Crush the Three Kingdoms with Cards

Chapter 5 Before Qingzhou

Chapter 5 Before Qingzhou
Qingzhou of the Three Kingdoms is located near Beihai.At that time, the northern waterways were underdeveloped, so marching was mostly carried out on foot or by bicycle.Starting from Zhuo County, Youzhou.You have to cross Jizhou, the base camp of the Yellow Turban Army, where the great virtuous and good teachers are located, before you can reach Qingzhou.

The three Liu Bei brothers defeated [-] Yellow Turbans in the first battle, and became famous in Youzhou. In one night, more than [-] people joined his rebel army. If Liu Bei's family business was not small and the food and grass were not enough, they might have to accept them. More, this team must be at least [-].

The school lieutenant, Zou Jing, obeyed the order of the governor Liu Yan and led five thousand elite soldiers from Youzhou to clear the way.

The military journey is quite lonely and boring.Lin Yi didn't care. Before time travel, he was a loner, a lone ranger, and he was used to loneliness and boring.As for Lang Duan, he couldn't take it anymore, and from time to time he would look for topics to strike up a conversation with the people next to him, but the soldiers stared at him, a little annoyed, but they thought he was a man of status, so they had no choice but to bow their heads, Expressed his reluctance to have too many conversations with him.

In an hour, or two hours, the army carrying the Liu character flag stepped into the territory of Jizhou.

Zou Jing frowned, his eyes narrowed, he looked at the black clouds in the distance, and said worriedly: "Go at full speed! Don't stop!"

Where the black cloud is, there is the great virtuous teacher.According to folklore, the great virtuous teacher obtained the "Taiping Dao Juan", which has the ability to turn the world upside down, so he cast a spell to cover Julu City in a boundless black cloud. Only the Yellow Turban believers can see through the black cloud and see the things inside.Others, not only can't see through the black clouds, but also affect their state of mind when they get close, and thus become more irritable and gradually lose their minds.It's really, really weird.

"Follow up with the officers and soldiers! Go forward at full speed!" Liu Bei also knew that this place was the stronghold of the Yellow Turban bandits, which was in danger and could not linger, so he gave a low shout and took the lead in speeding up his pace.

Another hour passed, and the journey was uneventful without any twists and turns.

"Array! Prepare to meet the enemy!" Suddenly Guan Yu narrowed his eyes and roared.

"Huh? Brother Yun, what's the matter? Did you find anything wrong?" Zou Jing sat on the horseback, stretched his neck, looked into the distance, but still saw no trace of the enemy, and asked in doubt.

"Ten miles away, there is a bandit army charging towards our army. The scale is very large, there are about 1 people!" Guan Yu said directly.

Without waiting for Zou Jing to be suspicious, Liu Bei immediately stepped forward and said, "My third younger brother has extraordinary eyesight. Even at night, he can see things ten miles away as if they were daytime. Therefore, what Yun Chang said must be true. Please Captain Zou Send the order down, set up a formation, and wait for the bandits."

Zou Jing has always respected the Han Dynasty. Seeing Liu Bei's affirmation, although he still couldn't believe it, he smiled gently and nodded in agreement. He gave orders to the soldiers under his command: "Youzhou Battalion! Form a square formation!"

The square formation is the simplest, most mediocre, and most practical formation among the military formations of all dynasties.It is neither as sharp as the conical formation, nor as flexible as the long snake formation, nor is it as high defensive as the circular formation.But it will not be targeted by any formation, so it is relatively a reliable formation.

Lin Yi and Lang Duan are people who have read the books, so they naturally know that Guan Yu has a good eye.Now that he has arrived in the Three Kingdoms in another world, Guan Yu's eyesight must have greatly increased again.Moreover, who is Guan Yu?Need to tell a lie?He said that there is an enemy army ten miles away, so there must be an enemy army.Therefore, the two quickly cast their abilities to wait for the enemy.

"Summon! Ah Da Asan!" The Supreme Emperor Dian floated in the air, Lin Yi drew a card and pressed it, depicting mysterious golden runes, summon!

as predicted.After a while, an army of [-] people rolled up the dust and came quickly, and the "enemies" met each other, and it was inevitable.

"It's so fast! Could it be the ability of marching?" Lang Duan has been following Jian Yong, and naturally heard a lot of strange people's methods from him.

"Haha! There are only ten thousand bandits in the area, with Yun Chang and Yi De around, what is there to be afraid of?" Zou Jing glanced at Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and smiled disdainfully at the bandits.

"My lord, Bei feels that something is wrong with these bandit soldiers." Liu Bei frowned unprecedentedly, drew his sword and stepped forward.

