Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 342 True Spirit!

Chapter 342 True Spirit!

This blow can destroy three thousand people, across the past and present, anyway, one word, can't stop it!

It's really unstoppable, even if Shi Yu tries to block it now, he may still be hammered!
Compared to, I said it before!
And the spiritual world is dominated by the soul and supplemented by the spirit. As for the body, it is completely copied!
And Shi Yu's size, the world can't bear it!

So, in order to come in, he temporarily blocked that part of his power!
Therefore, he can only use a real, smart person's method!

In contrast, he thinks that he is also a great scientist, or is it called metaphysics?
Some fragments serve as anchors, and Shi Woo quickly goes in!
And he forcibly pierced a hole in the world wall!
After that, the operation is relatively simple!

First of all, what caught the eye was a mass of colorful unknown objects!

Unnamed, what is it if it is not unknown!
But the moment he saw him, Shi Yu knew his name!

This is his title!

However, now, in this world, he should be called "Tao!"

The first practice world, this thing is called the origin!
However, after those two old bastards rose up, the heavens and myriad worlds have changed into their appearance time and time again!

And now, this thing cried, you will know whose shape it is now!

Of course, this big or this month can also be said that the consciousness of heaven and earth is what it means anyway!
It's not perfect, it's not perfect!

Now it needs to rely on the help of other people to survive!

And independent living and growth is the standard of adulthood!
Now he is probably an imbecile!
However, there is an essential gap with human beings!

Even if he is just an imbecile, if you want to touch him, you have to be at least a fairy!
The immortal level here refers to the kind of existence that basically lives forever!

Although it is a theoretical longevity, you have to achieve that level to be eligible to reach out!

In terms of conversion, it is roughly equivalent to the fairy king in this world, the golden immortal in the heavenly court or the immortal cultivation system, the immortal golden immortal, and the immortal golden immortal!
But Shi Yu has a way to bypass this restriction!

As I said before, the possibility and impossibility of consciousness is, to a certain extent, not weaker than Da Luo's transformation between the infinite and the limited!

Of course, the consciousness here refers to the true innate consciousness, which is the birth of self!
And acquired consciousness refers to the birth of other people's intervention!
And human beings were born the day after tomorrow!
And as I said before, there is a very, very big gap between trickery and hard work!

And here, it is also in line with this principle!
This kind of forced birth of human beings, to some extent, hello is a trick among tricks!
The first trick is to create it artificially, and the second one is to create it and create it yourself!
Don't think, what kind of evolution is this, with the potential for self-growth!

This is just a waste of foundation!
If you don’t believe me, think about it, why there are 3000 innate humans and 126600 acquired humans!
This is not the so-called caste system in India!

After all, no one even knows the names of the three races of the human race, so they gave him a title!
This is fundamentally different from the caste system that completely passes down one's name to the infinite!
And if this is a system of cultivating immortals, then the information hidden in it will be even more awesome!

It is easier to understand, one is carefully crafted, and the other is hand-crafted, as long as you are not a fool, you will know the other gaps!
And they are all divided into levels, not to mention the bloodlines born from them!
If it is said that the blood really contains power, in the infinite reproduction, no matter how powerful the power is, it will be exhausted!
After all, what is set here is infinite time!
And even infinite energy will be consumed in an infinite time!

Therefore, although the birth of the human race, or the rapid development of the human race, has increased their strength, but at the cost of it, they have consumed their foundation!

If it's just that, it's nothing!
However, when he first heard about Da Luo, Shi Yu asked curiously what kind of existence Da Luo was and how to deal with it!

What he got, has been said before!

However, he also heard a hidden message from it, Da Luo can fall!

Here, it is a bit thought-provoking!

Da Luo can actually fall, which proves that there is a kind of strength, Da Luo is high above!

So, what kind of power is this!

Thinking about his settings carefully, it is not difficult to see one of them, it is very critical and important!

Then all the time, space, all the selves on the timeline!
Based on this, Shi Yu thought of a traditional myth setting, reincarnation!

So, does this so-called reincarnation timeline also count?
This is quite a show-off, and from a conceptual point of view, it shouldn't be counted!

However, its way of existence is very similar to the extended concept of self in other time and space!

It's like other timelines are doing derivative concepts of time!
Da Luo's existence does not require his participation!
This is strange!

And based on this, I thought of another thing!
"True Spirit"!
This place should be a power more noble than the soul!
But in the world, known, there is no one more noble than him!

Don't talk about the air of chaos, the origin of good fortune!

Those, is there a system in the soul?
In the soul system, there is only one soul!
This is equivalent to, an only child, there will definitely not be a brother who is older than him!

Because he was rejected conceptually!
So, this setting is more funny!
Then based on this point, a little expansion of the brain hole, an idea that I didn't pay attention to before appeared!

The source of the soul!
To put it simply, it is the one that is created out of nothing!
For example, sperm and eggs are the basis for physical birth!

So, how did he form it!

Don't talk about such funny words as biological instincts to reproduce and form their own offspring!

If you think according to this kind of thinking, you will always go around in circles, and you can't really see clearly!

And the soul is the same concept!
Soul, soul, you can tell from this hearing that it is a real thing!

Creating something out of nothing, just hearing the name, you know how difficult it is!
In the end, in the explosion of the human race's multiplication, as well as the many disasters of human beings!
Shi Hao came to such a conclusion!
True spirit, its way of existence is very similar to the so-called concept!

However, the concept belongs to Tao, which is the edge of the world, basically it can be said that it is the edge of the world!

As for the true spirit, this belongs to the edge of the myriad worlds. To put it simply, the concept is minus 1, and this position is probably where the true spirit is!
And in this position, there is another one here, Da Luo!

(End of this chapter)

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