Crush the Three Kingdoms with Cards

Chapter 6 The Great Teacher

Chapter 6 The Great Teacher
Sorrows are everywhere, and the sound of fighting is loud.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu each showed their supernatural powers, transforming into a flying snake and a green dragon, killing all directions.All of a sudden, the entire Yellow Turban army of [-] people was penetrated to pieces!

"Ah ha ha ha ha! Second brother, let's see my younger brother kill another thousand thieves!" Zhang Fei laughed loudly, his rough face filled with a heroic expression, and an eight-point steel spear in his hand turned into a snake, dancing around with his whip.

"Hahaha!" Although Guan Yu is cold and arrogant, he values ​​righteousness and has the same temperament as Zhang Fei. He also laughed several times. The Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand shot a glamorous cold light. separate.

As the school lieutenant of Yizhou, how can Zou Jing not have some skills?I saw him holding the sword in his hand, pointing to the sky and drinking: "Suppress the army!"

The bloody air currents spread rapidly like a gust of wind, and the Youzhou soldiers who were blown by it all had their bodies swollen and muscles bulging. All of them were nine feet tall and mighty.Obviously, this ability has the effect of strengthening the soldiers' physique.

Compared with the three of them, Liu Bei and Liu Xuande, the head of the "Three Heroes of Taoyuan", looked ordinary, frequently slashing with double-strand swords.

"I've decided, I'll be with Liu Bei from now on!" Lang Duan rode his horse to Lin Yi's side, clenched his fists and said.

"There must be something wrong in this battle. I hope you will be more careful." Lin Yi reminded with an ominous feeling when he saw thousands of yellow scarf bandits crumbling in an instant. ——These yellow turban thieves are too easy to kill, they are simply here to give away heads and meritorious deeds to everyone.

Lang Duan curled his lips, and said with a strange smile: "Could it be that you blamed me for stealing your limelight just now, so you want to speak out against me?"

"Hehe! The limelight? Can you still cast a superpower now?" Lin Yi glanced at Lang Duan and sneered.

"Uh~" Lang Duan was stunned in embarrassment, speechless.His head was congested just now, and he handed over all his abilities at once, and they are still cooling down.He is now a scholar with no power to restrain himself.

"Drink! Rebels, let me give you the final blow!" Seeing the last hundreds of yellow scarf bandits forming a circle and huddling together, Zou Jing slapped his horse and rushed over.

As a general in the army, Zou Jing is also a warlike person, seeing that the "Three Heroes of Taoyuan" are so good, his heart is naturally filled with blood, his eyes are full of fire, he wants to kill all directions, and to show his power.

"Brilliant big man, mighty as powerful as the world!" Riding his horse forward, Zou Jing touched the official seal, imbuing him with the aura of a big man, and then swung his sword to slash, hundreds of sword qi pierced through the air-"General sword!"

"Boom boom boom!" The sword qi shot out, killing the remaining yellow scarf thieves in an instant.The power is so powerful that it is extraordinary.

Surprise flashed across Lin Yi's eyes, and Lang Duan just happened to see him, and said with a smile: "I heard Jian Yong talk about the official position."

"I would like to hear the details." Lin Yi was very interested in this topic.

"Ahem." Lang Duan coughed a few times imitating Jian Yong's posture, and talked eloquently: "It is rumored that in ancient times, there were very few aliens, but in the Han Dynasty, they suddenly increased. The reason is the official seal of the Han Dynasty. .”

He also said: "It is rumored that Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, and Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, became brothers of the opposite sex, and together they attacked Qin. It is the dragon vein of the Qin Dynasty. Later, Liu Bang defeated Xiang Yu and got his treasures. He summoned the world's most capable people and gathered in the capital city to smelt tens of thousands of treasures by means of heaven-reaching methods, split the luck of the dragon veins of the Qin Dynasty, and blended them into it. Official seal. That’s why some people say: Anyone who gets the official seal will get a trace of Qin Dynasty’s dragon vein luck, and then get the corresponding supernatural power!”

Lin Yi thought to himself, "So that's how it is."

"Huh? Why didn't you ask me why Liu Bang wanted to divide the dragon veins of the Qin Dynasty?" Seeing that Lin Yi didn't open his mouth, Lang Duan couldn't help asking angrily.

"Oh!" Lin Yi snorted, glanced at him with a look of "you are mentally retarded", and said: "It may be that Liu Bang is afraid of the restoration of the Qin Dynasty, or it may be that Liu Bang has found the dragon veins belonging to the great Han, and the Qin Dynasty Dragon veins don't absorb it, or both."

