Shushan Wushen

Chapter 1003 Save the sisters

Chapter 1003 Save the sisters


Just like that, Tang Chen hugged Lu Meiting, and Lu Meiting lay in Tang Chen's arms, the last hug between lovers!
Tang Chen kept recalling the process of time travel training in his dream!At that time, his soul was different from ordinary people!It is a combination of souls from multiple planes!After the fusion of Tang Sect's [Soul Condensation Pill] again!Soon, he will step into the realm of divine consciousness from innate spiritual consciousness!It can be described as smooth sailing!
However, this is a pain for Tang Chen right now!He didn't consciously cultivate the skills of spiritual consciousness!That is a martial skill that increases the size of the soul body!He never learned!

Tang Chen greatly regretted it!Hate yourself for why you didn't come back through time travel, and save yourself a backhand! !
If you can't calculate it, you will suffer!It was too late to understand this sentence!too late!

Tang Chen decided to go to [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan] to try his luck again!But when the consciousness came to [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan] Tang Chen backed away!I'm afraid that Mu Huan will come again and again, and lose her eyesight for the first time, and this time she may become a vegetable!

Traveled through another world, but came back as a vegetable!That's too sad!

Tang Chen stared at the plaque of [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan], with endless emotion!Feeling a lot!Suddenly!Tang Chen's eyes lit up!Within the city mansion, I, Tang Chen, can see it!

Whoosh!Tang Chen sneaked into the city mansion without hesitation!
Lu Meiting who fell asleep!The lonely one was left in the bronze tomb by Tang Chen!Tang Chen thought that she would leave when she woke up!Not being able to see Tang Chen was definitely a relief for her!
Hugging is a kind of entrustment!lay down!Means to live up to!If you live up to the entrustment, you will lose the qualification to hug again!
Bronze tomb.Lu Meiting was lying alone on the ground, the dragon blood left by Tang Chen on the ground penetrated into Lu Meiting's back bit by bit through Lu Meiting's thin school uniform...

Tempering the body with dragon blood is an extremely long training process!It involves the transformation of the endless [dimension] alien universe!Lu Meiting's chest last night, today's internal organs, and back!It takes time!
In the blink of an eye, a year has passed!Lu Meiting finally woke up!After searching for a long time, there was no trace of the lover, but inadvertently passed through the stone wall and returned to the secret room!

On the tombstone, Lu Bu's body has been air-dried...

And Tang Chen at this moment!Already refining the third dragon!Tang Chen figured it out!Since you can't cultivate spiritual knowledge, then use martial arts to prove the way!Do a real bodybuilder!

Tang Chen chewed dragon meat and drank dragon blood raw!Roam inside the dragon body!Gradually hardening the body has a look!Tang Chen finally became an eighth-level warrior!
Fearing that his physical body would be unbalanced, Tang Chen bathed in dragon blood for a while, and then went to harm the elixir of the gods. Tang Chen tried to add some vitamins!

Afterwards, Tang Chen went to the War Beast Garden. The war beasts that Tang Chen imprisoned were relatively comprehensive, including ghost beasts, ghost beasts, spirit beasts, magic beasts, holy beasts, divine beasts, divine beasts... and almost all levels!Tang Chen challenged some war beasts according to his own combat power!Gradually figured out some footwork and martial arts!

In the blink of an eye, Tang Chen passed another year, and Tang Chen was finally promoted to a ninth-level warrior!
Without the guidance of inner vision, Tang Chen couldn't fully absorb the dragon's blood, so he could only take a bath and eat and drink, both internally and externally!Progress is extremely slow!
Tang Chen would occasionally wander outside [Yuan Yuan Mu Huan], but when he saw Mu Huan in the blue palace dress showing her head, he would run away!Lest I become a vegetable!
Another year has passed!Tang Chen has been practicing in closed doors in the city for three years. With the accumulation of dragon blood and elixir, he finally became a warrior!
Only then did Tang Chen leave the city mansion and return to the bronze tomb!


Tang Chen felt a little sad.I reached out to touch it, but I couldn't find the piece of paper left by Lu Meiting to leave a message!There was a heart-wrenching soreness in my heart.

"Sure enough, no one is willing to accompany a blind man for a lifetime!"

Tang Chen's heart was cut like a knife, but he was extremely relieved!

If Lu Meiting's love is pity, it will make Tang Chen humble all his life!
If Lu Meiting's love is true!Tang Chen is doomed to be guilty all his life!
If you can't give Lu Meiting a complete lover, then don't have incomplete love!
Simply do not love it!
let go!It was the best choice Tang Chen could make!

Tang Chen accidentally touched the mechanism, plop!Fell out of the bronze tomb!

Tang Chen looked back.Suddenly realized!Only then did I realize that the oil lamp was gone! !Where did I go blind?
Counting the time, it has been three years, and Lu Meiting probably thought that she left her and left first!

Tang Chen slapped his head: "It's broken! The beautiful girl is going to be angry!"

Tang Chen left immediately!pedal!pedal!pedal!up the steps.

bass!bass!bass!Go through the dark passage!

Squeak!Tang Chen pushed open the hidden door of the secret room.

Immediately froze!
It's all over the place!There are several human skeletons on the ground, and Lu Bu's office is dilapidated!
A brownish-yellow ant monster with a bright red crown on its head..., the ocher yellow ant king!

The ocher yellow ant king is extremely tall and huge!At least that's the case with ants!

On the desk in front of the Yellow Ant King, lay a pair of twin sisters!Sitting on Lu Bu's former chair, standing upright is even a head taller than Tang Chen!
The ocher yellow ant king wears a white napkin around his neck and is waving a table knife!

Tang Chen was so angry that he couldn't help cursing: "It's so enjoyable! Beast!!"

The ocher yellow ant king was grabbing a snow-white table knife, and he was actually eating!Stabbed into the girl's arm!
"Hmm..." The girl's body was sprinkled with crystal clear snow-white sugar! !His mouth was blocked, he was in pain, he shook his head desperately, his eyes were full of tears...

Tang Chen attacked from the side, he swung his fist and smashed it!
After all, the Yellow Ocher Ant King is a Xuan-level seventh-rank monster, and has awakened consciousness!

Stay calm!

The knife was pulled out from the girl's arm——

Facing Tang Chen's fist is a knife!

Tang Chen's punch opened the monument and cracked the stone, and his full strength was enough to shatter the void!

at once!

The handle of the table knife crashed into the claws of the yellow ocher ant king!

Tang Chen was obviously exhausted with this punch, but he lifted it up crazily!
The ocher yellow ant king was caught off guard!Immediately got headshot by Tang Chen!


The bright red crown finally fell to the ground as if it had come to fruition!

Tang Chen grabbed it casually, and was about to stuff it into his trouser pocket.

A tender white hand shook its fingers and stretched out: "I'll keep it for you!"

Tang Chen remembered that the workmanship of the school robes was not that good, and there was a hole in the pocket of his trousers, so he just stuffed it for her!

Tang Chen unscrewed the restraint on the table, rushed down to the third floor with the sister flowers in each hand!
The yellow ocher ant prince on the second floor, at the same time as the ocher yellow ant king died, had a bright red sarcoma on his head... Before he could evolve into a crown, Tang Chen had already arrived!
The ocher yellow ant prince has not yet become a real ant king, and with endless regrets, his head exploded with a "Boom!"!

In the lobby on the first floor.

The cumbersome and repetitive decorative furniture with chaotic styles happens to be the most favorite architectural pattern of ocher yellow ants!

(End of this chapter)

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