Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1002 Mu Huan's Cave 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】

Chapter 1002 Mu Huan's Cave 【Shushan Martial God·Zijin Xingchen Works】


Tang Chen shook his head, unbelievable!These plant life are really no more docile than monsters, spirit beasts and the like!At the same time more deceitful!
In the process of running, some dark plant life, some hid behind the rock, stretched out a beard, and when other plant life passed by, they stumbled!Pounce on it is a predatory search!It wasn't until the plant was dying and almost withered that it just slipped away...

This is solo!These loners will occasionally encounter gangsters and eat gangsters!He snatched a round belly, but was overthrown by a group of plant life!Tortured into a lowly weed, only to be burned!Destroying corpses and eradicating traces is very vicious!The real cut weeds!
There are still immortals dancing!This made Tang Chen amazed!Some plants look like local tyrants!The body is covered with ripe fruits, full of air, swaggering through the market!
A few lone plants gave birth to evil thoughts!Follow quietly!Trying to hit Sap!Smash black bricks!
Just about to make a black hand!Several or more plant life forms appear out of thin air...

Tang Chen watched it very interestingly, and Aoki's spiritual thoughts came from his ears: "My lord! Don't delay! Go and find opportunities! There are many treasures here, don't be polite!..."

Whoosh!Tang Chen suddenly realized that time is precious!Immediately began to run and plunder! !
Whoosh!Along the way, as long as Tang Chen felt that the aura was extraordinary, a thought would envelope him!The city is coming!No matter how plant life is, there is no possibility of escape!

Tang Chen, fearing that these celestial herbs and medicines would lose their vitality, he simply collected the rock scales together!Those sacred beasts, holy beasts, magical beasts, spiritual beasts, and so on that were offered by Yuan Yuan's strange flowers, Tang Chen would not refuse anyone who came!Kill them all!Throw it into the city!
Those who can't be killed, don't waste time, directly open up a war beast garden in the city mansion!All imprisoned!
No way!This Yuanyuan Blessed Land is really too big!Tang Chen was exhausted!Or just run out of a corner!Tang Chen gritted his teeth!Found a shameless excuse!

"This is my great opportunity! Great luck! I must cherish it! I don't grasp this great opportunity! Great luck! God will punish me! Thunder strikes! Heaven laughs! God will call me a fool... "

Tang Chen shook his head helplessly!He looked up to the sky and sighed, "This is fate!"

Tang Chen had no choice but to pick up a elixir, stuffed it into his mouth, and creaked it!Turning around and picking off a bunch of holy fruits, the seven orifices glowed from chewing...

Qingmu and Chaos Fish stood tall in the sky, with fluttering robes, with a godlike demeanor and a peerless demeanor, watching Tang Chen make a vow with a smile on his face, and then plundered wildly...

"Big brother, do you feel distressed? Hehehe, you can't be so stingy!"

The corner of Chaos Fish's mouth twitched, occasionally clutching its chest angrily: "Your lord, why are you so shameless..."

"My lord is already very concerned about appearance! Our lord, so he is the leader of the star bandits!...Big brother, let me tell you, you have to keep it a secret!..."

Aoki mysteriously revealed it to Chaos Fish, and Chaos Fish immediately stretched out its thumbs: "Not bad! How can I be so professional... Hey! No!... How to travel in space in the quasi-base era..."

Aoki Aoki said, "The future is definitely, should, maybe, maybe..."

Aoki managed to justify himself!When she was in embarrassment, Tang Chen accidentally rescued her!

Chaos Fish shouted: "You are not allowed to go there!"

It's a pity it's too late!Tang Chen smelled a strong smell of stone chips from an extremely long distance!That is the fragrance of books!Nothing in the universe is truly eternal!Only the history engraved by Lingshi!

The birth of every plane!Evolution!decadent!ZTE!Fall!Last breath!fall!It's all a step in the history of civilization evolution!Mastered the plane law!Control the direction of people's hearts!That is the eternal theme!

In the world, the most complicated thing is the human heart!If you have such an idea at this moment, it may be the opposite behavior at the next moment!Interaction between people forms an interaction!Often it will cause everyone to have an extremely strong desire to crowd!
Although there are also those kinds, the whole world is turbid, but I am alone!But that is a little red among the greenery!A wonderful flower in the garden!Can't affect the process of the rivers and lakes!

The quasi-base era is also good!The era of the base is worth mentioning!Even if it is upgraded to a god-level civilization, people's hearts are also crucial!Whoever dominates the hearts of the majority will have the right to speak!With the right to speak, you have rights and status!With the influence created by power and status, you also control civilization!

Tang Chen believes that this is the ultimate [Guardian of God]!
Tang Chen smashed a large piece of Yuan Yuan scale rock under his feet, and got into 【Yuan Yuan Mu Huan】!
Seeing Tang Chen breaking into [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan], Chaos Fish was furious, but there was nothing he could do!He Chaos Fish does not have permission to enter [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan]!Although he is the controller of [Yuan Yuan Blessed Land]! [Yuan Yuan Blessed Land] It's still built on his back, that won't work!Everything has rules and regulations!
"Found a treasure!"

Tang Chen was stunned!Lingyu the size of a finger!Neatly arranged on the bookshelf!Tang Chen couldn't see the left and right sides of this bookshelf, nor could he see how high it was!

Tang Chen picked up a Lingshi slip in front of him, and suddenly realized an extremely serious problem!I have no consciousness!Not only does he have no spiritual consciousness, he doesn't even have spiritual consciousness!This is going to kill me!Tang Chen only has consciousness now!
Consciousness cannot be separated from the body, and it cannot even be seen inside!Inner vision also requires at least the level of spiritual consciousness!Tang Chen is really helpless now!

"What should I do?" Tang Chen rubbed his face anxiously!
If you practice now, it may be too late!Tang Chen didn't know that Chaos Fish couldn't enter this place [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan].Otherwise, with Tang Chen's personality, he must be immersed in cultivation!The practice method of the dream in the brain still has memory!It's just that there is no time, and it hasn't started!

Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!Whoosh whoosh!
Tang Chen ran back and forth a few times, and his mind gradually cleared up!Made the most daring decision of my life!move away!Move them all away!
young people!Always have courage!Is not it?For that, and for that!Tang Chen didn't even bother to make excuses anymore!
There was a gap between the eyebrows!The city spread throughout the [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan] space!
This is the city mansion of Tang Chen's city mansion avatar!Tang Chen can't absolutely own it, but there is no problem with simple manipulation!Tang Chen's city mansion soon spread out the ceiling, floor and walls in this [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan]!
call out!The city government emptied the entire inner space of [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan]!Chirp!Get back between Tang Chen's eyebrows!
The heaviest thing in the world is books!A lot of knowledge in books!Knowledge releases the invisible pressure of temperament!The more advanced the knowledge, the more oppressive it will be before you refine it!
(End of this chapter)

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