"Brother! With the second brother and I here, can these chickens and dogs fly into the sky?" At this time, Zhang Fei threw the eight-point steel spear on the ground and laughed.

Obviously, the last battle made his heart swell, and he looked down upon the people of the world a little bit.Hearing this, Guan Yu chuckled proudly, holding his long beard with his hand, with extraordinary bearing!
"What a bearded man!" Lang Duan had never seen Guan Yu in such a posture, his face flushed and he was excited, and he couldn't help shouting.

"Ahahaha!" Zhang Fei laughed loudly, and said to Lang Duan, "You boy! You have good eyesight!"

As soon as these words came out, Guan Yu became even more proud.

Lin Yi stared at Liu Bei's frowning brows, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, and secretly said: "The art of war says 'Arrogant soldiers must be defeated', there must be something strange in this battle."

Thinking back a little bit, I remembered the description in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which said that Liu Bei entered Qingzhou and just wanted to rescue Qingzhou City, but he lost a game first, and then used tricks to win a big victory.Could it be that the lost battle was this battle?

"No! You haven't entered Qingzhou yet!" Lin Yi shook his head, it was difficult to draw conclusions for a while, but he became more vigilant in his heart.He is not the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang. If he loses this battle, the army will inevitably be in chaos. With his half-baked equestrian skills and fragile body, he must have met Hades in an instant, and he does not know who killed him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi immediately recruited brother Ah Da to his side, drew out the Han sword, and drew out the spell card "Ruijin", and ran for his life immediately when the battle situation changed!

"Hahaha! Good! It's rare to have Yunchang and Yide's loyalty, so I will designate you as temporary vanguards and win the first battle for this general!" Zou Jing laughed loudly, completely disregarding this Yellow Turban army of nearly ten thousand people. in the eyes.

"Haha! Let's be a pioneer today!" Zhang Fei heard the words, his eyes shot brightly, he urged his horse, and slapped away.

Guan Yu was also moved, he lifted the Qinglong Yanyue Saber coldly in his hand, and turned it around, the horse and man became one, and the dragon roared out.

Seeing this, Liu Bei knew that he couldn't stop him. Holding a double-strand sword, he followed the horse and rode out, thinking: If something happens, I can always support it.

"The whole army goes out!" Zou Jing applauded and shouted seeing the "Three Heroes of Taoyuan" so courageously pointing their sword at the sky.

"Woooo~" The bugle player blew the horn, and all the soldiers rushed to kill generously after hearing the sound of the horn!

The word "Kill!" turned into an invisible sharp blade, piercing the heart!
"Hahaha! Yellow turban thieves, let's see my new ability!" At the beginning of the battle, Lang Duan became an activist. Relying on his exquisite equestrian skills, he took the lead, condensing two fist-sized fireballs in his hands and throwing them out.

"Among the five elements, one is called water, and the other is called fire! All the fires gather together, igniting!" I saw the projected fireballs, following his spell, turn into countless star points, attached to the clothes of more than a dozen yellow scarf thieves .

"Okay! Thieves, let's see my true power! Drink! Chain spell, set yourself on fire!" Lang Duan clapped his hands and drank, a red light flashed in his eyes, and he saw sparks on the bodies of the dozens of yellow scarf thieves The soaring price instantly burned them all into coke.

"Ah!" "Ah!"...

The combination of the stench of burnt meat and the screams is really a visual and auditory "feast".

"Hiss~" Lin Yi, who had been playing soy sauce at the back, gasped, and said to himself, "It seems that he has made great progress in the battle with the Yellow Turban yesterday!"

Just when Lin Yi was sighing, Lang Duan turned his head and showed a sneer. He turned his head and condensed a fireball, but he didn't throw it out, but slowly squeezed it flat. Finally, he opened his palm and shouted in a low voice: "Enchanting Red Flame !” The fireball became six red lines of fire, which merged into the spears of the soldiers beside him, and condensed into a pair of flaming weapons.

"Ah! Thank you, sir, for your help!" It was impossible for ordinary soldiers to obtain a magic weapon, but Lang Duan gave them a magic weapon in a different direction.And on the battlefield, BMWs and magical weapons are life-saving fetishes!Therefore, the six soldiers who got the Chiyan weapon all thanked them with spears, their expressions full of admiration and gratitude.

"It's too early to thank you! Come back alive with honor, and thank me again! Go!" Lang Duan put on a majestic appearance and indirectly encouraged the soldiers.


Lang Duan smiled slightly, and backed away slowly, facing Lin Yi behind him, he showed a smile that he thought was the brightest and the sunniest, but in fact it was a smile that didn't deserve to be beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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