Practice in a perfect world

Chapter 344 Equivalent

Chapter 344 Equivalent
It cannot be seen from here why the Dao cannot give birth to subjective consciousness!
After all, except for oneself, all concepts disappear and belong to nothing, who can bear it!

No will can withstand it, and since there is no will, naturally it cannot be born!

But back to the original point, consciousness and true spirit belong to the same level, and they can even be said to be Tao!

It's just that one is action, while the other is more like a way of being!

They are very similar, but fundamentally different!
And the origin of the world is the true spirit!

To put it more clearly, the existence of a higher level, the true spirit is the soul!

The reason why the soul is born is only to adapt to the existence of a weaker level!

Therefore, when a world is the center of the circle, its energy can be said to be the soul, but it cannot be absolutely called the soul, and this is the reason!
Then, the higher existence, that is, Da Luo, and their fragments, that is, the soul, what will they look like in the end!

Here, another thing is involved!

As I said before, the existence of concepts is even closer than the infinite proximity of true spirits!
Explained in the way of existence, although the true spirit can represent you, but I feel that it cannot fully represent you, but the concept can!

This is a very simple size comparison, just look at it and you will know the result!

And again, why don't the fragments fuse!
According to normal people's understanding, these fragments should be devoured again, and then a super harmful item to the world will appear, that is, the new true spirit!

The reason is very simple, as I have said before, the original timeline!

Under his power, those so-called fragments, those nearly infinitely connected fragments, were truly separated!
Therefore, the conjecture is not established!

Moreover, it is said that the new soul, only that part of the fragments participates, while the others are naturally forcibly stripped!

In the world, there are some that must be forcibly connected, but there are also some that must be forcibly cut off!

Unfortunately, this source of soul birth must be cut off, or in other words, when it reaches a certain level, it will automatically cut off the connection!
This is similar to the effect of Shi Yu's physique exchange, which cut off the cause and effect!

The only difference, one is to cut off only a little bit, while the other is to peel off everything!
And this kind of cutting involves the original timeline, so Da Luo's breakthrough has nothing to do with this!
However, as I said before, the location of this origin is probably equivalent to Da Luo's limit!

And this place, Shi Yu happened to be there!

real space!

As I said before, this place can be regarded as the ultimate place of consciousness!
However, there is still a little gap from the concept!
He once said that Shi Yu surpassed the concept, so his real place has reached a place that is even more difficult to see clearly!
However, looking back, the original space, that is, the real space, and those other consciousnesses or concepts unified by him in the real space!

If you establish a direct connection with him, you will be connected conceptually, and if you are connected conceptually, a conceptual existence of it will appear in the cognitive space!

However, as I said before, the space of life and death belongs to the space of consciousness, not the space of concepts, and there is still a certain gap between them!
So what is it that exists here?

The answer has come out, Yuanyuan!

And it is the power that he could theoretically master, but has never mastered!

The true spirit is higher than the soul, but lower than the concept!

And the thing under his control in the real space is not a concept!

But they can use them to create some other fragments of consciousness!
It is also for this reason that Shi Yu always thinks that this is the concept!

But in fact, the way of existence of the concept, or the way of understanding, is to have a feeling in the heart!
In other words, he only needs to think about what he wants to accomplish, and the concept will be completed one step ahead of time, and then the projection will be limited!
This is what he understands, and it is also the first effect and later cause of his use!

Therefore, part of his cognition is wrong, and this condition can also be achieved!

This is equivalent to a color-blind person. In his eyes, red is green and green is red. The person who came to teach him to recognize colors, unfortunately, also confused this!
In other words, he handed over to this color-blind person, the red color is green, and the green color is called red!

So, is it possible for this person to be found to be colorblind?

Shi Yu's initial situation was similar to this, this kind of instinct, basically no one would think about it!
The reason for being able to find out is that it is quite a later thing!
To put it simply, he discovered the real usage of the concept, and naturally eliminated a redundant part before!
And after getting this extra part, you will naturally think, what is this in the end!

Finally, let me say it again, in the world of concepts, there are three kinds of relationships, and no two concepts are connected!
Just like, people and? "I can't think of it for a while!"

And the second relationship is like gunpowder and explosion!
Their relationship is extremely connected, in the conceptual world, they are two circles, overlapping!

And the last one is to devour it completely!

Although, the concepts are theoretically infinite, this one is as big as the theoretical one!

However, a theory is always just a theory!
Just like, flowers and little flowers!In other words, flowers and red flowers!
Flower is a big infinite concept, and small flower or safflower is its derivative concept!
Of course, the last point, the derived concept is also a concept!

As for Shi Yu's situation, facing him directly means establishing a direct connection with him, whether it is being killed by the weapon he created, believing in him, or bowing down to his special statue!
All of these can establish direct contact with him!

On the conceptual level, two circles overlap!

And at this time, their true spirits will enter Shi Yu's original consciousness space!

Here, let’s understand dimensionality reduction!
There is a channel or connection between the consciousness space and the concept world, and as a transfer station, the thoughts in the mind, as for the bottom one, is the brain!

They are a link and a channel!
And the interface of each channel is the spaces just mentioned!
In theory, they are infinitely large!
But, we all know one thing, in the three-dimensional space, there are surfaces beyond imagination, and the possibility of two objects existing on the same surface is very slim!

So, even though the mind is a transit station!
However, it is basically impossible to accidentally overlap!
Still, a connection can be made!
This, this is the principle of the original forum, and it is also the network of his current small world!

And on the upper level, there are three existences, three theoretical existences!
That is, the original true spirit fragments, which can also be called broken truths!

And the second one is the consciousness that is often said. As for the third one, it is not above all, the theoretical limit, the conceptual space!
(End of this chapter)

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