Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1001 Yuanyuan Blessed Land

Chapter 1001 Yuanyuan Blessed Land


Lu Bu has an extraordinary mind and quickly reacted.He raised his head and asked Tang Chen, looked around, but didn't see it!Tang Chen unexpectedly disappeared!
"Father! Where's Tang Chen?" Lu Meiting suddenly took a break, staggered, her face paled...

Tang Chen was dragged into the void by the Chaos Fish again at this moment, standing in the dark green bubble, staring at the Chaos Fish in a daze!
Chaos Fish still put on a condescending and extremely haughty look, raised its orchid finger and pointed at Tang Chen: "You are a bit of luck! If it weren't for this little girl from Qingmu who begged me, I would be with you in this session." The current leader will lose his chance! The book of war is here for you!"

Tang Chen felt the bubble that Aoki transformed into shake!A rock letter suddenly appeared in front of Tang Chen!Tang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the piece of rock... that is, the scales of Yuanyuan shell, so he took a closer look!stunned!blurted out!

"[36 counts]?"

Holding up the scaled stone slips, Tang Chen was puzzled: "Isn't this just the 36 tactics in the ordinary military book? It's in the textbooks we read outside of class in junior high school!"

"What? Ordinary tactics? Talking nonsense! Are you insulting me?" Chaos Fish was furious!
A sneer appeared at the corner of Tang Chen's mouth: "The first set of "36 Strategies", the winning strategy! The first strategy is to hide the sky and cross the sea, and the second strategy is to encircle Wei to rescue..."

"Enough!" Chaos Fish paused, and then softened his tone: "Enough, enough! Don't memorize it! It seems that the former master has a sense of mission, and even made this peerless book of war public to the world. !"

The Chaos Fish murmured: "[Pull out the heart with a knife], since you still resist, then I will give you a big chance!"

Tang Chen looked at the Chaos Fish outside the bubble, but didn't make a sound.

The Chaos Fish raised its hand!A ferocious dragon claw suddenly protruded from the shell of Yuanyuan under his feet!The Chaos Fish thought that the dragon claw could scare them, so Tang Chen took a sneak peek and found that Tang Chen was indifferent!Can't help but feel a little discouraged.

The dragon's claws were opened, and there were a few items inside. Tang Chen didn't recognize them, but he felt the aura was sharp, quite extraordinary!
"This seat gives you a strong back! Steel and iron bones! Coupled with your innate brute strength, and a god-level skin that is invulnerable to swords and tattoos! It is enough to make great achievements!"

Seeing Chaos Fish's premeditated and strategizing face, Tang Chen felt quite uncomfortable, and said in a choked voice, "Master Yuanyuan! Now the plane has entered the era of quasi-base! What is needed is the direction of technological development and a large number of unresolved theories Calculation method! If there is something like physics and chemistry..., no, you can make me a head of applesauce!"

"No! Absolutely not!" Chaos Fish's resolute expression reminded Tang Chen of the phrase 'I would rather die than surrender': "It's also a mainstream, why don't I believe it?"

"Well, that's too complicated! In the end, it's not bad. The stewed beef must have realized the Dao of heaven and earth! I will finally seek the great freedom and freedom..."

"Newton is dead long ago!" Tang Chen stared at the Chaos Fish with a half-smile.

"Dead?" Chaos Fish couldn't help being silent for a long time: "Yes, yes! You have lost eternity! Lifespan is limited after all! Time flies, and the true soul is gone! But this week It's bad luck!"

"Grandpa! If you are willing to open your [Yuanyuan Blessed Land] to Lord Tang Chen, how about I chat with you?" Ye Mengrou received the instruction from Kongtong Yin and issued instructions to Aoki.Aoki also saw what the Chaos Fish was thinking, so he simply opened his mouth!
"Little girl! That's a god-level civilization! It's necessary! Grandpa! Oh no! Big brother, I don't have that authority! Although I really want you to chat with me, but it's really not possible..., another request Bar!"

"Oh, forget it big brother, Tang Chen and I are going back! My lord, let's go!... Goodbye, big brother!" Aoki said he was leaving, but in fact, in order to fulfill Ye Mengrou's edict, he didn't really leave, just The green balloon bubbles, just shake a few times!

However, the Chaos Fish panicked!Yuan Yuan is really too lonely!Only when the streamer shows up, can he exchange a few simple words, and the rest of the time is spent in endless silence!This is also one of the reasons why he is willing to help [Ming Gu Gate]!It's more complicated than just owed a promise.

"Little sister! Call me brother again!"

Aoki deliberately condensed a graceful figure, and said angrily: "Big brother is so stingy! Little sister, I will never call you big brother again! Bad big brother!"

"Oh! Oh! Little sister! Little sister!" The chaotic murloc is old-hearted and never calls him 'Little Girl' anymore!Re-export brother and sister, the name is nasty and kind!

"Big brother, open [Yuan Yuan Blessed Land]!" Aoki strikes while the iron is hot, demanding a confession from Chaos Fish.

"Well..." Chaos Fish felt something was wrong!After all, [Yuan Yuan Blessed Land] is about its chance and luck!This is a big matter, and if there is a slight mistake, it will have incalculable consequences!

"...Little sister, change your request! How about it?"

"Hurry up and give the chaotic fish a strong medicine! So, so, so..." Ye Mengrou's consciousness instantly resounded in Aoki's soul.

Aoki's eyes lit up, and he said in his heart, this queen is also fighting hard!So in a delicate voice, she imitated a certain wife of Tang Chen vividly: "Oh my god! Big brother actually made such a request, and he wants to beat your chest with a small fist~~"

"Yo Yo Yo~~"

In an instant, the bones of the Chaos Fish were crisp!Unexpectedly, the phantom body was not maintained, and the white-faced scholar's face raised the nose of the big fish, blowing out two puffs of white air!
"Yo Yo Yo~~~~"

Chaos Fish showed a lowly look, "Okay, little sister, then you have to stay with me all the time! Big brother, there are many, many stories. It is good for your cultivation..."

"I got a stick in my hand, it's a little thorn. Brother, don't you feel bad? Help me find it~~" Aoki's ultimate powerful medicine was directly poured into the chaos fish's stomach! !

Tang Chen felt that the scene in front of him had changed, and he was already in an endless wild rocky land!On the earth, countless spiritual flowers and plants grow tenaciously in the crevices of the rocks!In order to compete for more spiritual energy, and even give out zi to each other!Nourish!Nourish!the sound of!
"Damn! What a steal!" Tang Chen couldn't help but sigh!This kind of law of the jungle, to the extreme atmosphere, such as in Glory Star!Even if there were 1 Glory Stars, they would have been blown up by the scourge long ago!
Boom!Boom!There are two loud bangs for Qi training!Tang Chen was shocked!Look back!Two exotic plants vying for spiritual energy, confronted to the extreme!There is a peony grass that exudes metallic luster!Taking advantage of the situation... and killing those two strange plants!

call out!call out!call out!
Countless spiritual flowers and plants that Tang Chen couldn't name, and some even carried strange fruits, as if they had been summoned, they ran desperately into the distance!
(End of this chapter)

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