Hearing this, Lang Duan's face collapsed, and he sighed, "What did you do before you came here? You can become a strategist!"

"Brother Jiedu, I can't think of a macho type like you!" Lin Yi gave him a white look.

Just as the two communicated, the war was over.

Zou Jing ascended and shouted: "Clean the battlefield quickly!"

Suddenly, the situation changed, and the sky and the earth repeated. All the yellow turban bandits who had died all stood up, their faces pale, like zombies crawling out of the grave.

"Ah! You monster!"

"Ah!!! It's a scam!!!"

Ordinary soldiers have never seen such a strange scene before, they suddenly became a mess, some stabbed their eyes, some retreated in panic, some stood still, and some screamed with their heads in their hands. Floating World Sculptures.

"Sure enough!" Lin Yi and Liu Bei raised their brows at the same time, their expressions solemn.

"Relax! Calm down!" Liu Bei shouted neither sad nor happy.The sound waves were like clear water, cleansing the hearts and minds of the soldiers, and instantly controlled the scene.

"Roar~ Roar~ Roar~"

The situation is constantly changing, and none of the revived yellow turban bandits are dead, motionless, like lifeless puppets.


A giant beast roared, shattering the void and sweeping in all directions.

In the dark clouds, slowly condensed into a roaring giant face, disheveled hair, yellow scarf on forehead, short beard and wide face, eyes full of lightning from the gods, staring out, all the lightning in the sky, splitting mountains and seas.

"Aww!" Amidst the dark clouds and lightning, the giant face roared again, overlooking all living beings, unceasingly unleashing the majesty of the sky.

"Ah! God! Spare me! God spare me!" Many soldiers knelt down and wept bitterly, begging for mercy.

Zou Jing's face was pale, and traces of blood oozed from his lips.Only by clenching his teeth can he keep a trace of clarity.Although Lin Yi and Duan Lang were strangers, they couldn't bear such coercion. They both lay on the ground, their hearts were terrified, and their bodies were trembling.

Among the 6000 people, only the "Three Heroes of Taoyuan" looked dignified like an oil painting, crushed the horses under them, and still stood firm, motionless like a mountain.

"Aw!" Seeing that there were still three people who dared to look directly at him, Ju Mian roared again.

"Hmph!" Liu Bei, who was usually neither happy nor sad, snorted, and couldn't help taking a step back.But there was no look of dismay on his face, instead he stared coldly, and immediately called Zhan, shouting: "Rat! How dare you show your real body and fight with the three of my brothers!"

Liu Bei clearly understood: If you don't call war at this time, your own momentum will be defeated.

"That's right! You bastard! Your grandpa Yan Ren Zhang Yide is here! How dare you come out and fight!" Zhang Fei saw that his brother had suffered a disadvantage, how could he be willing?Hades' temper was even more violent!
"Ahahahaha!" Jumian laughed loudly when he heard the words, and shouted wildly: "My celestial master is a great virtuous teacher, how can you and other unknown pawns be able to challenge at will?"

"Zhang... Zhang! Zhang! Zhang Jiao!! Jiao..." Lin Yi's teeth chattered and creaked.Lang Duan was also entangled in his teeth and was vague.

Zhang Jiao is scary!A mere phantom will conquer everyone!

Hearing Zhang Jiao's words, Liu Bei knew that aggressive tactics would be ineffective, so he couldn't help shaking his head secretly.Seeing Zou Jing who was extremely depressed from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but turn his mind, and said slowly: "Lieutenant Zou, can you borrow your general seal for next time?"

Zou Jing also knew that the only way to fight against Zhang Jiao was to rely on the "Three Heroes of Taoyuan". He also knew that Liu Bei's official seal would be useful, and he had always respected the Han Dynasty. Now he naturally had no reason to refuse, so he immediately handed over the official seal.

"Hahahaha! It's really whimsical! The Han Dynasty is exhausted, and how can you compete with the deity? The deity will give you a chance! Hahaha!" Zhang Jiao laughed and sarcastically.

But Liu Bei didn't pay any attention to it. He sacrificed the colonel's seal, raised his hands to the sky, and golden runes appeared in his eyes, and slowly read: "Bei, after Liu Sheng, King Jing of Zhongshan, great-great-grandson of His Excellency Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty! Yusi met the leader of the bandit of the Han Dynasty. , please bless God! Pray for heavenly words! Enlightenment!"

As soon as he said this, the golden runes in Liu Bei's eyes materialized, jumped out of his eye sockets, and suspended in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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