concept!
The remaining matter, although it has not changed, that is, there will be no change!

However, the way the item exists will still be forcibly changed!

To put it simply, for the disappearance of half of the physical existence, this newly created object is no longer the original self!

He has become a new existence again!
Whether it's degraded or broken, it's not the same as before anyway!

However, this is just one of the conjectures!
And the other is the reason that relies on the existence of material reality!
Even if time goes backwards, Shi Yu still has control over him!

Because, although it is said to be bound by consciousness!
However, in essence, the meaning is just the lower dimension of concept existence, or the projection!

And Shi Yu, as early as a long time ago, returned to the concept again!
Because the restart of the source line of time is centered on the self, that is, I, the human being!
Therefore, even at the farthest point of the restart, the me at that time was born and existed!
Naturally, concepts also exist!
Then, subjective consciousness should also exist!
And the indestructible matter bound to one's own concept should also exist!
After all, the reason why a normal person's consciousness can easily disappear is because he has returned to the consciousness space!
In other words, the conceptual world!
However, their kind of return is that kind of dingy!
He ran away from home proudly, and came back after preparing to build a career!

As a result, he was severely beaten by the society within a few days, and finally he was so painful that he had to go home to take care of himself!
Naturally, they can only go back naked in the most primitive way!
But as for Shi Yu, everywhere is beautiful, so at least he has a face!
In this sense, it’s not too much to bring something!

This is the difference between the two, and why, Shi Yu has subjective consciousness, but others don't!
So, according to this theory, restarting the original timeline should have little effect on him!
Apart from making everything he created disappear again, it has no effect!
However, he is a relatively cautious person, although he is very confident that he can survive!
However, as long as there is such a slight possibility, let's go for it first!

Wait until you have completely replaced the Dao before you come out!
As for whether replacing the avenue will cause time to restart!
This is impossible!

The essence of Shi Yu is very similar to the way of existence of Dao!
This kind of similarity is not like the similarity between Da Luo and the world!

Da Luo, it's just equivalent to the world.

No matter the occupied area, or space, or energy or other things, you can fight every big world!

In other words, in Da Luo's world, their innate gap is very small!
The innate gap here is just like the giant dragon and goblin in Western fantasy novels!
This is an innate gap!

As for the gap between the day after tomorrow, it is indeed very big!
Just like I said before, tricks and hard work!
Besides that, there are some!
Because of their existence, not only can lower the lower limit of the world, but also raise the upper limit of the existence of other big Luos!
This has led to the fact that as long as you work hard, you can even rival some world-class worlds!

However, it is only comparable!

It can even be said that the reason why there is so-called comparison is that the third step did not maintain itself, and finally became a world. To a certain extent, it is not even worse than other native Daluo-level worlds!
This is the main reason for the rivalry!

But in fact, because the two modes of thinking are very different, there is a saying that the levels are the same, but there is absolutely no similarity!
They are fundamentally different!
And Shi Yu played differently from them!
When everyone is playing with reality, Shi Yu is alone, developing silently in the world of concepts!
When he took the first step to surpass himself and achieve a higher concept, this unusual path was already doomed!
After all, it has been said before that the avenue or saying, in the world of concepts, is also a derivative of everything!

Simply put, this is one big family!

Da Dao is not only the leader of this family, but also the source of blood of this family!
And the existence of Shi Yu is equivalent to a super genius with extremely high talent and who has returned to his ancestors!
And for those whose bloodlines reached his level, there are only two choices in the future!

It is an independent family, re-opened one!
As for the other, that is to become the patriarch of the original family!

To put it simply, either drive them away, or seize power!

Anyway, the choice is here, it depends on your heart!

However, in this world, there is no soil for the survival of the second family!

To put it simply, this big family has planned everything perfectly!
Naturally, there is no possibility of a second family!
In other words, although there are two choices, there is actually only one!
So, drop it or replace it!

The problem is that it is impossible for Shi Yu to give up, so the only option is to seize power!
If it is a normal family, with Shi Yu's current strength and ability, once such thoughts arise, the only way to die is basically!

As I said before, the way the world thinks is different!

To put it simply, he only has objective consciousness!

Although in the end, there will still be a battle, but as an objective consciousness, he will not make a move when Shi Yu does not threaten him!
This so-called threat refers to the real threat that the timeline shad on the original timeline already has a power similar to his!

Not those so-called threats who see the future, come over, and kill with a backhand!

(End of this chapter)

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