Chapter 340 Start!
Therefore, when Shi Yu has not fully turned over his cards, no one can stop his development!

And when he turned over his hole cards, that is, when he had a complete showdown, no one could stop his development!

So, as long as there are no accidents, he can escort the strongest!
As for the so-called accident, it will definitely happen!
After all, the world of practice is very magical, he is not an ordinary world, especially these original worlds, it is even more awesome!

To put it bluntly, in the ordinary world, possibility is possible, and it is only possible!
However, in these worlds, let your possibility be thrown out, then this possibility, very likely, will directly become a reality!

Using data to describe, the possibility of a normal world is about 1‰[-]!

And the possibility of these worlds is probably 1/2, or even 1/1!

That's how shameless it is!
However, this is also normal!

After all, the source line is the most miraculous of all timelines!
Naturally, he is also the most special!
As for the timeline, what represents something special!

Isn't it just doing things?

However, these can only be regarded as conjectures, which are very later matters, and have basically nothing to do with him now!

Under the intervention of inexplicable forces, the plot returned to the original, the only difference is that someone changed from pretending to be a b-boy to a down-and-out clown!
However, at the moment when the plan is completely exposed, or in other words, it is completely revealed, even if he is like a clown now, it will make people laugh!

However, no one dared to do such a thing!

The origin of the False God Realm is terrifying, which is well known to everyone present!
But now, there is a group of guys who are not afraid of death, and they have the idea of ​​​​the False God Realm!
Although it is not the entire False God Realm, but only a part of it, even so, it is unimaginable!

You must know that in order to maintain the right to enter the False God Realm, they will worship once in a while!
"Is this the difference?"

Someone saw the scene in the sky and silently said this!
As for the others, apart from surprise, there was nothing left but surprise!
Although there have been great changes in the plan, but under the huge gap in hard power, the plan has succeeded!

The shards of the sky fell apart and were snapped up by the people present!

And the ones that are grabbed will go offline quickly!
They knew that the real boss had appeared again. As for those who didn't expect it, they looked at it with jealousy!

After all, they saw the benefit of picking it up for nothing, but they didn't get it!

This is far more insane and enviable than listening to sermons and the like!
There are even some people who have some thoughts that shouldn't have appeared in their minds!
And all of this has nothing to do with Shi Yu!
Among all the escaping forces, the Butian Pavilion series, the Jietian Sect, the theoretical enemy, got mixed together!
Among them, Shi Hao is the witness of both parties!
Or rather, lubricant!

After returning from another world, Shi Yu went to Jietianjiao to refresh his combat power!

To put it simply, the past has shown one thing, I have become stronger, and power should also come!

However, considering the influence, the strength Shi Yu showed is just cutting my level!
But even so, his status changed drastically in an instant!

You must know that the leader of Jietian Sect is just a newcomer to the First Realm!

Although, from a normal theoretical point of view, even if the difference is only one realm, the combat power is a world apart!

However, that is personal combat power, not power!
There is an essential difference between the two!

Therefore, after confirming his true strength, Shi Yu's identity changed drastically in an instant. Although he did not take one step to become the deputy leader, an elder with real power cannot escape!
It's not that he really cares about this right, but if he wants to play according to their life in this world, he must accept it!

Of course, this is to integrate them, if you don't want to play, you can just stop!
As for why the elder position must be given, everyone understands it. I have said it before. It is terrifying if the virtue is not worthy, and the position is not worthy of virtue!

Naturally, with that strength, one deserves that kind of treatment!
If you don’t want it, not only will others not thank you, but they will doubt you. It’s so realistic and anti-realistic!
Although, because he hasn't officially taken over yet, the elder with real power doesn't have much real power yet!

However, the lower realm is just a sect, and now that he is here, it is naturally under his control!

As for the saint, in terms of status, they are almost the same!

But Fairy Tianhu is not a witch!
Although it is said that they can be regarded as a person, but if you calculate carefully, they are not!

And the witch is not an idiot, the wronged spirit body has nothing to do with her real body!
On the contrary, selling a favor to this newly joined elder with real power, isn't this the legendary saying that there is no harm in a hundred miles?

So, even if Fairy Tianhu didn't touch her bottom line, she wouldn't do something that contradicts her thoughts!

And still that sentence, in essence, Shi Yu basically doesn't need anything, anything that a genius needs!

Then, isn't it the only use to hand over the forces he left behind to Shi Hao?

In this way, relying on these behind-the-scenes relationships to resist unnecessary troubles for him and speed up his growth, isn't that good?

As for growing a waste!
To be honest, people who have this kind of thinking really think too simple!

It's still the same sentence, people close their doors, and the units are all in tens of thousands!
Whether you can live that long by yourself is still a question!
This may not explain anything, but it shows one thing, they can persist for more than 1 years for one thing!

You said that such perseverance is easily corroded!

What's more, there is Shi Yu watching from behind!

Don't say that you can't use it with one mind!
Without concentrating on exercising, Shi Yu did not. If he wanted to, he could easily do it, but it was meaningless!

However, Shi Yu can create a more intelligent monitoring mode!
With the deepening of the research, the implantation of its monitoring mode is simpler, and the observation ability and monitoring depth are even more awesome!

To put it simply, he added some subjective thinking modes to those artificial consciousnesses!
To put it simply, it is to write several of his core logics!
This doesn't seem like much, but to be honest, the gap is really huge!

For example, at the beginning it was a keyword, that is, when it touched XX, it would pay special attention to it!

It's different now!

Although the keyword is triggered, it will still attract their attention!
However, with the addition of core logic, they will analyze rationally, how much is this matter related to Shi Yu himself!

Finally, confirm whether the connection is good or bad, and do some sort of grading!

After reaching a certain level, whether it is good or not, Shi Yu will be notified directly!

(End of this chapter)

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