Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 343 The source of fragmentation

Chapter 343 The source of fragmentation

As I said before, Da Luo's integration is extremely high, even the concept is integrated into it!

However, this kind of integration is dimensionality reduction integration!

Just hearing the name, you can tell that it must be weaker than the beginning!
This is similar to the ancient low marriage!
You know, in ancient times, there were not only high-ranking, but also low-ranking!
And the ancient concept, the so-called, the married daughter, the water that was spilled, can't come back!

And the conceptual fusion is this consciousness!

After fully merging, it was taken forcibly, and it was the kind that couldn't come back at all!
Then connect the settings about Zhenling and Daluo, and you have actually got the answer!

Da Luo, in essence, what it fuses is not the soul, not the body, but the concept!

Is he still him in the previous life?
Certainly not!
And the way of existence of true spirits is probably like this!

In the beginning, that is, the innate human race, each of them has a true spirit!
Then, the man was killed!
Since the true spirit resides in an unknown place, conceptually speaking, he has nothing to do!

However, its way of existence, after all, made it suffer from a lot of worries!
In short, it broke!

The kind that broke into several pieces!

And after that, he became the so-called source of soul!
That is the original source!

And the other souls are the souls born based on his fragment!

Although not as fierce as the beginning, but still very strong, very talented!
Then, the fragment shattered again!

The broken pieces are finer and smaller, so the new generation has poor talent again!
However, in contrast, their number has skyrocketed!

And the massacre that followed added fuel to the fire for the next explosive growth!

And at this time, if we come to the perspective of the true spirit again, it will not be difficult to find out!

It has changed from a whole to a collection of fragments!
And similarly, each fragment represents a newborn soul!

The place where the true spirit exists is not in the same space as the soul!
They just have a conceptual connection!

This is a rather confusing question!
Just like the remote control car we play!
Their connection is like that of a wireless remote control car. It is no longer bound by pure material, but has entered a new era!
And their relationship is a bit similar to this one, it looks, looks, its main part, the external performance!

But in fact, the most critical point is indeed in this inconspicuous place!
And bringing everything together, the so-called origin of the world, can also be said to be the way of heaven!

He, to some extent, is the true spirit of the world!
Let me explain in detail here, the external manifestation of the world is the body, and the energy is the soul!

And the origin, he can transform into any existence, that is, the true spirit!
And the so-called consciousness, or the mode of action, is the "Tao", which is the logic of action, the way forward!

And the true spirit is the origin of the world, and it can also be called "Tao"!
Here, a problem is involved, consciousness is not exactly equal to concept!

It's been said before!

And the consciousness of the world, it is a branch of "Tao", it can also be said to be part of it!

However, the concept of "Tao" exists, and there is only one, which is the so-called Dao in our conventional cognition!

Everything exists in the set of possible existence!
And the concept, in fact, is also this setting, but its way of existence is just small and small!

for example!

The concept of "flower" is a collection of all existing flowers and possible flowers!

Isn't it very similar to the so-called Dao!
And the so-called consciousness of the way of heaven is equivalent to a kind of flower!
So, there will be a derivative concept here!
And the "Tao" of the world, isn't it just a derivative concept of Dao?
However, as a derivative concept, it cannot have a self!

Therefore, the way of heaven is ruthless and impartial!

By the way, even the Great Dao actually looks like this!

However, that wasn't without consciousness, it's just that after birth, it collapsed again!

Simple two words to describe, boring!
You can imagine that everything is yourself.

There is no so-called happiness, happiness, and pleasure, because all emotions are full, so there is nothing!
Everything else is the same, if you feel something in your heart, you must have something to say!
Whatever you think of, something will come out!
And once something new comes out, I'll know it right away!
This, in a way, is all-knowing and all-powerful!
The so-called God paradox is the biggest joke in the world!

Because of him, he forcibly downgraded the so-called omniscient and omnipotent to the omniscient and omnipotent in his cognition!

First of all, he defined himself, God is a living body like them!
Secondly, it uses this definition to define the concept that he still has hands!

Isn't this the biggest joke?
Create a rock that you can't lift yourself!

According to the previous setting of Almighty, there is only one thing in the world that I can't afford to lift, and that is myself!
Therefore, all the existing and possibly existing things in the heavens and myriad worlds have all become objects called stones!

Then, can the fuck himself jump up!

Secondly, that is the greatest irony!

You fucking didn't learn physics well!

What the hell is the so-called gravitational force? Take a good fucking look!
And after reading gravity, take a look at the so-called gravity!

After reading these two words, I raised my hand and slapped myself twice, to see if it hurts, and think about why it hurts!

Put it this way!
After achieving the so-called omniscience and omnipotence, all existence other than omniscience and omnipotence must be conceptually "nothing"!
And the so-called action, or in other words, everything in the world, whether it is talking or anything, must have at least two concepts!
All existence and action in the world can be born only by these two minimum concepts!

For example, talk, talk to yourself!

Looks like there is only one person!

As for the concept, the so-called saying, with oneself as the center, exudes a concept, a concept called speaking!

Then, the base point is the center of the circle, that is, whether you yourself are a concept, and the so-called speaking is not the second concept!
And the so-called action must have the original concept of yourself, and a relative concept, which is who you want to do things to, and the final concept called action!

This, is it three concepts!

Then, after being omniscient and omnipotent, what else is there besides the concept of oneself? Just ask you, what else is there!
In other words, your so-called inability to lift is based on the existence of the so-called weight!

Secondly, even if there is weight, it is only its own weight!
This existence without any concept other than itself!
So, a joke is always a joke!

And in the same way, you can imagine that you can persist for a few days in the face of that way of existence!

Don't talk about seals, because even the concept of seals cannot be born!
The reason has been said before!
There is only such a concept as you in the world, there is no such thing as you!

Moreover, there is no concept of time!
That is to say, even if time passes infinitely far away, infinitely infinitely infinitely infinitely far away, nothing will change!

(End of this chapter)

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